Kamino Ward: 'Just in time'

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Ten Minutes earlier

Izumi: "okay...go!" as the group run one by one across the bar room..they happen to see the bogeyman take out two pro heroes...and they were of course disturbed by how Deatharms face melted in front of them...he didn't even have time to scream...as the thermite burned away his vocal cords...just a gurgling steam sound was all that was heard...and then...the Kamui woods head being crushed...once they made it across...they hear 
"HEY!!!..FUCKERS LET ME OUT!!!" as they see the building rumble a little 
Izumi: "shit!" and she opens the door 
Bakugo: "Fucking hell..." she gasped seeing him...he was tortured as well...his hands...were binded together...with a single metal rod...his legs had burn marks on them...and he was in a bit of a daze from screaming 
Bakugo: "Izumi" and he chuckles 
Izumi: "it's okay Katsuki i'm gonna get you out" as she uses her quirk to break the chains....
Bakugo: "the bogeyman...they" 
Izumi: "it's alright" 
Bakugo: "fucker tried to break me...but i won't give him that chance" she looks closely to see his eyes are dilated...
Izumi: "come on.....hang on" as she used her quirk to lift him up over her shoulder...and she now moves on 
lida: "lets go" 
Momo: "wait..where's mina?" and they open a door..to see Ashido there tied up and had ducktape on her...
Jirou: "MINA!" and they rush towards her...as they managed to get it off 
Mina: "wha...what are you guys doing here?!" 
Momo: "We're here to get you out...lets go..we don't have enough time" now freeing her of her bindings...
Jirou: "can you stand?" 
MIna: "y-yeah" and she stumbles a bit 
Momo: "alright..lets go!" soon the building rumbles even more...as they hear All MIght yelling...then more blows happened....
Jirous eyes widened: "WE NEED TO GO!!!" and they tried their best to get out but then the ceiling started to collapse....then more...and more...
Jirou: "MO!!" and she knew what to do...she makes a very large shield...and then...Izumi...out of pure instinct...raises her arms up....for the dust that came down...and the building itself...
MIna: "*cough*" coughing from the amount of dust in the air...
lida: "is everyone alright?" 
Jirou: "all good here...Mo?" 
Momo give a thumbs up 
Kirishima: "damn...shit...what was that?!" and they managed to help the others up...as Izumi was grunting in pain..her eyes glowing 
Jirou: "what's up with you?" stern now...and she felt a pebble hit her head..
Momo: "huh?" looking up..they see a huge piece of debris floating right on top of them...as she screams she flings it away...holding her head in pain...
Kirishima: "bro...you...saved us" 
Jirou: "hmph" 
lida: "the hero way right?" 
Izumi: "right" as they managed to get their footing in...
Bakugo: "huh?..where...where the fuck am i!?" 
Izumi: :"Katsuki..your awake!" 
Bakugo: "Of fucking course i'm awake...where the fuck are we?!" 
Jirou: "jeez your welcome" 
Momo: "Just ignore it...come we need to-" 
"finally" then they all froze in place 

