Awkward Dinner

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Izuku: "..." 
Nejire: "..." both of them sit at a table and right across Inko and Toshinori...and of course..they brought wonderful 
Inko: "so...great pick on the restaurant" 
Yagi: "uh yeah..." 
Izumi just covers her head knowing how tense this is
"hello and welcome back Mr Midoriya...Miss Hado" 
Izuku: "hey" 
Nejire: "hi" 
"i see you brought some family this are you?" 
Inko: "good" 
Yagi: "it's well" 
Izumi: "um could i get some water please?" 
"certainly..i'll give you time to look at the two want the usual?" 
Izuku: "yes" 
Nejire: "mm-hmm!" nodding and the waiter leaves 
Inko: "so know why we called you here right?" 
Izuku; "gee..i wonder...maybe it's about the dinner...or maybe the fact you've been telling shit behind my i don't know...with holding information about my dad...and that he's a pro hero" 
Yagi and Inko now look at Nejire...who tightens her grip on Izukus hand and he does the same brushing his thumb over hers reassuring her that everything will be okay
Inko: " did you two meet?" 
Izuku remains quiet Nejire spoke up though 
Nejire: "we met on a train...and we spoke for a" 
Izuku: "that's it" 
Inko: "oh...just like that?" 
Nejire: "um there was also when i gave him my number when we talked" 
Yagi: "not even asking for it...your quite the charmer Izuku" trying to make a light tease moment...but his expression remains unchanged 
Izumi: "why was he on a train?" 
Izuku just glares at her 
Inko: "well...i'm sure you two sparked between the lines..and we won't pry you for details" 
Nejire :"okay" once time passes...small talk was what was keeping the awkward atmosphere alive...well Nejire was the main one talking with the family...Izuku was entirely silent 
Izumi was texting the others about the current situation under the table...

Bakugo: "are you fucking kidding me?" 
Katsumi: "is he still glaring at you?" and Izumi looks up to see him still focused on her...she shivered and replied yes 
Shoka: "he better not do anything" 
Shoto: "it wouldn't make sense...she's the winner of the Sports Festival...glaring is all he can do" 
Izumi then texted to them again....mainly the fact that he seemed more...vile?...Malice?...she can't tell..but one things the hate he emits...
Bakugo: "No shit" "
Katsumi: "that was sort of expected" 
Shoka: "Be careful Izumi" 
Shoto: "let us know if it gets out of hand" 
Izumi; 'i'll be fine' then she puts the phone away 

Izuku had one thought in his head...was the creeping urges of how to kill her...and he was fighting it 
Izuku: 'there...the may look blunt...but it can kill with our strength..nononono...not can't think straight...choking her, squeezing the life out of her might look's all about patience....
Patience?...we have come this far now...we have two quirks that we can handle can do it...she's weak compared to us...but i cannot...not with her by me...not with the amount of risk...and Tomuras plan...we have to follow through! 
Your just saying that to better yourself....just admit and him were never friends to begin with..just two strangers that work in the same group...your just a pawn on the chessboard to him
Izuku: 'i said shut up!' now clenching his fist even more...he didn't realize that 
Nejire: "Ow" and he snaps out of it...and he looks to Nejire 
Izuku: "shi-...are you okay?" 
Nejire: "yup...just a bit surprised" 
Izuku: "I"m...*sigh*" as the trio observes closely
and Izumi just stays quiet...
Yagi: " wanted to talk to Izuku about something right?" 
Inko: "" and he looks at her now 
Inko: "your father...since you turned four i told you about how he was overseas on a business trip" 
Izuku stays quiet 
Inko: "I...I've been holding back on what really happened...Izuku...your father" 
Izuku: "Is a pro hero who worked in America..." now both Inko and Yagi look at Nejire and she remains quiet and stern 
Izumi: "you knew" 
Izuku: "Only that he is a pro hero" 
Inko: "w-well..yes...but...what didn't tell*sigh* do i put this" 
Izuku: "what is it...where is he...why did he leave...was it me?" 
Inko: "izuku" 
Izuku: "why the fuck did he leave us...because of me?...the reason why you fucking resort to plan B!" gesturing to Yagi 
Inko: "please...let me finish" trying to control his emotions now...he lets her finish 
Izuku: "talk" 
Inko: "Izuku...I...I've been lying to you...trying to hold back the real reason...before you turned three...he passed on" now his heart stops 
Izuku: "what do you mean" 
Inko: "I mean...he died during a villain attack...he got injured...and he succumbed to his injuries" 
Izuku: " he's alive...what about those notes...those gifts he would send!...why...did" 
Inko: "it was me...i...I couldn't bear or have the heart to tell you about it...and...i'm so very sorry for keeping this from you" 
Izuku: "he's...he's been dead this whole...time...this...whole....fucking...TIME!!" letting go of Nejires hand and he proceeded to grips his leaning on the table...even Izumi was shocked from this those times he's been receiving those was from her
Nejire: " realize how twisted and disgusting it is...your monsters" and she helps him up as they proceeded to go out now...not any other word spoken...
Inko: "i'm sorry" 

