Final match/Ingeniums end

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Izumi stares for what felt like an eternity...seeing him close his eyes...thinking about her words...was she too harsh...did she spoke too much...did mentioning his mother piss him off even more...she doesn't know...all that she can do right now is wait...and the crowd is doing the same thing...
Shoto: "Izumi" and he looks up to stare her in the eyes...she waits...
Izumi: "Yeah" 
Shoto: "hmm...your right...your could i keep up...if i'm not giving it my all...while you and the others...all i ever feared in this life...becoming like the biggest fear...and even today him being here..watching him fight...observing every move and every attack and tactic...just to come home to pester him about everything he did wrong...
Flashback-8 years ago
Shoto: "GAH!!" being burnt for the seventh time 
Endeavor: "bah...weak as always...if you cannot even so much as dodge the simplest could you amount to anything when you become a hero...your are just like your mother...frail...fragile...broken" seeing that he set up mirrors in the room around them...being forced to look at the injury on his face...his eye nearly taken out from the incident...
Shoto: "b-b-but...she..." trying to think of an excuse for it 
Endeavor: "i want no excuses" a few feet away from his Shoto stumbles back...he turns towards the see his sister..playing with the others...well they're playing with her...since she would have to ask
Endeavor: "look at me" snapping his finger as he snaps back to his focus now and he points at his gaze on him grew more strict....
Endeavor: "you are far superior than them..they mean nothing to you...Shoka is the only one who could be great like you...they'll be your downfall" 
Flashback ends 

Shoto: "the more i think about it...the more i realize...that it's not just giving it my all to prove's to show i can protect my family...along with you guys...thank you Izumi" seeing that fire in him reignited...he now fires out flames and Izumi could only smile like an idiot 
Izumi: "THAT'S RIGHT!!" now it's time for her to give it her all...the fight then continues and the crowd cheers once more 

Mirio: "wow...he's been holding back" 
Tamaki: "might've been a last resort" 
Yuyu: "you think he only had the ice quirk" 
Nejire: " he has flames...the question is did she play herself when she asked for it?...why didn't she just let it continue?...what's the whole point of this?...when did she ever started caring?...who knows anymore" grim...seeing her sadden expression 
Yuyu: "alright girl..later on..we're going to have a talk...a long one...with them as well 
Mirio; "we're just being dragged everywhere huh" and Tamaki nods in agreement 
Yuyu: "shh" 
Mirio: "there's people yelling everywhere how are we being loud?..and what for?" 
then he looks to see Izumi standing besides Todoroki..holding out a hand...for him to reach out for...the fight is over
Mirio: "hmm..wasn't expecting that" 
Yuyu: "shows she's going to only get stronger...but i wonder if 'he' is watching this" 
Tamaki: "pretty sure every villain is watching this event" 
Nejire: "which is why we need to continue on with Nezus request..train and train" 
Mirio: "you said it" 

Izuku: "RRAH!!" throwing one of the chairs in the lab hearing it break on impact...the screws and the parts scattered all over the floor...holding his head in pain 
Ojiko: "must you destroy everything?" 
Izuku: "SHUT UP!!" slamming his hand on the metal table..leaving a bent mark on it...growling even more...he even threw up 
Izuku: "You FUCKING WHORE!!!" as he continued to tear it down...kneeling on the ground...of course it was what you expect..Ojiko took out the syringe that was in him...another quirk injected into him...seeing parts of his veins turning slightly purple...trying to control his breathing...his veins now started turning back to it's normal color...going down again...he manages to control it...he checks his phone...seeing a text from nejire...telling him Izumi won her matchup...he really doesn't care..but he replied back to thank her...which had her asking if he was okay...
Izuku: 'currently' and he glares at the doctor...and now he feels it again 
Ojiko however is taking notes on the results and he couldn't help but just check every detail and symptom that's showing 
Ojiko: 'fascinating...seems master has been right all along...using him to be the ultimate tool for our will his mental state change..perhaps for our own benefit' chuckling as he gave him something that would be deemed useful 
this would allow him to endure extreme conditions that would normally kill a normal person...examples are being exposed to a nerve agent...and even certain levels of radiation...but the main purpose are it's endurance to cold and heat...making him invulnerable to it...the drawback however is he has a limit as always...over exposure to the conditions will result in him being affected...but Acid is very much effective against him...along with concentrated blasts of radiation and such. 
Izuku reading it over he was annoyed: 'so much for an upgrade' sarcastic
Ojiko: "now then my test subject you are cleared for now...your sensei wants to speak with you" 
Izuku: "hm" putting his outfit back adjusting the gas mask and he walks out now something else is now noticeable...his genetic makeup has altered...looking still the same..only the fact that multiple veins in his arms...appear purple...of course you would have to look very hard to notice it at all..but in time...should he continue with this 'testing'...he may become something he never wished upon himself at all 

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