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Darkness...nothing but the pitch black that is seen everywhere...and the one that lies in the middle of it all 
Izumi: "wha?" she wakes up...she can't move...she can't see...she can't hear...trapped within her whatever place she is in...
Izumi: 'where am i' trying to move her eyes to see if there was anything different
"Izumi" hearing her name echoed in the distance...
Izumi: "what?" now she was able to move...and she gets now find herself on a dark road with few street the mist breezes through the nearby buildings...there was no moon...or stars...
"Izumi" hearing it whisper her voice again 
Izumi: "Hello?" she then...hesitated for a moment...until she takes her first step she walks through the street alone...the faint sound of the street light buzzing...and she sees a small figure cower into an alleyway 
Izumi: "hey...Hey!" she now runs towards it...seeing it pitched black...she runs in anyway...and she gets to another part of the see a small child who is covered in a blanket...quiver in fear 
Izumi: "'s okay..i'm not gonna hurt you" as she reaches pull the sheet off...she was shocked to see...a younger Izuku...bloodied...beatened...
Izumi: "Izuku" as he crawls away 
Izuku: "n-n-n-no..i'm sorry Zumi..please...don't hurt me again!....i don't like the hurts....w-w-why does it hurt!" crying out 
Izumi: "what?" soon she looks at her see blood on it...then back at now see him older now...
Izuku: "You just can't accept the fact of what you did to me" 
Izumi: "I...I don't" 
Izuku scoffs: "you don't really see what you did don't you?..." now she blinks and sees him laying there...shirtless...with open wounds all over him...from burn marks...bruises...cuts...and even small holes in him...looking like he got shot...then the frost that was on different parts of his body 
Izuku: "you see what you have done to me" 
Izumi couldn't speak 
Izuku: "of course you don' only ever cared about what you didn't want for matter what...that's why...he hates you Izumi..he is your fear" now she felt a stinging pain in her wrist....kneeling down in she sees a tree branch grow out of her...the pain from before...before she realizes she sees a different view from her left eye...something looking right her...turning around...
Bogeyman: "Hush hush comes the bogeyman" as he swings his hammer down...she relived that whole scenario again...from the branch impaling through the eye being ripped seeing her friends being toyed with...then she is up close face to face with Izuku...dead 
Izumi: "No...nononononono " she sees the nightmare standing by her...looking at the aftermath he left behind
Bogeyman: "I never planned on killing you..but i will make you share my pain...Izumi..You...will i...have SUFFERED!" grabbing her again before

she wakes up 

Izumi: "AHHHH AHHH!!" screaming out as she frantically moves in her bed....
Izumi: "HE'S AFTER ME!!! HE'S AFTER ME!!!" as she kept on going....she was pinned down she looks to see 
Inko: "it's's okay" as she managed to calm down 
Izumi: "m-m-mom!" whimpering out 
Inko was crying: "Oh honey" bringing her into a tight she cries out for her daughter...
Yagi: "Izumi...oh my god...i'm so sorry" as he joined in...she let out whatever tears she has left....looking closely...she sees her wrist was bandaged...and a large one covering her left eye wasn't a nightmare...he had come...then the door opens 
Aizawa: "so she's finally awake" 
Inko: "shota" and he walks up to her....seeing her state 
Aizawa: "is there anything that we can do right now" knowing that if he asks her how she's pointless...might as well get straight to the point 
Izumi: "w-where's...Kota...and the others?!" she muttered out 
Aizawa: "they're safe...Jirou has only been knocked out...while Setsuna is undergoing some treatment as well...but" 
Izumi: "KENDO!...IS SHE SAFE!!" 
Aizawa was silent for a moment...and he sits on the chair next to her 
Izumi: "Mr Aizawa...Is Kendo okay?" 
Aizawa: "she is in critical condition right now...the doctors don't know if she'll survive...she has suffered multiple blows to her head...spine...and various parts of her body..due to being...used as a weapon...if she is able to pull through...she may never be able to walk normally again" 
Izumi: "my god" knowing how he just effortlessly swing her around like nothing....
Aizawa: "but...that's not what i came here for...i want to ask confirm what Katsumi Bakugo said" 
Izumi: "w-w-what's that?" 
Aizawa: "did you witness and was attacked by Ochako Uraraka" 
Izumi froze...remembering she stepped into the moon light...and she saw her a ghost revisiting her...
Inko: "it's okay Izumi" 
Izumi: "yes...i saw her...she attacked me and Jirou...i..I managed to hit the helmet she had on...and it broke...then 'he' came and told us that she lived through it all...and she is part of the league everyone else alright?" worried for her classmates 
Aizawa: "for now they seem fine...couple of injuries...but nothing compared to what you three had gone through...two students have been kidnapped" 
Izumi: "who..WHO!" 
Aizawa: "*sigh*...i'm not allowed to say it...but you'll figure it out anyway...first Mina Ashido" 

