Venting and hate

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as expected he gets off the train...and heads back home...passing the streets to see the heroes in action once more...he sees them trying to capture someone...and he keeps on walking...he gets a phone call...from his sister 
Izuku just stares and lets the phone it stops ringing he finally made it back home...and now he lifts himself up and now he crawls back into his window...and he sets his stuff then the light suddenly turning on to his family...standing there as he just throws his bag on the side of his bed he lays down 
Izuku: "what do you want" 
Yagi: "you don't get to talk back...where were you?" 
Izuku: "out...why do you care" 
Inko: "because we're your parents...Izuku...what's going on?....why...why are you acting like this?" 
Izuku: " know exactly what's going on...please...for the first time in years you asked me about my wellbeing? pathetic" 
Izumi: "hey!" 
Yagi: "Izuku please...we want to know what's going on..why're acting like's childish!...your a young man and you should try and be a positive idol for your sister...for her friends!" and soon he starts laughing 
Izuku: "positive idol...punching bag is more appropriate...i'm trying to get my life together now..i don't need to be your kid any longer...i'm tired of it...i'm tired of being ignored...tired of being forgotten...tired of everything...and i want to get away from it all..
Inko: "what are you saying?...we...we love you Izuku...please see what your doing to yourself...we know that what happened on the news is traumatic...but you have to be have to overcome it" 
Izuku: "strong...Izumi said it herself..i'm just a weak, worthless deku...her and the rest of her tramp friends can burn in hell for all i care!" now they were shocked...hearing this come right out of him...if they weren't aware on how he feels about his sister....well they do now...and it broke her heart...she had fucked up big time...she silently cries..seeing the tears come down...she rarely ever they know it's bad 
Yagi: "Izuku...apologize to your sister!" as Inko tries to comfort her 
Izuku then just glares at him and stood him up...Yagi did the same 
Yagi: "you say sorry to your sister" and he looks at her 
Izuku: "i'm sorry....sorry i never knew how much of a bitch you are" 
Yagi: "IZUKU!!!" he grabs his shoulder only for him to be shoved away 
Izuku: "don't touch me old don't fucking tell me what to do!" 
Yagi: "i am your father...i am your live in our live by our rules!" 
Izuku: "my father?! father?!...your not my father! dad left me because i'm quirkless...he left because mom here decided it's a good idea to be with his friend!" 
Yagi: "how dare you even suggest that!?" 
Inko was speechless 
Izumi: "p...please" she whimpered out seeing the two argue and it grew in intensity as they yell even louder...
Izumi: "stop....s...stop" 
Inko: "Izuku please!" 
Izuku: "NO I HAD ENOUGH OF BEING TREATED THIS WAY...YOU THINK THAT GIVING ME A SMALL AMOUNT OF ATTENTION WILL BE ENOUGH TO MAKE ME STAY!!!!!...NO!!!...I HAD ENOUGH WITH EVERYONE HERE!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE IN THIS HELL HOLE ANYMORE...I"M TIRED OF IT ALL!!!!...I'M TIRED!!!!" his voice cracking and now tears come out of him...not caring for the strain his throat is in from the yelling 
Izuku: "I GAVE YOU SO MANY SIGNS OF HOW I'M TREATED...I'M AFRAID TO COME HOME FROM SCHOOL,I'M AFRAID TO BE AT SCHOOL BECAUSE HOW MUCH MORE DO I NEED TO  SUFFER!!!?...MY IDOL SAID I COULDN'T BE A HERO!!!!...HE MADE ME NOT JUST A LAUGHING STOCK...BUT TO ALSO NARROW DOWN THE CAREERS I CAN TRY AND PURSUE IN!!!!...NO ONE WANTS ME!!!!....NO ONE CARES FOR WHAT HAPPENS TO ME...IT'S ALWAYS JUST ABOUT  HER!!!!..AND HER FUCKING FRIENDS!!!" letting everything out now...they just stood there and listened...Yagi and Inko had no idea this was happening to him...they had no idea...on how badly they had fucked up as not just parenting...but for his mental state...thinking that he's just trying to grow up to be independent...while in reality...they were the reasons he had to grow up early...the reason he has been driven to such a state...the reason..he hates heroes...and lost faith in everything...he now sits down on his bed...and he tries to control his breathing..he's going through another episode again...
'kill's the only option...let us be free of the weight that held us down for so long' 
Izuku: '' 
'they let us rot...they let our mind's only fair we take their lives for the price' 
Izuku: 'they will get it soon...not now....patience always comes with it's reward...' once he calmed himself...
Izuku: "are you done gawking...or are you going to leave" and soon enough...they still tried to process what happened...but to no doubt they had enough as well...leaving the room...
