Breakthrough...and lies

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seems the entire city has their attention on Izumi and they prepare to fight...something seemed off...for lida it may seem like a regular day...refining and reinforcing the school rules on everyone...but this time..he felt a shiver in his something bad is going to happen...he can't put his finger on it...he may find out's probably nothing...right?...but bright now he's focused on the fight in front of him...Izumi and Shoto have proven to be much more powerful than he originally thought...of course his quick battle against Shoka was honestly humiliating...but..he's expected something like that to happen to him
back and forth Izumi would punch through his ice and he would ignore the other half of his quirk...which pissed her off...saying how doing that is cowardly and even saying it won't bring back his 'brother?'...he knows Shoto has his sister...and through Shoka has two other siblings...she never mentioned another...possibly one that ran away...or..fallen to a villain attack he doesn't know...he looks to the otherside of the stadium to see the big three from before...with a extra person they never saw before...but Nejire...she looks completely annoyed by something...looking closely he sees she's looking at Izumi...did something happen between them?...did her brother do something?...he doesn't like to admit it openly..but he doesn't feel like Izuku Midoriya is giving the best example of how an older sibling should act.
Izumi: "GAH!!!" seeing Izumi being launched away from the ice breaking...
Mina: "now this is intense" 
Sero: "you said it" 
Jirou: "you think he could beat bakugo?" 
Kaminari: "i'm betting on Izumi...she has an awesome quirk!" 
Jirou: "you mean not because of her ass right?" 
Kaminari: "uh..not gonna confirm nor deny it BAH!!" being jabbed 
Mineta: "i confirm it" then he was jabbed 
Satou: "man they both are strong on their own" 
Katsumi: "doesn't mean it's enough" 
Shoka: "Shoto is not giving it his all..since...well he's always had trouble with using his flames...i rather not go into details but he's been hard on himself since" 
Mina: "oof" now she got jabbed 
looking back into the fight Izumi was frozen twice...while she nearly pushed him out of bounds...almost...and she sees he's already getting frostbite...he's not his sister where she could just use it for a prolong period of time...both of them have to be equally used in her opinion...and she knows what happened with his mother wasn't his fault...or hers in the was something they didn't have any control over at all 
Izumi: "Come on Shoto...just using your ice side is cowardly enough" 
Shoto: "how is it pathetic" 
Izumi: "you know the damn reason!" and she uses her quirk to fling ice debris at him...but it misses as he dodges them 
Shoto: "what do you know about didn't experience it!" 
Izumi: "I know enough to tell you that it was never your fault in the first..and i'm sure if i ask Fuyumi and Natsuo they would agree!" 
Shoto: "you don't know what your talking about..i will NEVER Be anything like him!" 
Izumi: "oh..and how did that work out for Touya!" 
Shoto: "say his name again
Izumi: "you say your going to be the best of the have the same drive as us...but only using just half of your potential just shows how much you didn't change at all" 
Shoto: "funny coming from and you know why Izuku is away...not wanting to anything with us at all!" 
Izumi: "grr" 
Shoto: " don't say things that make you think your better than the rest of us" 
Izumi: "all of us were at fault for it...including Bakugos family...your family!...mine...the whole goddamn world!...i know what i did...i know i could've stopped it anytime..but i choose to let it linger for years on think i don't feel guilty!?...that if i just told him at least once i loved him...and i believe he could be a hero!...i have to make things right...i will become a hero for his sake...and i will make sure he can become one as well!" 
Shoto: "better watch what you say" tiltiing his head towards the crowd...they could barely hear what they are saying..but again...she doesn't care right now...
Nejire just scoffs and was looking more irritated than ever now...
Nejire: "i'm gonna get a breather" and she smiles and walks off 
Mirio: "leave it" gesturing Yuyu to just stay
Tamaki: "Izumis brother..which is kinda can figure it out right away...aren't in the best terms right now..Nejire knows the reason..which is why she doesn't like her...any of them in fact" 
Yuyu: "Nejire disliking people..never thought someone would be able to have that effect on her" 
Mirio: "yeah i always thought it was just Midoriya kinda rubbing off on her..picking up some she sometimes hums some tune we've never heard off" 
Yuyu: "well she seems to be happy with him..but i do warn sometimes off being in a relationship while being a pro know what Aizawa taught us when we used to be in his class right?" 
Mirio: "yeah...and that's what scares me...especially with that monster roaming about freely right now" 
Tamaki: "he only seems to be targeting people from Kashyykk high, but also new appointed pro heroes...i'm sure when we become heroes he will be hunting us" 
Izumi: "IT'S YOUR QUIRK NOT HIS IF YOU CANNOT ACCEPT IT THEN YOU WILL BE LIKE HIM NO MATTER WHAT!!" hearing that echoing thorughout the stadium caught their attention again...even some pros also where quite shocked hearing this...and it was towards Endeavors son...questioning what he seems to be doing to the poor boy

