USJ: Reflection

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after their long battle Izumi and the others managed to defeat the villains...they managed to avoid the portals all together..hoping that lida will make it in time for getting help...since they couldn't get a cell phone signal..or any help at all..completely relying on their skills alone...Aizawa was having trouble with them...since these criminals..are just acting frantically based off their desire to kill...animals he likes to compare them to...Thirteen was down...he did his best to protect them...Izumi helped out pulling Thirteen in with her make sure nothing harms them...Katsumi releases concentrated bursts of explosions..almost to being like a stun grenade...then finishes it with a much stronger explosion...knocking them they work together she and Izumi managed to hold them off...while Tokoyami and Dark shadow does their part...that is until 
Shigaraki: "oh for fucks.sake..should've brought more pawns to dispose...beh..waste of money for sure" 
Kurogiri: "shall we release sir?" 
ShigarakI: "not yet...until All Might gets here..i want to see his face when we introduce it to all of them...tire them out..then's the perfect plan hahaha..huh?" then Kurogiri opens a portal..for the bogeyman to walk through 
ShigarakI: "well look who's finally.." he stops to see he's dragging one of the students with him...
Izuku now sees Izumi who stops as well 
Izumi: "MOMO!!" Katsumi turns around to see her being held captive..she's all bloodied and bruised...and he holds her up 
Izuku: "enough" and Aizawa finishes the last of the villains...and he turns to see him holding his student hostage 
Aizawa: "damn it" 
Katsumi: "you fucking coward!" Izuku then tightens his grip hearing her gag 
Izuku: "watch your mouth..otherwise you'll see her head pop right off her shoulders" 
Izumi: "shit...shit!" she didn't know what to do...
Izumi: "let her go!" 
Izuku: "You of all people have no right to give orders" 
Izumi: "damn it...face us one on one!" 
Izuku: "is that what you call it? should be familiar grounds for you two to gang up on someone correct?..." and now they flinched a little
Aizawa: 'what is he talking about?" 
Izuku: "maybe you didn't know" soon the doors bust open to the other students entering in and running 
Shoto: "oh no" 
Shoka: "Momo" 
Mineta: "not her!..she has the biggest bust of them all" then his attention diverts to the midget 
Izuku: "and the world wonders ...why are heroes becoming less and less relevant with each year...this girl..and him..are perfect examples of why that is happening...a corruption that has been growing...and the world that treats people like me...him...the lot of us black sheep that are not meant to be with the herd...we are the ones that are cast off into the fend for our try and survive...hoping with each coming day will be better than the last...where are your shepherds that accept them no matter what?..where are your dogs that will protect the herd...even those who are cast away from society...they are no where..for they are told from the beginning..that we are not important..that we are expendable...we're not supposed to exist...worthless...useless...a the boy...who had the world crushed above him..the weight that dragged him into the abyss." 
Izumi: 'is he talking about Izuku?!' 
Katsumi: 'he's talking about deku' 
Bakugo: 'that fucking deku caught this bastards attention!?' 
Aizawa: 'he must be talking about that Midoriya kid' 
Izuku: "and with each step of the way...not only have i killed those who have brought pain to me...i brought fear to the people..i have become a nightmare to the heroes...afraid that if they sleep that i will be there when i strike my hammer down on them...children will utter my name and they will be scared of a living nightmare that will come and get them...praying to the heroes in hopes i go away...even if you kill me...imprison me...banish me...erase me...know that i become a nightmare and live on in your will see will never escape me...and you will wish to never have met me at all" hearing this shows how much of a threat he is...and it is and freshly started pro heroes have begun to show fear for afraid to go out patrolling in areas he has killed...wondering if they'll become the next victim...the schools...too afraid to even let them go home afraid to have them away from their homes....nowhere to run...nowhere to hide..he will be a bad dream... that you can't wake up from" 
Izumi: "NOT ALL HEROES!!!" hearing his student yell out 
Izumi: "just because you instilled fear into the heroes...doesn't mean the same goes to us...with all of us working together...WE WILL STOP YOU ALL!!" and soon another portal opens..but it was much larger than the last one 
Aizawa: 'more villains?!' but that was the opposite no...this was a large beast...having a yellow beak...with teeth...looking a little goofy by that was not without the large wide open eyes that have no eye lids...and the top part of the head...had it's brain exposed in the open air...not seeming to have an effect on's twitching and frantic moving makes it seem like a massive chain is holding it holding back a dog by it's collar...
Shigaraki: "you love it?...i call it a NOMU...a perfect bio weapon i call it...might as well'll find out either way...but this one..this one will be the creature...that will end All Mights life!" before laughing 
Izuku: "either way..all you can do wait patiently for your *cough*" not knowing what to do..he has Momo hostage...Jirou and Kaminari are nowhere to be seen...likely dead...and this bogeyman..has shown to them...that he isn't just some common has a kill all heroes and spread fear to all...with how he's holding Momo he has tremendous strength..and he knows about all their quirks and weaknesses...and like on cue...the door busts off it's hinges...and then 
"FEAR NOT...FOR I AM HERE!!!" and they all felt hope again..
Kirishima: "ALL MIGHT!!!" 
Mina: "he's here!" 
Mineta: "he's going to save us!" crying out 
Izumi: 'dad' 
Katsumi: "finally" 
Aizawa: "what took you so long" 
AM: "had a bit of trouble getting here...young Tenya was calm telling us the situation....and we had to prepare" 
Aizawa: "for what" 
"for us!" seeing behind them all of the pro heroes and others coming in now in one huge squad 
Snipe: "it's over you villains" 
Shigaraki now scratches his neck: "finally." and he walks a little forward 
Shigaraki: " fraud" 
AM: "AND YOUR A VILLAIN!!" but they also noticed 
Midnight: "it's him" seeing Izuku there 
Snipe: "the bogeyman" 
Izuku : "glad to know someone knows me" 
Snipe aims his weapon: "let her go!" 
Izuku: "try me...shoot won't do a thing..only that i will separate this girls jaw from her head" now grabbing the jaw and the top part of her mouth forcing it open...she foes into hysteria frantically breathing heavily...wondering if this is her last moments in life...
Izuku: "You have no business with's with him" 
ShigarakI: "thank you...i always hated that goddamn smile...that fake smile trying to show the world your fake sense of know what you know why people are becoming more and more selfish each day..why they grow weaker...becoming sheep...NOMU!!!...Kill All Might!" 

The OutcastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora