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Izuku: "can'twonderbutwonder...thatmakesnosensewhataboutheotherswhataboutthemwhatabouther...no..nonononononoican'tgobacknotevernotwhennotatall!...hehehe...she is there...she has always been there from the start...always lurking...always waiting..again once more she has taken things from me!" crying out in the dark...as the thermite is his only source of light..as chains are scattered everywhere in his new den...crawling around and mumbling to himself
Izuku: "nothingeverlastforever...I had a chance to kill that little cunt but i blew it...BLEW IT!!" as he stumbles more...looking for Ojiko...in which he has no idea on where to look first...having to kill rats that would scurry and run...using it as practice for his chains...as he sees his detached hand crawling along the walls 
Izuku: "no...no...NO...NO!" scratching at his head as he sobs even more...banging his head against the walls the stone cold floor and dirty water that flows through his feet...as he fires out more chains...he looks at the black vial 
Izuku: "not yet..notyetnotyetnotyet it is too soon...I must find him so i could show what i really becomes...what ShE becomed!" 
'and yet you still wander aimlessly lost' 
Izuku: "enough out of you..i can't..i won't!" 
'surely you must know what it means don't you?...forget the doctor he's the least of our worries...find the league and you'll find him...make them pay for betraying you once more..' 
Izuku: "I thought they cared about me" 
'and look what has become of you...a rat in the sewers...but right now..you need to find a place to set your den...come come' as it moves along 
Izuku: "wait!...wait!" like a moth to the flame he was drawn and followed it...leading him back....to 
Izuku: "huh?" seeing the empty chamber...the Kamino ward hideout..the ruins that has caved in...
'you will find it here...look' as then a door opens...the room leading into the lab that he used to be in...how it's nearly in tact is the question for him 
Izuku then slowly walks through as he hears out for anything unusual...he looks around and finds the leftover NOMUs that were of course dead...
'this is what you would've become' 
Izuku: "I...I don't get it" 
'you managed to maintain your humanity for so long...even on the verge of insanity...you had always had the willpower...just like your father...his fathers father...find me Izuku' 
Izuku: "who...WHO ARE YOU!!!?" screaming out as it doesn't make sense...no sense at all...as the shadow then started to form an image...he then tries to look closely...but then..he widens his eyes...
Izuku: "you!" 
'yes..it is me...' 
Izuku: "you...you were the one messing with my head..my mind my actions...YOU WERE THE ONE WHO USED ME!!!" 
'hmhmhmhm and what are you going to do about it tool?" as it now disappears he reached for his hammer and slams it against the wall...he blinks then the in tact lab...is now in shambles...another delusion...looking around now he tries to check the old drawers...seeing them destroyed and burned to a crisp...he then sees into one of the cabinets...a piece of paper...with the words 
Izuku: "Gigantomachia..." turning the page there was a small photo of this beast-like creature...another NOMU?....possibly...as he looks closely through the debris...he sees a small device...picking it up...it had cracks...and is near falling apart...as he looks around for anything...he couldn't find anything...instead...he had another means of planning...and he walks through the tunnels once more...

(Now entering the Masegaki Primary School)
Gang Orca: "alright...the four of you are here for one reason...your disrespect towards those who you have rescue...which of course is not acceptable behavior if you really are trying to become a pro hero...as for the moment...with the recent events that have happened...I am requiring that you take this test seriously...now...the test is that you must keep a control over the wild and rowdy children of Masegaki Primary school...these kids have been reported to be quite troublesome and it is your jobs as role models to keep them under control...do i make myself clear?" looking at Katsuki, Shoto, Inasa, and Camie...the real one...
Bakugo: "fine" 
Shoto: "Yes" and the other two agreed with them...
Gang Orca: "good...now....good luck" as he walks off he gave the signal 
Inasa: "oh this should be pretty easy" 
Shoto: "somehow i have a feeling it's not" 
Bakugo was occupied with something else....he can't help but think back to when deku was revealed to be the bogeyman...his sister doesn't hide it..she hates it...and their parents found about their whole plan that had occurred when they were young...they were kicked out...to live in U.A until they graduate..or as Izumi stated...until he kills them...or until they kill him first...but who is he to say they can win this....it's one thing to go ahead and try to kill them..but to also take countless lives along with him is another...they will make him pay...sick or not...he has to be stopped...no matter what 
Shoto: 'oh boy' seeing all the kids rush in the gym they already started using their quirks...and it was quite hectic...as they look around and Inasa and Camie tried their best to take control of the situation...Shoto even also contributed to their pathetic attempt...but Bakugo still sat on the floor..staring at the floor...as he just...reflects
Bakugo: 'I knew this shit would backfire...fucking morons' 
Shoto: "i'm saying that's what we should do" 
Izumi: "but...that's a bit cruel...we can't just do that!" 
Shoka: "think Izumi...if we let him become a pro...without a quirk...he'll die...I...I don't want him to die" 
Katsumi: "But this is going to far...there has to be another way" 
Izumi: "I...I guess their right....if...if we do it enough...maybe he'll give it all up...right?" 
Bakugo: "all i see...is you idiots are going to make it worse" 
Shoto: "what do you mean?" 
Bakugo: "won't that make him mad?...the moron may be powerless...but he isn't the type to let go of a grudge either...it could mean trouble" 
Izumi: "Bakugo you don't know what your talking about" 
Bakugo: "here we go again" 
Katsumi: "we have to do this...it's to ensure his safety" 
Bakugo: "by torturing him" 
Shoka: "it's the only way" 
Bakugo scoffs: "just don't say i didn't warn you" 
Flashback ends 

Bakugo then felt water hit his face...wiping it off unfazed...he then sees..it was Mandalays nephew...Kota...
Bakugo: "hey" as he just greets him
Kota stays silent...as he just sits down by him...not a word spoken...as he waits for any type of response 
Kota: "My aunt retired...and ragdoll...is gone" he didn't know what he meant by that...but it can't be good...
Bakugo: "I'm sorry" 
Kota: "i don't need your pity...i want you to make him pay...for what he's done to me...my aunt...and to the others he had tormented...only good thing he's done..is killed the man who murdered my parents" 
Bakugo: "Muscular?" and he nods...
Kota: "I'm sure it was out of his own amusement...those hands..that grip..when he choked me..hearing her cry out my name...it...it" as he started crying now...
Bakugo although not being great with comforting someone..he did his best....and that was to put a hand on Kotas shoulder...trying to give him reassurance...
Bakugo: "I promise you...we're going to take him down...no matter what..you can count on it" 
Kota: "i hope so...either way...your dead" and he gets up and walks off...
Bakugo: "the fuck he meant by that?" 

Shigaraki: "*sigh*...as if things needed to get worse...looking back at the situation...they lost Kurogiri...that midget bastard managed to get the best of them and captured their only means of escape if shit hits the fan...
Ochako: "well there goes two more assets...some planning huh" 
Shigaraki: "You shut the fuck up...your the one who had to give the fucking freak both vials..and now look what's happened...we lost our only means of controlling the situation...fucking cunt...don't know why i haven't killed you already" 
Ochako: "because you need the help and we're not exactly filled with people as well" seeing Dabi, Toga, Spinner, and twice...they are the only ones left now...
Shigaraki: "whatever...i need....some more time...to get a grasp on the situation...so far...we have...heh...another pawn to use...a queen on the chessboard to be precise..." 
Dabi: "A NOMU?" 
Shigaraki: "not exactly my dear watson...Ujiko was so kind to provide information based on our Senseis old bodyguard..he alone can hold off not one..but multiple pro heroes while causing mass destruction to an area...I have a plan on how we should do this next step..it may require a bit of caution..be we are no different in any type of plan..." 
Toga raised her hand 
Shigaraki: "what" 
Toga: "um...if this plan works...what are supposed to do if we encounter 'him' again?" meaning Midoriya 
Shigaraki: "well that depends on who he considers an enemy or allie...but i'll tell you this...i'm sure he wants to kill every hero and villain alike...it doesn't matter on who it is...he is beyond our grasp right now...if...only if you encounter him...run" literally that's all the advise he could give them..even he knows that with the current quirks he has...he's still no match for him...he gets a call 
Shigaraki: "Yellow?" trying to make a pun 
"there is a school festival being held up at U.A...what would you want us to do?" 
Shigaraki: "hmm...keep an eye on that child...overhauls kid...she may be a key to the problem we are facing" 
"got it" then it hangs up 
Shigaraki: "Just you wait Midoriya..you will regret on turning your hand against the one who gave you everything...just you wait" 

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