The meeting

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                             day later

Dabi: "everything is set" 
Shigaraki: "good...alright...time to see our sponsor" as they were about to enter the vehicle 
Kurogiri: "where is Young MIdoriya?" as the rest of the members looked around them to see he was absent 
Shigaraki: "goddamn it...Ochako go check upstairs" 
Ochako: "right" and she heads on over....since their new hideout isn't as large as the old one...they have to adapt to it...but on the bright side they do get a nice view of the city from the rooftop...
Ochako: "Izuku?" knocking on the door...nothing...she tried looking in the main room..but again he wasn't there...
Ochako: "huh?" hearing a loud crash going on in the next room...she got her knife case someone found them...she didn't have time to alert the the noise was heard once more...
Ochako: "Izuku?!" yelling out his try and confirm if it was him 
"GRAH!!!" hearing grunting and growling coming from the otherside...she knew what was going on...and she opened the find him holding on to his he shouts and bickers...
Izuku: "ihavenothingtoprovealliamisapawntothegameicannotletthemcontrolmeoncemoreyoudon'tknowyoudon'tknow!" weeping it ends up turning into laughter right away 
Ochako: "Izuku!" trying to get his attention...he looks at her..and she could swear that she was just looking at an animal instead of her friend...
Izuku: "NO!, No....NO!!! Ugh!" clenching his head as he continues his mumbling...
Ochako: "dabi i need you!" yelling through her she hears stomping coming up...she realized that Izuku charged towards her..
Izuku: "Throughthepain,throughthegrief...HERO!!!" choking her as she was pinned to the wall 
Ochako: "gah..Izuku!" is this what he's battling through?...all this time...she tried to calm she looks into his eyes 
Ochako: "please...snap out of it..." as his eyes widened...he lets go...and he calms himself...
Izuku: "I....I don't...I don't know what's going on with me!...this pain...this's...i can't...control it!" 
Dabi soon came see him on the ground he clings on to Ochako and she has no idea on what to do...once again...he cries out in anguish...
Dabi: "kid...come on...we have to do this...remember why your doing this...why your going all out for us...remember that you survived" hoping his words would get through to him...his breathing getting calmer loosening his grip on Ochako...he turns to Dabi...
Izuku: "of course i survived" getting up the whole meltdown he had just didn't happen...
Izuku: "why are you two here?" 
Dabi: "because you just fucking went around destroying shit up here...and mumbling like some Maniac" 
Izuku: "I...I did?" looking at Ochako and she pinching his nose...for the sudden headache he had didn't fully fade away 
Izuku: "I..I don't remember...are the three vials safe?" 
Ochako: "Screw the need to stop taking them!...please...your mind is slowly decaying...can't you realize it!...I told you time and time again to not take it!" 
Izuku: "i'm not discussing this...let's go" 
Dabi stands at the doorway: "you need to promise us...promise your girl...that you won't take anymore...if four is doing this much to you...then imagine how six will be...god forbid seven if you take the black one...focus...we're going to do this meeting..and we're about...five minutes behind...promise" 
Ochako holds his she didn't want to see him slowly rot in front of's getting to much to bear 
Izuku: "I...Alright...but...If i have to take ensure your safety...I will not hesitate...otherwise....i won't..." they expected that type of they follow him out...seeing him put on the gas back into the garage 
Shigaraki: "You done throwing a tantrum" 
Izuku just pushes past him and enters the car...
Kurogiri: "you and your big mouth" and he enters 
Dabi: "lets just hurry it up" as Ochako and the others now got into a separate vehicle and they drove off
Kurogiri: "so the meeting point is near Kamino ward...of course this is for being away from unwanted i advise you to keep your guard up" 
Dabi: "why drive?...why not take a portal?" 
Kurogiri: "First impressions are everything Dabi...taking a portal will only solidify that we have limited means of transportation...teleporting would indicate that it would be easily crippled should i get caught or perhaps quiet..let me do the greetings..and then Tomura will be discussing with the leader...and his name is Overhaul..remember it..." and they drive off...tinted windows for the win
Shigaraki: " that's established...what are we to expect is he's the type to try and show off...provoke not let his words get to you...Midoriya" 
Izuku stays quiet 
Shigaraki: "just play the silent always...your what he's mainly interested in right keep your cool..and we'll do just fine" 
Izuku just grunts
Kurogiri: "Spinner...are you and your team set up yet?" 
spinner: "we're about to get into position...Ochakos already set up..." 
Kurogiri: "good..keep us updated" and they now make it to Kamino ward...turning off the they see the place is still in shambles from AFOs destruction...
Shigaraki: "now this is interesting" as they approach the oncoming destroyed building...there in front of a line of police officers...tied up and had a gun pointed at them...about six to be one member holds his hand up...then signaled it...and they all fired killing them
Dabi: "is this to impress us?" 
Spinner: "we're in position" 
Shigaraki: "lets go greet them" and they each get out of the car...Izuku being the last his wheezing is heard...the flames cracking...and they each look at them...
Kurogiri: "hello there...we're here for our meeting with you leader" 
as one of the members look back at the others...he nods...seeing Izuku there with him 
"he'll be right in here...follow me" 
Kurogiri: "and are we sure you are not deceiving us?" 
" if we'll fuck around with you while that child killer is with you" 
Dabi: "no shit" and Shigaraki elbows him 
now they proceed to follow them into an old warehouse...barely lit up from the fire outside...and now some spotlights turn on directed at them
Dabi: "oh boy" 
Shigaraki: "stop talking" 
???: "so...your the league of Villains...which one of you is the leader?"
as Shigaraki steps up
Shigaraki: "right here" folding his arms...of course like his bodyguard Izuku stands to his side...
???: "there you are" and soon he came into the his mask was similar to a plague doctors, well mainly the bird part as he walks forward and observes their every move...from Shigarakis Dabis looking around....Kurogiri waiting...then to the Bogeymans wheezing...his sudden twitching for even a brief moment...showed him enough 
???: "so your the real deal here...not just a bunch of kids with one old man who thinks they're the top dog in the game...I was aware you are the only four here...but i respect you for having backup" 
Shigaraki: "and your point?" Dabi wanted to smack himself here 
???: "impatient i you may know i had you come see our little display of power...such as getting away with murdering six officers who had nearly leaked out information based on our current hideout...this place is rather rotting at a fast rate...shall we discuss matters somewhere more...civilized?" 
Shigaraki: "go right ahead then" as he looks at one of his members and nods....they head on over to open a small show another vehicle..about four to be precise 
???: "Your friends are also allowed to join if they wish...and to avoid name is Overhaul" and he walks on over to the vehicle...waiting for Shigaraki and the others...
Dabi: "guess you can say the climbed the buildings for nothing then" 
Kurogiri: "it shows him that we are prepared...than to just walk right in with no means of a plan should it back fire" 
Shigaraki: "lets hurry it up" and they followed him 
Izuku: "there is no peace, only pain, through pain comes anger, through anger comes hate, through hate comes vengeance, through vengeance, comes action, through action, comes death, I am death itself, and they shall all know my pain" muttering to he gets in...Overhaul takes note of his little code...seeing how his behavior may affect his intentions with him...a little trust building may soon show him the truth of what this world is...and hope for the best  

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