Izumi: "don't you understand what kind of danger your putting yourself in...if you just use half your power...your pride will be your downfall what your mother is the root of all shame you will cast aside...only because you are too damn stubborn to admit it...nothing will ever bring back Touya...he left of his own accord...but it doesn't mean you should as have people who care for you and love you...fuck your dad...fuck whatever he says to you on a daily basis...don't let it be the reason to be shameful of your's always has been..until the day you will always stay with you" giving him some thought now..she him time to think it over it...across the country countless viewers see the sudden stop in their match...anticipating the next move...but of course it was different in some certain places 

Fuyumi: "Shoto" seeing him this distraught...he's never been like this since...their mother did the unthinkable
Natsuo: "come on Izumi..break through him...tell him that he nothing like him...he needs it" 
and in another household 
Mitsuki: "my god" 
Inko: "she really brought that up" 
Yagi though was proud and also quite nervous: 'i'm happy you care so much for your friends Izumi...anyone would be lucky to be your friend
Masaru: "welp...he better listen...kid always keeps to himself" and of course who could forget the one important in the mental the comfort rooms..a woman was watching the TV...and she...was Rei Todoroki..
Rei: "shoto...please...listen to her" having a hand on the watching him train with her oldest son...from the window...but she couldn't reach out to him...tell him how sorry she was for doing that to him...taking away an innocence he used to have...with one rotation of her give him that mark...

Shigaraki: "how fucking cheesy is this shit" 
Ochako: "kinda funny thinking about it...and dumb how she's like this with her 'friends' but when i was left for dead..i would rather die than being saved by her" 
Toga: "little to no blood...frozen blood is like licking an iron rod...nasty" 
Kurogiri: "you have a preference?" 
Toga: "Only when it's nice and warm...straight out of being pumped from the heart..ooh that holds the sweetest of it...also near the kidney as well" normally this would irritate didn't have create a was more invested in the fight itself...and internally..he was fucking angry 
Dabi: 'and who took the blame when you little shits wouldn't stand up for your mistakes...leading me into this and mom deserved better...from those fucking ripoff products of that thing you live with' 
Izuku from another he was cleaning his hammer and fixing it up...smashes the ground cracking it..hearing this shit coming from her mouth alone...
Izuku: "of course they help one another...only within that friend group...pride...pride?!...root of all shame...your mother didn't say that shit to you..she said to me and your fucking older siblings...Nejire i can tell you see it as well"  seeing her leave before hand...and had no interest in the fight whatsoever...he turns it off...
Stain: " want me to bring her" 
Izuku: "let her have a taste of murder...she's the only one in our whole group..who hasn't grasped the concept of taking a life yet...this should prove to be a nice task" 
Stain: "and if she doesn't?" 
Izuku: "patience is key to everything...if she doesn't do it...there will be other opportunities for her to have a go" 
Stain: "fine" 
Izuku: "could you get her" 
Stain nods...and he leaves the room for a moment 
Izuku: "i'm sure this will add some tension to the already strained string on your control over society...All Might" looking at the picture on the the photo of the pro hero...Ingenium" 

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