USJ: faith lost

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seeing the beast now charging ahead towards All Might does the same as they both reach near to each other...they had collided fists...causing a huge shockwave to even shake the ground beneath they fought valiantly with punch so fast it could barely be seen...
Shigaraki: "come on Nomu..the fucking doc better make this work!!" 
Izuku still holding on to Momo he lets go...and he glances to the they are distracted with AM and the battle he of course the fucking heroes are also invested...while some are dragging the other villains away...he chuckles...he kneels down to her ear level 
Izuku: "you know...after all of this shit that's been happening..your the only hostage that's behaved so much i might be willing to let you tell me why you want to become a hero" Kurogiri noticed and he was keeping an ear out for him 
Momo: "e-even...a-after all...y-yyou've...done?" groaning out 
Izuku: "i may be a sadistic killer..but even i have morals against to those who didn't wronged me yet...and i am giving you a chance...alright?" with that last word...likely setting up a false sense of comfort but she couldn't help but doesn't know anymore...that punch to the face might've unscrewed some shit in her head 
Momo: "the reason..i want to join..was because...i wanted to see the world...i...i always was kept isolated in my home...yes i may be served anything i wanted..and my always felt unfair to have all that..and while those who have nothing...i..i just wanted to give to those who never could experience that in life...i want to save people...and give them hope" 
Izuku: "hmm" and he stops for a moment...and it felt like an eternity...if it werent' for the occasional scream and grunt...along with a little explosion...
Izuku: "and are you sure about that?" and she nods 
Momo: "yes" seeing the tears going over her open wounds..hurts a lot..but she couldn't make a sound...sure that it make him want to kill her..
Izuku: "so fragile...such a dream that could sound amuse me" before throwing her towards them 
Izumi: "Momo!" running to her 
Shigaraki: "you moron you just let her go!" 
Izuku: "she has no worth...yet...i will pry it out of time it will be proven useful to us" 
Kurogiri: "hmm..quite the unique you have here" 
Izuku then just stares at them as they carry her off...and she takes one more look at him..before shivering at him once more...after what seemed like a long time 

AM: "HAH!!" punching the beast as it doesn't budge now...and it grabs his hand to throw him he dodges it he then headbutts it and pushes it back
AM: "A FORMIDABLE FOE!!" yelling out and then attacks it the NOMU honestly sounds like it has three people screaming...and it felt unnerving to him...he then uppercuts it and it goes up as he keeps barraging it with his attacks...grabbing it to then slam the thing into the ground...and in retaliation the NOMU stands up to then lunge at him and he grabs his foot to throw him and then dropkick he keeps on going the NOMU somehow managed to find an opening and then strike him down in Florida state 
Izumi: "ouch" 
Kirishima: "why" 
as AM groans a little...he then barely dodges a fist to the he then now charges up more power
AM: "DETROIT SMASH!!" and knocks it back 
Shigaraki: "HAHAHAHAHAHA how should know that it has been enhanced with SHOCK ABSORBTION HAHAHAH" and then Izuku and Kurogiri at the same time...just facepalms 
Shigaraki: "what?" and he now hears AM laughing 
AM: "YES SHOCK ABSORBTION...NOT NULLIFICATION!!" and he then charges the NOMU and now he jumps very high through the ceiling trying to bite his head the NOMU tried to break free of his grip now he charges his punch up to 80 percent 
AM: "MONTANA SMASH!!!" with all his might...punching the abdomen...separating it as the NOMU screeches and both halves of it fly away in different areas as he keeps smiling now...he lands back into the USJ...seeing the clouds separated creating a perfect the wind and shock wave catches up with him
AM: "HAH!!" as the students are in awe of the amount of strength he has 
Izumi: "that's why he's number one"
Izuku: "i'm still quite a ways from beating you All Might" 
Izuku: "You know something funny...i used to think you were the greatest person alive...but that went away from the had broken that boys dreams a while back" talking about Izuku again 
AM: 'what?' 
Izuku: "and believe me...he wishes you were dead....hehehehehe....heard him say it" he wants to start some drama..might as well 
Izumi: "w-w-what?" scared...her brother wants him dead 
Izuku: "but alas...we were quite unprepared and underestimate your for now..we're going to partake our leave...until next time might" then he pushes Shigaraki with his free hand avoiding a bullet 
Snipe: "Stay where you are!!" 
Izuku: "pathetic" and they all they now leave the area...
AM now starts to he took his leave right away 
Izumi: "what..what did he mean?!" 
Katsumi: "i...i don't know" 
Bakugo: "that deku wants him dead" 
Shoka: "but...why" 
Shoto; "Because of what he did to him" 
Izumi: 'i need to talk to him' 

