A dead effort

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Bakugo: "HEY YOU FUCKERS LET ME OUT...I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT IT MEANS TO FUCK WITH SOMEONE LIKE ME!!!" trying to get out of his bindings...he was at this non-stop...growling...and filled with anger...
bakugo: "YOU MOTHER FUCKERS WILL DIE ONCE I'M OUT OF THIS FUCKING  huh?" from once being filled with hate and anger...now nervous..for he wasn't expecting the Bogeyman to enter the room...outfit covering every inch of his skin...but something is off about his get up..there are openings at the end of his glove..like something can be pump through it...now he stands beside him...with his hammer ready his wheezing is the only sound heard throughout the room 
Bakugo now regaining his composure...growls at the fucking so called 'nightmare' of heroes...the so called living monster 
Bakugo: "Hey...child killer..YOU better get me out of this chains..if you know what's good for you" and he remains silent 
Bakugo spits at him: "OI FUCKER!!" bad choice...as right away...the bogeyman grabs two screwdrivers that are on a metal table...
Bakugo: "the fuck you going to do?!" now he walks closer to him 
Bakugo: "no...YOU FUCK!..YOU BETTER NOT!..wait...wait!..WAIT!!" then he jams it down into his thighs..as he screams in pain...then the door opens again 
Shigaraki: "oh man that's fucked man...come on" and he pulls up a chair beside him 
Bakugo: "you..Your that fucking dekus bitch friend..." 
Shigaraki: "glad to know i'm remembered...listen i'm trying to celebrate right now with the guys...and gals...so i'm just gonna make it quick here...you want to join the league or not..because either way your gonna have no chance of escaping here" 
Bakugo: "You really think that because you have your pussy monster here to try and scare me..your wrong..i'm gonna be this worlds next number one hero..you better get that fucking straight..i will endure the shit you do to me I WILL MMPH!!" as Izuku now shoves a rag in his mouth...now he walks over to flip a switch...Bakugo screams are muffled as he was electrocuted...from the screwdrivers that are stabbed into him...now turning it off...he breaths heavily...now the rag was taken out of his mouth 
Shigaraki: "now i'm gonna ask again...join the league...and i'll have someone look at your legs...and you will get off this contraption...because my associate here does not like you a single bit..and would rather have you as a torso and head...while he tortures you...come on..it's literally a free ticket to getting away from the pain"...now Bakugo looks back at him...and he spits in his face 
Bakugo: "Fuck off" his voice trailing off Shigaraki takes the rag and wipes the spit off him...before he shoves it back into his mouth...now Izuku walks over to switch it on..Bakugo frantically tries to tell him no...but it was muffled...and he flips it...screaming once more from the pain...this time he had it on longer than before..and he turns it off 
Shigaraki leaves it in his mouth and he stands up  
Shigaraki: "we can do this all day...we have plenty of power..and tools he can harm you with...you really want to put so much effort into something that will lead to nothing but your slow and painful death?...i have the key here...you can just up and walk out of here and join us for the party...just...say...yes...or nod" and Bakugo looks back up...and tried to yell out something to him...probably some swear words and a insult 
Shigaraki: "it's not working" now Izuku takes the screwdrivers out...and he lets some thermite fall on the open wound...he grunts in pain...from the burn...and now he walks behind him 
Shigaraki: "your forcing his hand Bakugo...he's already getting another tool to use...and he won't stop until you say yes...drop the fake hero act and just say it..it's just one fucking word!" smacking him...taking the rag out 
Bakugo; "I already...said it...you dumbass...i will..never...join a group...of losers...like you" 
Shigaraki: "do it" now he felt the chair being pulled as he breaths quickly now...for Izuku undoes one of the cuffs..leaving the other part on..he tried to fight..but his strength was no match for him...and now he was cuffed to the table now...and he tried to move...but then...his hand was brought forward...and now he was scared for the first time in forever 
Shigaraki: "god..you really...really are one stubborn motherfucker...you blond small dick piece of shit..it's just one word..ONE WORD!!" because he too is getting tired of it 
Bakugo: "and i said..to fuck off" now Shigarakis patience ran out 
Shigaraki: "fine..you want to just be tortured...then be that way...YOU FUCK!!" stomping out of the room...as the bogey man now grabs one of his fingers...and twisted it the opposite direction...for his screams could not be heard...no matter how loud he is...well except for his little buddy near the door 
Ochako shivers from hearing the screams coming from the room..she fully knows how cruel Izuku can be...even if it's someone who wronged him from his childhood..doesn't mean it makes it easy to hear the screaming 
Shigaraki: "fucker would rather be tortured than be part of it" 
Ochako: "I would rather be it that way...i'm not dealing with someone like that" 
Shigaraki: "either way..during that whole ordeal i now know what to do with our pink alien" 
Ochako: "ooh...tell me?" 
Shigaraki: "it goes like this" now explaining the plan...she smirks evilly...yes that's a thing 
Ochako: "I bet that will get them confused...good idea" 
Shigaraki: "why thank you...now..lets go inform her" walking to her room