"I see you have managed to make it out...how unfortunate...you know i'm trying to bring the best to my pupils...and here you are ruining it once more...why is that?" 
Izumi: 'wha...what is this?!" then she remembers now 
Yagi: "the great evil...the man who had killed my mentor...he is the greatest threat you will ever face...someday...you will face him...and it's a battle you can't run from...no matter what you do...Izumi...i hope you grow stronger...with each day..i fear the worse...may come" 
Flashback end 
Izumi: 'this feeling...it's almost...suffocating...the sheer dread alone..had all of us imagine our deaths...a feeling..that not even the bogeyman could rival...that he too would tremble from this presence alone...we could see...our own deaths...just from the flick of a hand...Dad...i see what your trying to tell me...this isn't just some villain...this is....is....ALL..FOR...ONE' as all of them froze in complete terror...
AFO: "now then...shall we begin?" 
AM: "ALL FOR ONE!!!" yelling out...Izumi snapped out of her fear...to see her father having a standoff against this threat 
Izumi: "No...dad" 
Jirou: "dad!?" 
Kirishima: "forget it..right now..we need to go" just as they tried to move even an inch 
Izuku: "you think it's going to be that easy" seeing the bogeyman emerge from the shadows...hammer in hand...looking right at them...
Izumi: "don't you ever give up" 
Kirishima: "you guys go...i got this" 
Momo: "Kirishima" 
lida: "if your facing him..i'll help" 
Izumi: "same here" 
Jirou: "your quirk is needed to get him out of here" 
Momo: "we'll buy you guys some time...just...g-go!" stuttering a little...she now has to face her fears...once more 
Izuku: "so...you finally have an answer?" 
Momo: "no...i don't" 
lida: "enough talk...i will make sure you will pay for what you did to my BraGH!" as the hammer flies and slams into his chest...they were completely caught off by the sheer agility he demonstrated 
Izuku: "enough talk" and he stomps towards them 
Kirishima: "HRAH!!" hardening his skin and he now attacks head on with him...punching him...he endures it 
Izuku: "hmm" intrigued by this...he now attacks him...as Kirishima does his best to dodge the attacks..lida comes in from behind to try and kick him...but he moves out of the way and accidentally hits Kirishima instead...now grabbing his arm...lida felt the inertia from the sudden stop..and felt his shoulder pulling...making a very loud pop
lida: "GAH!" now he was tossed aside...and he turns to catch a small pellet 
Izuku: "cute" but then...it beeps...and in an instant...it explodes...launching him back 
Momo sweating sees her idea worked...an explosive round...she had a thought about it..but had no idea where she got an inspiration (hint hint another story you probably read from me) 
as Izuku was lodged into the debris...he grunts to get out..but then he emits thermite to free himself...
Izuku: "You must be really proud...to use such a weak object" he started walking towards her...as just punches Kirishima back and he continues to walk towards her...she couldn't help it...she imagined herself back in U.A...where he first appeared..how he managed to take them down without effort..it's the same...but much more cruel...she stumbles back 
Izuku: "buy more time she says...you'll stall him...and here you are...trembling from one failed plan to another...i had enough of you..." and he reaches over to pull her hair again...that god awful pain...as she screams...trying to hold herself up...as her dress was torn from the attack...he then looks to pull out a hook...
be QUIET!" and now...she felt a stabbing pain...for she realized...her mouth was forced open...by what?...a hook that was inserted into her mouth..and the sharp end pokes out of her chin...the amount of pain that she was experiencing...was unimaginable...grunting in pain as the tears come out...and the blood leaking from the bottom of her mouth...
Izuku: "nice way to reel in girls...hehehehe" and he throws her...as she tried to move the hook..she was pulled...as a chain was attached to the hook 
Izuku: "come on hero...you can do it" soon another blast came from the battlefield for All Might and AFO are going at it...the shockwave  knocked him forward...but he managed to get his footing...
Izumi: "Oklahoma!" 
AM: "Oklahoma!" 
Izuku: "the fuck?!" and soon Izumi comes out of nowhere 
Izumi: "SMASH!!!" punching him in the face...shattering his mask...and launched him away...as All Might punched AFO and he too was launched...
Izumi: "Lets go!" trying to help them up...as Momo had the hook in her mouth 
lida: "Oh god" trying to see what to do...she was crying from the amount of pain she's in right now
Izumi: "it's okay..we're gonna get some help" soon she felt a stinging pain in her shoulder...to see another hook...
Izumi: "AHHH!!!" as she was pulled away 
lida: "IZUMI!!" pulled away as she sees the bogeyman there..his mouth exposed...but she could only see the thermite leaking out of his mouth..she couldn't tell who it was...
Izuku: "I will make sure you die!" now stomping on her wrist..she screams in pain...from the bandage there...she tried to punch him but he grabs her fist soon he puts both hands on her forearm...and he twisted it...the snap heard followed along with the scream...was heard through the area...as he punches her face multiple times...
Izuku: "now...die" and he grips her head...and she could feel the pressure on her head...feeling like her head is going to combust....she started crying out blood...as she then hears some cracking noise...her skull about to be caved in...
Izuku: "Izumi!" but then she looks to her left...and she tried to fling a piece of debris at him...but without looking..he just grabs it and drops it...now she has an opening...Charging OFA to punch him back...she now tried crawling away...like before..she was brutally beatened...only one arm to move...as her other drags along the ground...then she was dragged by her foot again 
Izumi: "no...please...stop" groaning out...as she desperately tried to crawl away...
Izuku: "never" and he swings her upward...and then was slammed into the ground....then he does it again....
Izumi: "AGH!!!" as she lands on her broken arm...then she was hurled over again...then again...and again....and again...now letting go...she was barely moving....
Izuku: "even through all of that...you still deserve worse..." now pulling out a huge piece of debris...she looks at him...but could only gag...from the blood pouring out of her mouth 
Izuku: "Once i'm done...everything will be lifted...everything...will stop...i will stop...having those dreams!" as he was going to throw it down...a huge shockwave pushed him back...as All Might had just hit AFO away with his Oklahoma Smash...then she hears more footsteps...
lida: "come on...oh my god..Izumi!...Izumi can you hear me!?" but she was in so much pain...she couldn't hold her eye open anymore...she passed out 

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