Final Exams: 'successful failure'

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Momo and Shoto got into position as they wait for Aizawa to pop back out...of course this moment was filled with silence..except for the sound of the water the exhibit they are in...that's all that is heard...afraid to even move a muscle...waiting for the right moment...they heard footsteps and now...momo tried to create a feather to which didn't work...they are in view now 
Aizawa: 'they have something planned...what is it" knowing Yaoyorozu she likely came up with something...not wanting to move out of the shadows yet..he awaits...only to come out from above...using his scarf to wrap around momo and pin her down...
Momo: "NOW SHOTO!!!" she screamed he was stunned...from the fact that Todoroki threw a jar at him...and what was it filled with?...dirt...a lot of dirt...and a bunch of it got into his he tried to hear out for was too Momo managed to get herself out of the bindings...and make a blindfold to then cover his eyes as Shoto now envelope him in ice...cover him from the neck down...
Aizawa chuckles: " pass" 
Momo: "we passed...WE PASSED!" now happy as she grabs todoroki 
Shoto: "hmm?" 
Momo: "Oh sorry...well" 
Aizawa: "I know it's touching that you both pass..both i would really prefer if you get me out of this" 
Momo: "r-right" now grabbing a bucket as Shoto undoes the ice...she hands him the water bucket to which he used the blindfold to wipe off the remaining dirt in his face 
Aizawa: :have to say you are very resourceful of your planning...both of displayed teamwork that showed me you are capable of working together...i know the jar of dirt thing wasn't your idea Yaoyorozu..where did you get that idea?" 
Momo: "um" 
Izuku: "you know back then...when i was little...Izumi would always pick on me...using her quirk and whatnot...just a brat in my honest opinion." 
Momo: "that sounds rough" 
Izuku: "not really...only way i found out was i would get up every morning...go outside and get an empty jar..and fill it with dirt" 
Momo: "dirt?" 
Izuku: "Yeah...since her quirk only allows her to use it when an item is in view...the dirt completely stuns her like that..which is why when she would attempt to pick on me..i would grab a little in my hand..and throw it at her...and there's too much dirt for her to visually 'grab' it would then get in her eyes." 
Momo: "that's really smart" 
Izuku: "Yeah..but to be resourceful of your situations right?" taking a sip of his drink 
Momo: "right...resourceful" 
Flashback ends

Momo: "a friend once told me about something similar" 
Aizawa: "i see...well you can thank them later about it...head on to the observatory...and wait until the others are whatever you like..just don't disrupt the testing" 
Momo: "got it Sensei" and they take their leave from there 
Shoto: "so about that jar of dirt thing" 
Momo: "hmm?" 
Shoto: "it was Midoriya who told you that story" 
Momo: "uh..yeah he did" 
Shoto: "anything else he said?" 
Momo: "no..just that really...told me his sister used to pick on him a lot and that was his solution" 
Shoto: "a lot of people don't realize it but he can be a bit frightening sometimes..with the way on how he can just breakdown your quirk and immediately come with a counter or in you in ways to improve it" 
Momo: "yeah i was blessed to hear him talk with me about it...which is why i had items prepared before hand...although flashbangs would've worked..but i didn't want to harm our teacher" 
Shoto: "i can get i wonder what Izumi and Bakugo are do-" stopping midsentence to see her opening the locker room door and Bakugo stomping grumbling as he busted the door down 
Momo: "I'll go check on her" 
Shoto: "i'll make sure he doesn't destroy the place 
Momo slowly opens the door...and she hears Izumi crying...sniffing as she curls up on the bench not caring about how loud she is 
Momo: "Izumi?" and she stops 
Izumi: "*sniff* oh did your test go?" putting up a smile as tears still come down 
Momo: "it went well..what happened?...why did Bakugo seemed...more pissed off than usual" 
Izumi: "Oh that...that bastard...he had to go off on his own and beat all might himself..because he 'wanted to prove he's the strongest'..." 
Momo: "I get that..but why are you crying?...did he say anything hurtful?..if so i'm going to march over there myself and" 
Izumi: "NO!" 
Momo: "huh?" 
Izumi: "'s just...we usually have these moments sometimes." 
Momo: "is that even healthy?" 
Izumi: "I don't know...all i know is we give it a couple of days and nothing ever happened" 
Momo: "well i'm sure he's feeling some type of guilt"
Izumi scoffs: "yeah like that will ever happen" 

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