Izuku just walks he stumbles out he didn't want to hear about it...or think about much more pain does he need
Nejire: "Izuku" and he turns to her 
Izuku: "I" but she guides him along he was still shocked...staring ahead...that he doesn't realize...he started crying...only the sudden coldness on his face was what made him realize...the two find a bench to sit at...and she guides him...
Izuku: "he..i....a" he couldn't get a word out...he was completely speechless
Nejire could do what she can...cupping his cheeks as she wipes away his tears 
Izuku: "my dad" 
Nejire: "I know" 
Izuku: "dead" 
Nejire pulls him in and keeps him close to her...lifeless is what he felt like...that everything he knew about his life...was nothing short of being lied to and Manipulated...
Izuku: "he's dead nej" 
Nejire: "shh shh" and he now starts bawling...she wanted to throw up..she wanted to yell..she wanted to's far worse than she thought...knowing his sister was one of the reasons he is a laughing stock to the city...and now she knows his mother faked his fathers gifts...those letters he would send him
Izuku: "when she's on the phone..saying she's talking to him...i guess she was just talking to reassure me that he was well...until she finally said that she and him got a much i wanted to stay in my much i wanted to just ask him why...but she never lets me call i know why...that sick and twisted..cunt!" soon it started to rain...feeling small droplets here and there
Nejire: "come on...we can't stay out'll get sick" 
Izuku: "i must be pretty pathetic...that my life is like some sort of joke to them" 
Nejire: "it's never a joke zuzu" 
Izuku: "and...i hurt you" 
Nejire: "i'm okay...i'm okay" now ignoring the oncoming rain...she had to get them out and somewhere warm....
Nejire: "come on...lets go" trying to help him up as she wrings his arm around her and like trying to walk a drunk...they head to her place...

Inko: "..." 
Yagi: "..." 
Izumi: "so...he...was dead the whole time" 
Inko: "please Izumi..i don't want to hear it" 
Izumi: "he...was dead mom...and you lied to him...just when i thought things couldn't get any worse for him" 
Yagi: "Enough Izumi" 
Izumi: "did you know about this!?" 
Yagi: "Izumi eno-" 
Izumi: "Did you know!" cutting him off...yeah she knows she's not a saint either...but this is just fucked 
Yagi: "*sigh*...yes...i knew Izumi" 
Izumi: "god..i...i feel sick"  getting up now she heads to the bathroom 

Shigaraki: "*sigh*...boredom" 
Kurogiri: "why are you complaining again?" 
Shigaraki: "still four days" 
Kurogiri: "if you have the patience it will payoff" 
Shigaraki: "and i bet Izukus having a great time with his bitch" 
Ochako: "why do you hate it?" 
Shigaraki: "more so that i'm just being salty and needed some topic to rant on" 
Kurogiri: "like you haven't done it before" 
Shigaraki: "Shut up!" 
Ochako: "wonder how my parents are doing?" 
Shigaraki: "no can ask Sensei or Kurogiri if you need info on them" 
Ochako: "I mean i do...but at the same time..i'm scared on how they're doing without me...with the whole 'i'm dead' ordeal" 
Kurogiri: "either way i shall make a preparation to obtain the information for you Miss Uraraka" 
Ochako: "oh" 
Shigaraki: "he does his own thing..don't mind him" then a sponge hits him 
Kurogiri: "by the need to finish your chore...wash the mugs" 
Shigaraki: "What!?" but he disappears 
Ochako: "want me to help?" 
Shigaraki: "sure" pinching the bridge of his nose

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