Her Guardian Nightmare

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Eri: "AH!" being thrown into the hideout...as she stumbles on the ground...Eri tried to crawl away but she was held down by one of the members 
Overhaul silently just walks beside her and then kneels down to her level...looking anywhere to see if she had a tracker...or anything to be specific 
Overhaul: "*sigh*..." now taking his gloves off...and looking right at the mess on the table...he gathers it up and then puts it in the trash...before putting on hand sanitizer...
Overhaul: "You know...we've been giving a lot up to you girl...I found you on the streets after your parents died...I take you in...we ask for certain demands that are quite simple...give blood we don't have problems...I give you things that every child your age would dream of having...I feed you...I housed you to make sure you don't rot out there in the rain...and what do you pay my kindness back with?..." waiting for her answer...seeing her cry...she awaits for the moment 
Overhaul: "You betrayed my trust...you refuse anything that we ask of you...and you want to just...throw it all away...for what...to find some other family your going to burden with...you don't have a choice in the manner Eri...your quirk..it's a curse...it's vile...no one will take you in...do i have to use that contraption again to ensure you'll obey?" and Eri now starts hyperventilating 
Eri: "n-n-no!" as she tried to stumble back...she ends up hitting someone...leaning back against...
Eri: "huh?" turning around...to see the Bogeyman there..the nightmare she's heard of from the other members she screamed
Overhaul: "look at me Eri...not at him" as she was still looking at him...she wanted to run...she wanted to scream...but she couldn't...until her ear was pulled and Overhauls grip was tight...bruising the skin on her face...
Overhaul: "I said...look...at...me" on the otherhand 
Izuku: 'through victory my chains are broken....the child...this girl...she...she has seen things...how can i do it?..do i end her misery?...do i kill her?...does it even matter?' 
Overhaul: "so...for today..I'm rather feeling quite nice..since you didn't fight on the way back...lets see here" looking at her hand...
Eri now whimpers squeezing her eyes shut...
Overhaul: "i'd say...what comes after 2?" 
Eri: "I....I don't know" 
Overhaul: "shh shh shh...it's just a simple question Eri...better hurry up..it might increase" 
Eri: "i..." 
Overhaul: "1.....2" 
Eri: "three...three" 
Overhaul: "good girl...now...three nails removed" as she was being grabbed by the other members 
Eri: "NO...NO HELP!!...PLEASE HELP!!!" desperately calling out...as Izuku was then sent through another episode 
Izuku: "HELP...MOM!!..DAD!!!...PLEASE!!" as he was being beatened again..senselessly as his bullies are there..even students from his school are partaking in this...as he was being held over the pool 
Izuku: "Please..i can't swim...i can't swim!!" what was supposed to be a fun day for all of them...ends up as a nightmare 
"poor little deku is afraid of getting wet..." 
Mako: "I have an idea...throw him in..i'm sure the water will cool his nerves" knowing his scars...the recent burns he has...the frostbite on his skin...Mako used his quirk to peel the scab skin off the wounds...it hurts...before throwing him in...far...as he struggled to swim..he felt like he wasn't going to get out it...why...someone...help...please!
Flashback ends 

Izuku: "you wanted me to keep guard over her...not torture her" 
"what's it to you?...child killer" 
Izuku: "that's it..i kill them..not torment them" 
"whatever..just go wait in the cunts room..we'll send her over once bosses is done" 
as he enters her room...he was trying to control his temper...
Izuku: "how...or why is it that when i'm the one being ordered around it reminds me of him?" 
'he is like the rest of them....he only wants to see those suffer..he wants to see them enslaved'
Izuku: "But that girl...she seems different from the brat of that hero" 
"she is the same...maybe he's right..she is ungrateful...she is asking for the pain herself..you cannot believe she is like you...you had all the world ahead of you...before they are the reason you became this' 
Izuku: "No...she is suffering...I can't..I won't let it happen..not to another...otherwise"
'she could turn into something far worst than you' 
Izuku: "I have no choice..but to obey him" 
'even if you do...even if she was willing..she'll die...and it will be by your hand' 
Izuku: "anything to set her free" and soon the door opens 
"have fun" weather he was talking to Izuku or Eri he didn't know but when she was thrown in...she grunted...hearing her staggered breathing...as the blood on her hands...are one thing...he looked closely to see six nails are missing...five from her left...one on the right...and it was bleeding...badly
Izuku just didn't know what to do...as Eri looked up at him..she squirmed away under her bed...he made no effort to do anything..he's here to keep watch..and that's what he's going to do...standing next to the door...he waits now...and obviously she was crying...hard...muttering how she wants to get out of here...wanting a new family...wanting to go home...

