Bonus Alternate ending: 'A Peaceful time'

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as in the distance Nejire can see both Izuku and Izumi fighting...she never realized it...but back at the main area...he wasn't going full throttle on them..he was holding if he never wanted to hurt them in the first place...all the more reason...for her to bring eri
Eri: "Papa" he muttered out as they know what the situation is right now...and now horrified to see Izuku about to stab Izumi...but she sees as he was about to stab her...Izumi used her quirk and it ends up in her arm....which he grown much more angry...
Mirio: "Give us Eri...we'll have you take the lead in this" and Nejire nods 
Nejire: "eri...please stay here real quick...i will call for you...I just...need to talk to papa okay?" and she ready to go up 

Izuku: "Burn in hell...Izumi" as he was going to breath fire on her 
Nejire: "IZUKU!!!" and he stops...Izumi also looks as well...when he then stomps on her and he takes the hammer out...and walks towards Nejire 
Izuku: "Fuck off" seeing him avoiding eye contact with her again...She keeps going towards him 
Nejire: "Please...stop this" 
Izuku: "hah...why should i listen to you!?...when you have been working this whore, because in my betrayed me...just like the rest of them!" seeing Izumi looking around trying to move but then Izuku holds his hand over her
Izuku: "All  that i wish for right her suffering..." firing out a chain and it goes through her abdomen and then through her she screams in pain from them 
Nejire then looks behind her and Mirio and Tamaki let her come up 
Yuyu: "please help him girl" and she slowly walks towards them...Izuku was so dead focused on Nejire he didn't realized it 
Eri: "Papa?" as his angered expression changed to that of shock...he looks to see Eri come out from behind Nejire...and she was scared...crying even...
Izuku: "E...Eri...why are ..." he couldn't even finish his sentence
Eri: "Papa...can....can you come home?...I...I miss you" seeing her look up at she takes a step forward he takes one back
Izuku slowly shaking his head...had a pained expression he puts a hand on his head...having a crisis right now...of all places to find had to be here 
Izuku: "I...Eri..I can't...y....your too young to understand...I can never come back from this" Eri then gets closer to him 
Eri: "I don't care what they say about you...Your my papa to me...You said you would love me and protect me" 
Izuku: "I" 
Eri: "and...and you love mama?" 
Izuku: "Mama?" and Eri looks behind her and sees Nejire having a grip on her lance in case things could go south...
Eri: "she's mama...and...your papa...we're...we're a family" and hearing those words come out...Nejire couldn't help but have a tear come down her cheek...but...her expression softens...when she sees...
*drip...drip*...Izuku...crying...disgusted with himself...but...he...he has work to be done...and he cannot let anything interfere
Eri: "Please papa!" as she suddenly runs up to him 
Nejire: "Eri wait!" and Izuku then raises his hammer up high...thinking the worse has happened Mirio and the others now jump out from cover and they were ready to rush in to save Eri...but...that didn't happen...instead...they heard a huge thump...and Eri slowly opens her eyes to see...his hammer dropped from loosening his sees she has a chance now...having the idea come up in her head Nejire then comes up and puts her lance down...and holds on to Eris hand...and she holds hers out for him 
Nejire: "Come on Izuku...please...take my hand" now seeing this...his yellow eyes that would normally burn with hatred...had turned slightly green...
Izuku: "*sob* Nej...Eri" as he slowly walks towards them...suddenly...
*BANG!* he stops to turn around...and sees both Tamaki and Mirio...stopping the hammer...that was aimed directly at his heart 
Izuku: "You guys" 
Mirio: "like we said" 
Tamaki: "your never alone" 
Yuyu then came up to he was so confused in this moment
Izuku: "I thought...I thought you all hated me...that everything...was...." 
Yuyu: "that you literally thought everything we had gone through together was out of pity? was never like that...we had always been and will still be...your friends...Nej...will always love you...even then..she had hopes...that you can be saved...even if we had...we doubted her...she never gave up on you...and Eri as well..." as she grabs his hand...she guides it slowly...and now...he felt Nejires hand grab his...
Nejire: "Zuzu" as she now couldn't hold it back anymore...Izuku then coughed the blood came out...
Eri: "papa!" as Izuku kneeled down...losing strength in his legs...he felt the tight warm embrace...of Nejire wrapping her arms around him...Eris small arms around his right arm...keeping him his breathing stuttered...he broke down from this...and wailed in sorrow from all the things he's brought upon them...
Izumi: "n-n-no" but then...Mirio looks back at Izumi and he puts a cloth over her she can't use her quirk...
Tamaki: "You...are done" and they leave her there to go comfort the Yuyu notifies the others of the situation...a streetlight turned on...and it shined down on Izukus scales...he had been saved...from the ones he hold dear

timeskip: 'one week later' 

