Undesired allies

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Izuku: "well..it was nice today right?" seeing the sun nearly setting as the crimson sky mixed with blue have created a nice combination...
Nejire: "aww...you have to go right?" 
Izuku: "well..there's always next time...and plus..make sure to stop by my new workplace sometime" 
Mirio: "will do man...but uh..won't it be a but more difficult to gain access there" 
Izuku: "pulled a few strings...don't worry about it" 
Tamaki: "now i'm curious on what you did" 
Yuyu: "hmm...whatever...so we'll see you next time Midoriya" 
Izuku: "see ya" kissing Nejire goodbye 
Nejire: "bye" reluctantly letting go off his hand to walk with the others now...waving them off...taking out his phone to see Shigaraki messaged him about the new recruits....one of them wishes to speak with him directly...great...so now he has to make haste heading to an area where Kurogiri marked an area that he would remain hidden from the public eye and also the heroes...as the black portal opens up he heads in to end up in his quarters...already taking off his current clothing to change into his villain outfit...now channeling his anger his eyes again turned yellow....and the black veins appeared as well...he opens the door to see the infamous villain Muscular trying to start a fight with dabi...he also threatens to kill Kurogiri 
Shigaraki: "finally your here" 
Izuku: "how long have they been at this?" 
Shigaraki: "about ten minutes" 
Izuku: "hmm" 
Dabi: "you think i'm scared of you?" 
Muscular: "kid everyone has to be afraid of something" 
Dabi: "yeah and it isn't some overgrown cyst" 
Muscular: "why you little!" before he hears wheezing behind him and out of instinct he turns around and was about to punch whoever tried to sneak up on him..only for his fist to be caught 
Izuku: "starting a fight will get you nowhere Muscular" 
Muscular: "hehehe...finally you fucking showed up...was ready to go in and murder everyone" 
Izuku: "hmm..big talk coming from the guy wouldn't stand a chance with these members here" 
Muscular: "i'm sure your would be lucky enough to just give me a scratch" 
Izuku: "i'd advise you to listen to what our leader has to say" 
Shigaraki: "are we done?" 
Izuku: "you can go ahead" 
Shigaraki: "right...anyway...the three of you...i can your very eager to get into the action here at the LOV, but that won't happen until i can get a sense of what your goals are here...first...the twerp with the gasmask" 
Mustard: "my names mustard...my goal is to live freely and be rid off the students of U.A" 
Shigaraki: "alright..that's...useful...now deadpool here" 
Twice: "twice/remember it " 
Shigaraki: "okay what's your goal?" 
Twice: "i'd rather not say/ none of your business crusty" 
Shigaraki: "..." 
Izuku: "sounds like you have two of them speaking at once...name your quirk" 
Twice: "i can make clones of myself/ why do you care?" 
Izuku: "My speculations are correct...he's in" 
Twice: "whoo!/fuck!" 
Shigaraki: "and as for...the kid with the gas mask...i'm sure we have a lot to talk about with the current situation...you seem to have a taste for strategy am i not correct?" even he can't see it but Mustards eyes lit up 
Shigaraki: "good..then your in....we all know who you are Muscular" 
Muscular: "good..i wouldn't even announce myself for your shitty way of recruiting" 
Izuku: "you'll be killing once we get started...is that enough for you" 
Muscular: "yes...i'm fine with that" 
Izuku: "good...then your in...i hope you have a place to stay" 
Muscular: "anywhere than this shit place" 
Izuku: "good" 
Muscular: "i want to spar you" 
Izuku: "waste of energy and time" 
Muscular: "what you think you can't take me on!?...are you really that strong...or is it because your used to killing kids that make you seem strong" 
Izuku: "i'm used to hearing things like that...trying to instigate a fight will get you nowhere...and that is ironic coming from you..i heard about your little debut with a couple of pro heroes...let their kid watch as you killed them" 
Muscular: "ha...better to leave him broken then kill..makes it all the more satisfying for me" 
Izuku: "i'm sure it does" 
Shigaraki: "well now that has been settled...Mustard...you come on" and Izuku before he follows along...gestures to Kurogiri and he nods...
Izuku: "guess your conversation with me and attempt to fight me will have to wait another time" 
Muscular: "hmph...whatever..." 