Mina try and break through her bindings...having quirk suppressant cuffs on her...she tries to free herself...but it was no use...she can hear the commotion going on out the room she's in...the laughter...the some big party is going on...then it opens 
Dabi: "I see your awake now...OI...SHE'S AWAKE!!" Yelling out the door...and then...the leader comes in 
Mina muffled through the muzzle on her seeing Shigaraki there 
Shigaraki: "for fucks sake...whatever...your awake..that's the important thing do you feel?" and Mina just muffles 
Shigaraki: "Oh right" now ripping the tape off her...
Mina: "AGH!" 
Shigaraki: "there...better?" smirking 
Mina: " you know what these people are!?" Shigarakis eye twitched for a bit and Dabi snickers 
Shigaraki: " see little pink girl...i'm not really a name is Tomura Shigaraki...the leader of the League of Villains." 
Mina: "the leader? means" she shivers more the door opens see...the bogeyman there standing behind him...and he just stays quiet 
Dabi: "So you don't need me for this..i'm gonna go drink" and he exits the room 
Mina was scared for her life...
Shigaraki: "So...we have a very particular set of people here...with a very unique set of skills...each one being an expert on something...I just so happen to bring the nightmare to you...if you of course will ask some questions...and believe me when i tell you this..i will know if you are let us begin...okay?" and she nods 
Shigaraki: "alright first question is quite simple...who is the strongest in your class" 
Mina was hesitant for a moment...but...she didn't want to rat out make them a possible target 
Mina: "I...It's me...i'm the strongest" 
Shigaraki looks for a moment...then at Izuku...then he walks up to her...and she tries to lean back...but can' his fact was just inches from hers 
Izuku: "think..carefully" as the wheezing breaths make her heart rate go into overdrive...just out of instinct 
Mina: "Izumi...Izumi yagi!" now he straightens himself up now 
Shigaraki: "see how easy that was...lie her what i'm talking about" as the bogeyman takes a glove off...exposing his horrible looking hand...Mina is then startled seeing the amber...thermite flow out of his palms...he has a new quirk 
Shigaraki: "Thermite...burns at a nice and comfy 2,200 degree Celsius...can burn through metal and concrete like having a stream of this...say..'pour' directly on your leg..isn't going to be the best feeling in the world...understand?" and Mina nods 
Shigaraki: " on to the next you believe...that the kindest of people...can become a monster?" 
MIna: "wha...what type of question is that!?" 
ShigarakI: "one that you have to" 
MIna: "I...I" then right back again...the bogeyman walks up to her...and lets some thermite drop next to her 
Shigaraki: "clocks ticking" 
Mina: "Y...N...YES!" 
Shigaraki: "hmm...interesting...why do you think that?" 
MIna: " could they were treated" 
Shigaraki: "good the final question..and this is the important one so you best make sure you prepare for it" 
Mina shivers as she was waiting
Shigaraki: "would you join the league of Villains?" which shocked her...
Mina: "what?" 
Shigaraki: "I hate repeating myself..." 
Mina: "I...I'm a hero in training..there's no way that I" 
Shigaraki: "that you will cower in fear when you face against this thing in the field...or that you don't want to because we're all don't think your seeing this at a much bigger picture here girl...remember the second question?...why don't we delve deeper into it shall we?" and soon...Mina sees the Bogeyman set down his hammer...pulling his hood down...and then...takes his mask off...Mina complete silence...was what filled the room...for in front of her was 
Mina: "Izuku" seeing the kind boyfriend of the big three...revealed to be the monster the heroes fear
Izuku: "Mina" giving his sincere the part where he was going to pour thermite on her didn't exist
MIna: "" as Izuku just walks on over 
Mina: "why are you...." 
Izuku: "lets just say...i have quite the hobby on the sidelines...leave us" and Shigaraki nods...and he exits the door..before locking it again 

Izumi: "we..we have to get them back!" 
Inko: "Izumi" 
Izumi: "WE HAVE TO!" 
Aizawa: "don't worry...Yaoyorozu managed to plant a tracking device on one of their members...right now we have their location...and are ready to prepare a raid immediately." 
Izumi: "let me go" 
Yagi: "Izumi no" 
Izumi: "I did this...i don't know how this monster knows me so much..but...I will not let him take away another life...he's done enough evil...i stop him!" 
Aizawa scowls: "really...pretty ironic of you to say that" 
Yagi: "Shota" 
Aizawa: "don't get me started Yagi...i could barely look at you right are ordered to stay here...if you set one foot outside of this will be detained and under arrest for interfering with hero and the others that are with i have your attention" 
Izumi: "grr...yes" 
Aizawa: "now then...i need to go check on the the mean time...get rest...your going to need it" 

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