Izumi: "i just don't get it...it made literally no sense for her to have bandages covering up both her arms" 
Mirio: "I know it may seem sketchy...but...we couldn't do anything...we'll have to report this...right now we need to keep calm" 
Izumi: "alright..lets hurry then" and they head back towards the agency...as they jump from roof to roof...looking onward she couldn't shake the feeling of how Eri scrambled away from her...similar to how Izuku used be like that..when...when they had hurt him she has to find Izuku...if he's...if he did the unthinkable..then she would never forgive herself...as they see the festival continuing on...she then sees in the distance Tamaki and Kirishima...going on their own patrol...with...red riot...
Izumi: "wow" 
Mirio: "yo!" waving at him and the trio nods at them...while they head back...hoping they would get some answers from this...
Nejire: "Izuku...please call me...it's important that you do" after her tenth voice message was sent...seeing the house in full investigation by the police
Naomasa: "so..this is what you found?" 
Miruko: "yeah..and i am certain that this is the missing murder weapon from the slime incident two years ago" 
Naomasa: "I see...well it seems there are some indication of dry blood on it...the sharp end of this...seems to have been chipped...could be from banging it on an object..like a wall or the sidewalk" 
Miruko: "Or a students head...since he had a quirk that would make him dense or hard like a rock" 
Naomasa: "or that...but what i don't understand...is this vial that was right by it" looking at the vial with a needle sticking out 
Miruko: "drugs possibly?" 
Naomasa: "maybe...can't rule out that possibly given his...circumstances...I will look more into it...for now..keep it locked...don't let anyone in...i have those he has been in contact with for futher questioning" closing his notebook...he uses tweezers to pick the vial up and put it into a bag...everything else has been searched...lines and tags...pictures taken as well...and now on to the search...of Izuku Midoriya 

after what may seem like hours...Izuku was still in the same position he was in...for god knows how long...until a knock on the door knocks him out of his focus the door opens to one of the members with a plate of food 
"here..bosses orders" 
Izuku: "what about the kid" 
"she gets none" then closes the door again...so because she ran away..not only was she beaten has her nails forcefully removed...she is denied food as well...looking at it...it looks delicious...Izuku takes a small taste...making sure nothing is in it...so far nothing...so he did what he thinks is fine...he walks on over towards the bed...lifting up the sheets to see Eri now scared...
Eri; "please...don't hurt me" but to her surprise...she sees a tray being slide over to her...and it has food...as she was wondering why this monster gave her food...Izuku then walks back over to the door...and resume his position.
Eri: "huh?" she then slowly reaches over to the plate...and grabs the meat...she then takes a bite...and sees it's real...now taking another...she savors the taste even for a moment..and she eats all of it...then to the other dishes...even if she was laying down..she didn't want to get out from under the bed...away from her safe haven...she...slowly slides the tray..back out from the bed...then quickly recoils back...as she hears his stomping...he picks it up...and goes back to his position..setting the empty tray next to him...she doesn't know who this person is...even if he's pretending to care...she couldn't help...but think...that maybe this monster isn't as bad as Overhaul made him to be...saying he was the one who killed heroes with ease...children that had their necks snapped from just a grip on them alone...the notorious hammer that had taken many lives...the one guarding her room to make sure she doesn't escape...he didn't need to give her the food...because her father said she was to be denied of it for three days...but...this thing...gave it to her without a second thought...she's never seen such a kind act...even from the the embodiment of evil

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