Izumi: "alright...lets go" as they drop out of the windows...leading out into the city...the small group make their way towards the beacons location..which is going to be a while...and they can't get caught...for it will be the end of their careers...and social lives since they will be arrested...
lida: "may i suggest we get a disguise?" 
Momo: "good thinking..i'll buy us some outfits and we can make our way towards the hideout...and to avoid suspicion"   
Izumi: "right" 
Momo: "your buying your own" 
Izumi: "I know" 
Jirou: "lets hurry up" and they head off into the nearby clothing store...as they enter...looking and browsing through the items they would think..is doable...Izumi manages to pick out an outfit...wearing a suit...similar to Izukus work outfit...but she has her hair tied back with shades on...then she looks at lida who kinda had the same idea...except he has this weird fake mustache on him...like a french dude 
lida: "oh..i see you had the same idea" 
Izumi: "r-r-right" sitting together in silence...awkward is the proper way to put it...waiting for the others to get their getup ready...
lida: "so...are you nervous?" 
Izumi: "hmm?...oh...yeah" as she was gloom and doom 
lida: "i hope we make it out" 
Izumi: "I hope so" 
lida: "do you...regret it?" knowing what he's implying...
Izumi: "everyday...i just went along with a horrible plan...and there's not a single moment that i want to take it all back" 
lida: "i see...even if you do try to make amends...a lot of the others...won't be as forgiving" 
Izumi: "my brother forgiving me...sounds like a myth...he will never forgive me" 
lida: "and do you blame him?" 
Izumi: "no" 
lida: "then all you can do right now...is move on..he seems to have done it...you should as well...yes you have done a horrible thing...yes you did lie to all of us" 
Izumi: "what are you implying?" 
lida: "look Izumi...even then...you have a powerful quirk...you showed me..that you intend on becoming a hero...for the right reasons...even then...it's not up to me to make the choice...but...i'm just saying that you need to make sure you put everything you have into what is right...no matter what...otherwise...you will remain evil..." 
Izumi: "I see....thank you...l...Tenya" 
lida: "Just call me lida...it's weird when you say that" 
Izumi: "alright...thank you...lida" 
Jirou: "alright..lets go...i hope we can get to them on time" 
Momo over here...looks like we're heading...to Kamino ward...

Shigaraki: "hey" 
Izuku: "what" exiting the room after his 'fun' with Bakugo 
Shigaraki: "I ordered pizza...then guess what fucking happened" 
Izuku: "they tracked your signal" 
Shigaraki: "you got it..so we have two fuck-ups...one from me...and from twice...but on the bright side...here" handing him a small device 
Izuku: "the tracker?" 
Shigaraki: "yes...and you know how these buildings have a direct link to the sewage system...right...here" marking on the wall with chalk 
Izuku: "that's where the heroes may pop up" 
Shigaraki: "yes...and if you time it right...i want you to defend the hideout...until Kurogiri can get all of us out...i ask you...because i know how long you can fend them off..made some calculations and you so far have the longest stall time out of everyone" 
Izuku: "have you made the assumption All Might may be here?" 
Shigaraki: "ta...that i didn't account for" 
Sensei: "don't worry Izuku...you do not have to worry for him...i will be the one to handle him" 
Izuku: "I don't doubt your ability to kill any of us at the flick of a whim Sensei...but your conditions...and also..you have yet to tell me of our promise" 
Sensei: "do not worry...i will explain it when the time is right...but right now it is far from it...and i never back out of my word" 
Shigaraki: "Sensei...i need some guidance...how...how will i make sure we can be certain...that we may find a new hideout" 
Sensei: "on the far east of town...lies another abandoned building...in it will be a parting gift from me...use it to your hearts expenses...Tomura you know what i'm talking about here" 
Shigaraki: "fuck...right...thank you Sensei...for...everything you have done for us" 
Izuku: "without you...i wouldn't have been able to do what i can today" 
Shigaraki: "and your guidance has helped teach me...the importance of teamwork...and i know what to do now" 
Sensei: "In such a short time span..you two have grown so much...i cannot be any more proud of you both." now in the distance...they hear a knock  
Izuku: "shit" and they both run towards the bar area...but Izuku...then hears a commotion going on at the other end of the wall...he hears...HER...voice...
Izuku growls: "Always remember i am FEAR, Always Remember I am HUNTER!!" and now...he charges through the wall 
Shigaraki: "SPINNER GET AWAY!" but he didn't make it on time...for the wall burst open behind him and he went flying...all of the members stand face to face...against...the heroes

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