Kurogiri: "just make sure to come back for the debriefing of the plan" 
Muscular: "fine...this better be worth it" and he walks out of the hideout 
Izuku: "good riddance" and now he heads back to follow the other two 
Shigaraki: "as you may know it...the league is growing in numbers lately...and having a mind like yours would prove to be useful for our plan" 
Mustard: "depends on what the goal is here" 
Izuku: "the plan is to kidnap a student from U.A...they are reportedly having a camping trip to train and hone their skills...which of course is located in the forest they have bought out and is fairly large to scale it...there will be two classes their...Class 1-A and B...and they have been said to have the most renown students in the school..the highest potential to become pro heroes" 
Mustard: "U.A scum...such a stuck up place...it's the reason why they are so messed up...while we stand here and suffer...they have their lives served to them from a platter...with a charitable school saying they will be the best...bah" 
Izuku: "you sound quite mature for your age" 
Mustard: "live my life and you will know why" 
Izuku: "huh...guess we're not so different you and i" 
Shigaraki: "same could said here...maybe...now...here's what the plan is so far" showing him in a separate room there is a table with a map of the forest the students will be at seeing lines drawn all over it with sticky notes plastered...
Izuku: "of course this with the amount we had at the time..now there's more we have more flexibility with the 'load out' " 
Mustard: "hmm...this is quite interesting...what's this here?" seeing a skull placed right near the building 
Shigaraki: "it represents him...i'm guessing this is where the pro heroes would be located if we tried this on a day they do  'the test of courage' 
Mustard: "hmm..and what is it exactly?" 
Izuku: "from our sources..and the data we have collected...the test of courage is where both classes face off against each other to...*sigh* scare one class..to try and prevent them from collecting a tag that has their name on it" 
Mustard: "that really sounds stupid" 
Shigaraki: "i'm sure it has it's uses...if your good at scaring people" 
Izuku: "this may be a way to have them to have...fun" 
Mustard: "if they are training to becoming pro heroes..there is no room for such things...if that is the case..they must be spread out all over the area then" 
Izuku: "and from what it said was there was to be groups of four but you would earn more points the less people your group has" 
Shigaraki: "so we expect a few lone wolfs and a duet" 
Mustard: "this really falls into your favor here...is there a way for you to capture them?" 
Izuku: "Mr Compress" 
Mustard: "the weird looking guy with the top hat?" 
Shigaraki: "yes him...he can condense things...like turning people into a little ball that is easy for transportation...the alternative if he isn't available is the bogeyman here can lift multiple people..so taking a student should be difficult" 
Izuku: "what i'm guessing is we have to be in pairs...Mustard i'm guessing with how your outfit is..i'm certain your quirk involves letting out a gas" 
Mustard: "yes...not just any gas...it has a sleep inducing effect...i could even sense movement if someone tried to sneak up on me through the gas itself...but the only thing is i have to keep producing it otherwise it would disperse quickly..and i carry a 38 revolver" showing them the gun 
Shigaraki: "hmm..your like a soldier from WWI" 
Izuku: "have to admit i respect your weapon choice..i'm sure the recoil isn't that bad right?" 
Mustard: "used it many times" 
Izuku: "good..so i don't worry about you hesitating then" 
Shigaraki: "are you able to handle things on your own should it come to it?" 
Mustard: "i'm certain of it" 
Izuku: "remember there are students there who are much more powerful than you think...some could tank the shots of the revolver...we are sure of the groups being formed...this part of the plan is based completely by chance...you think you could adapt to it" 
Mustard: "pretty sure...i'm not just some helpless kid" 
Shigaraki: "we didn't say you were...alright..i think that's enough for now...me and him have some things to discuss...could you send in Ochako please" 
Mustard: "Ochako?" 
Izuku: "pretty girl with the brown bobcut hair" 
Mustard: "I see...very well" 
Izuku: "and mustard" stopping him before he leaves 
Shigaraki: "glad to have you on the team" 
Mustard: "thanks" and he closes the door leaving the two in a small but of silence 
Izuku: "I'm guessing Sensei didn't take it to well tom?" 
Shigaraki: "shut up...i already had enough bullshit to deal with...i thought i would be doing you a favor to just up and kill the bitch already..to have her exposed for the shit she's been doing to you" 
Izuku: "flattered you think that way...but I have a plan to break her down...i don't want to just kill her...i want her to suffer...a lot of them may not think that way...but death is just to simple...to quick...why just end it right there and then?...what is the point of payback if it's going to be quick for the other guy?...no...i want them to breakdown...brick by brick of their wrongs..seeing them tear down and beg for death from me...and being a nightmare...i will deny them of their chance" 
Shigaraki: "hmm...we both have people we want to take revenge on...and that Nejire girl...your right..she is nice" 
Izuku: "I know..which is a wonder on how i scored that" 
Shigaraki: "ah the less you know....could be by some other unknown influence" 
the door knocks 
Ochako: "um..you wanted to see me?" 
Izuku: "yes..come on in..we may have a way to help you get your revenge" 

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