Yagi: "ah" he was about to say something...but he held his tongue...and closed the door...he then sees the number...Nejire...she even put a happy face on's midnight and he could care less so he calls the number...but he also felt like hanging up immediately...what if she gets the wrong idea? it okay to call her at this hour? it too late...or is he being too bold?...
Izuku: "i'm turning into her and i barely met her for fifteen minutes" but soon 
Nejire: "hey hey it's Nejire!"  
Izuku: "uh hey Nejire" 
Nejire: "oh Izuku!...what's up? are you okay?...isn't it late?...aren't you tired?" oh boy 
Izuku: "um no i'm not okay...yes it's late...and yes i'm very tired...but...i...i just needed someone to talk to...and i know i may be intruding and being a burden to you..but..could you listen to me for a couple of minutes?" 
Nejire: "being a burden!?..NO! one is a burden...especially if it considers your well being...and you can talk for as long as you like" 
Izuku: "oh...o-okay" 
Nejire: "so what's up?" asking again 
Izuku: "nothing much...just from the fact i got in a huge fight with my family" 
Nejire: "oh no...who threw the first punch?" 
Izuku: "no as in argument but i did shove my step father" 
Nejire: "ooohh that is pretty bad...i guess your voice cracking is the result of yelling?" 
Izuku: "fifteen minutes we know each other and you know me well enough of the situation" 
Nejire: "i have a step mom...but i don't know what's the difference..but we get into some arguments...mainly about me being distracted easily" 
Izuku: "no" 
Nejire: "but i'm here to focus on you not me...are you alright physically? you want to meet up?" 
Izuku: "meetup?" 
Nejire: "well not right now everyones sleeping...well except for heroes...and villains..and vigilantes...maybe some we count as nightowls?...meh...anyways..." 
Izuku: "well i know your up late..." 
Nejire: "i was playing bejeweled...i was bored so you calling made my day!" 
Izuku: "oh" blushing 
Nejire: "soo about that hangout?" 
Izuku: "oh where do you want to meet up?" 
Nejire: "usually a guy would know where to go...but i'm thinking about the mall" 
Izuku: "okay..i'm alright with anywhere honestly" 
Nejire: "cool!...lets make it a date then!" 
Izuku: "date?...isn't that to quick?" 
Nejire: "nah maybe as to test waters...or check water?...who cares...i want to know you more so we can go to other that good with you?" 
Izuku: "yeah...that's fine" 
Nejire: "cool...will Saturday work for you?" 
Izuku: "yeah" 
Nejire: "cool cool!...well see ya then Izuku...and you can keep calling me if you want...i like talking so it's good to have someone i can talk to late at night" 
Izuku: "hehe...same...same" 
Nejire: "see ya then!" 
Izuku: "okay" and she hangs up 
Izuku; "didn't really got to explain what's nice to be talking about something else" he wonders if this 'date' is out of pity...he'll know once he gets there...for now..he needs rest...and he is tired...
Izuku: "i'm nothing but an extra gear of a part that never needs to be replaced...only to just collect dust and slowly corrode until nothing is left..." soon his first day at with THE hero killer...and then he has a date...busy schedule...but in truth...he's glad he's busy...helps keep him focused on his goal...this date he's for sure knows it's going to flop...6 months still..he will train his hardest...but for now...he has to think off his outfit...for showing his face will result in being hunted down...he's had a mask on all his life...what's the difference if he has another one? he gets to work...drawing up how he'll look...first he thought about wearing a suit and tie...but then again he's going to need mobility...he had a thought on his combat pants and boots...but for the rest of his body he needs some sort of protection...and then he realized something..he can wear a that would cover the rest of his body...and he remembers that he has access to receiving certain illegal items from the stores...and to top it off...they can be military gear...but how can he afford it?...his job alone will barely pay off just one piece of equipment from just a years worth of working...he thinks...and tries to find a way...he goes back on his phone...looking for anything that could help him out...of course setting up jobs and taking contracts with his partner...they both could make a living from killing heroes...but it still won't be enough..he needs something...some solution to resolve this problem...then he turns on the news...and it's like god heard him 
'the new villain organization calling themselves the league of villains have been spotted working and conspiring in causing trouble...a bunch of lowlives if you ask me...where they are located is still unknown..but we have heard that they reside somewhere near Kamino...otherwise their whereabouts remain unknown' bingo...he turns the video off and now he looks up Kamino ward...just a small part of town...he can see they're still constructing a couple buildings and even demolishing them...he looks up the market payment...and sees that with a few tricks he managed to find what he needed 
Izuku: "august 24th a payment was made to own the apartment complex of Kamino ward  where it's been renovated...under name...has the LOV all over it" he now prints it and he keeps it to himself...he gets his bag ready again...this time he took a crowbar from the garage...and he tied it to his he's ready to leave...and head on seek and get into even more trouble 

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