as the portal forms up all three members come out fine 
Shigaraki: "FUCK!!!" throwing one of the mug glasses and seeing it break 
Kurogiri: "I would rather prefer if you don't destroy the property here Young Tomura" 
Shigaraki: "SHUT UP!!!" and he stomps away 
Kurogiri: "give him  time...Sensei will handle it" 
Izuku nods now taking off his mask...he takes his glove off and noticed the obvious cut on his hand taking out a small knife he digs into it and finds a small tracker 
Izuku: "that fucking rich bitch" crushing it easily now 
Kurogiri: "i believe you being injured will raise suspicions" 
Izuku: "and i have a plan for that...get Shigaraki..he needs some venting" pulling out a crowbar from the counter he heads into the torture room they have...with a shot glass and some vodka...
Sensei: "he much more committed than i have previously expected" 
Kurogiri: "he is going to such lengths to keep everything under the shadows 
Izuku: "Tomura..i know a way how to vent your fucking rage" and he opens the door giving the crowbar to him 
Shigaraki: "the fuck you want" 
Izuku: "i've been injured...i cannot go out like will raise suspicion...Ochako!" and she comes running out 
Ochako: "yes!" 
Izuku: "come with me" she looks at his arm 
Ochako: "*gasp* what happened?!" 
Shigaraki: "he's going to do some fuck shit" and they head down another level...where a chair is...Izuku pushes it aside 
Izuku: "hit me" 
Shigaraki: "...what?!" 
Ochako: "what are you saying?!" 
Izuku: "I need you to make it look like i got jumped" 
Shigaraki: "for fucking what?!" 
Izuku: "otherwise walking out there with this is...what do you mean what i just fucking explained it to you!" 
Ochako: "but..we...does Sensei have a healing quirk!?" 
Izuku: "No time...i have work in about 20 minutes and if i arrive there looking like i got mugged then i can play it off so i need this to work! shut up and HIT ME!!!" now Shigaraki gets enraged and throws the crowbar down 
Shigaraki: "Just because the mission was a fuck up doesn't mean i'm going to fucking take it out on you!" 
Izuku got mad now...and of course it's a rare sight to see...since he always has a mask on...breathing fast....he now heads over to the wall...breaths a couple...and then reels his head back and slams his face right into the stone wall...and it wasn't just a smooth wall..this wall was like jagged..and had some this ended with him breaking his nose....seeing the blood coming out and he groans 
Izuku: "mother fucker!" and he now punches it trying to make it seem like he tried to fight 
Shigaraki: "STOP!!!" trying to hold him back as Ochako now uses her quirk on him 
Izuku: "enough Ochako...let me down" 
Ochako: " i can't...don't do this to yourself!" 
Izuku: "i need to...otherwise what is the point of this group if we cannot follow the plan correctly!?"  now releasing him he points his hand...and he now twists his wrist breaking it now...
Shigaraki now finally caves in  and he starts beating him with the crowbar...each hit in Ochako couldn't do nothing...but watch 
Ochako: 'they are insane!' 
then Shigaraki picks him up and punches him in the face now...even hitting him with the chair....and he was done 
Izuku: "fuck...*cough*" seeing the blood coming out his mouth and nose...the wounds on him as he looked like he was just mugged...
Izuku: " a portal...outside my work...then a portal appears...he stumbles trying to get up...and then 
Shigaraki: "you fucking crazy bastard" 
Izuku: "you as well" and he turns to Ochako who looks away 
Izuku: "hey" and she slowly turns 
Izuku: "i'm had to be done...i'm sorry for dragging you into this...i'll be fine...i've...i've had worse" and she just sees him smile now...despite what he just did to himself...seems to just shrug it off like nothing
Izuku: "be up tomorrow...i'm going to teach you some things" 
Ochako nods as he now walks through the portal...he now appears in an he fell over now...and he forgot how much it hurts breaking the wrist...he now stumbles into the restaurant and he sees his boss there...
Izuku: "b-boss" and now he fell over...and he he sees them rush over to him...while his other co worker calls the police and heroes 

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