Eri: " long until it stops?" seeing that they're in an elevator 
Nejire: "it'll be soon come on...lets go say hi to daddy okay?" and she smiles the elevators open...they of course are greeted with the warden...of the recently reformed Tartarus prison...
"He's been eager to see you two...since he's been cooperative and compliant with the testings and even the treatments we've given him...along with providing crucial info about the whereabouts of any potential LOV members...I've extended your visit to at least five hours" and Nejire showed excited along with Eri
"Just be mindful that he can have some...problems now that the quirks in his body are slowly may enter" as he turns a key...the bulkhead door opens...and the door that would normally lead into a cell like AFO has been modified...and it looks similar to a decent home...and Izuku...was laying down...tired from the recent treatments he's been getting 
Nejire: "hey hey" and he looks up to see the two and he smiles 
Eri: "Papa!" as she runs up him he chuckles and picks her up and holds her close 
Izuku: "and how have you been my snowball?" as he carries her around 
Eri: "look!..i lost a tooth!..." opening her mouth and pointing to where it's missing 
Izuku: " know if you put it under your pillow before you go to sleep the toothfairy will come and leave you something" 
Eri: "Really!?...oh oh can we try it now!?" 
Izuku: "hehe well it has to be in your bed..." 
Nejire: "Hey...what about me?" and she smirks as Izuku smiles and he goes up to her...and kisses they sit on his bed...they sat there for a while as Eri was just excited and wanted to play some games with him...
Nejire: "'s your treatment going?" and Izuku frowns a bit...
Izuku: "they told me two years...that's the longest they could potentially give me...but with Ujiko dead...all of his knowledge on the vials...remain if they start giving me quirk could either be helpful..or harmful..." 
Nejire: "the quirk erasing medicine has been helping right?" since he doesn't have that 'dragon' form's increased his chance of survival 
Izuku: "Yeah...that was their top priority...but....I'm glad i got to see you...and....even though i'm down here...I want to spend all of my moments with you two" 
Nejire: "Well..I tried to call Yu but she said they were busy...since you know...their big pro heroes" 
Izuku: "I just wish you didn't revoke your license" 
Nejire: "nah...i could care less...because right now i have two important pieces of my life to take care of" 
Izuku: "heh...i guess so...listen...about...what happened at the compound" 
Nejire: "zuzu...i told you...It wasn't wasn't your fault" 
Izuku: "but i'm still in here..because...i'm...i'm still considered a monster...and now quirkless are being treated like i managed to do something...that they couldn't even fathom to begin with...the number one hero is dead...i killed basically my mother...taking her own life after Izumi...." he was about to make himself angry 
Nejire: "hey...look at me...remember...even in the end...even if you didn't change a single thing in your life...they would've still ignored you...abuse you...hurt you...and i will make sure you aren't alone...should anything like that come up again...we aren't leaving you" 
Izuku: "what did i do to deserve someone like you" 
Nejire: "just...a girl...and her daughter...saving the one person who means the world to them" 
Izuku: "same here...until then..I...I will do everything in my get better...even if the world shuns me for who i am...for what i doesn't matter to long as both of you..are here with me" 
Eri: "i won't leave you papa" 
Nejire: "and we'll always be together" as Izuku kisses her again...Eri hugs him...for the monster had finally escaped...from his own nightmare

The end

hello there i know some of you are wondering why an update to this story happened...well i made it to show that i did had an ending like this in being the depressing person that i am...gave a sad ending?...whatever you want to call this one is basically a 'what if' scenario...and now it's completely finished....this ending is for those who wanted one like this

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