Unwavering bond

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Night has come...and the next plan is in set...the discussion between Endeavor and Yagi remained on deaf ears...AFO despite the commotion he witnessed in front of him...had now let his grand idea take place...and that is to come within a weeks time...he could only hope that his loyal minion can see Tomura as a worthy successor to his quirk...or what he thinks...
AFO: "You both really need to visit at some point...and i mean soon...i hope you two are getting along" as he just chuckles to himself...the warden gives the signal to lock up the room and then have the bulkheads close overhead...and the lights dim out again for the day 
"GO TO BED HERO KILLER!!" banging on the cell glass as he just scoffs and lays down...looking over to the side and sees the kid...going by the name Mustard...crawl up his bed...even it's been months since the Kamino ward incident..he tries to get info from him...and what the LOVs current situation was at the time..and what Midoriyas quirks were...he only told him that thermite was another one he attained...the last three...he can't figure it out...
Stain: "just a little longer kid...just a little longer" 

Nejire tried again for the third night...to sleep...but...she's afraid...afraid that she'll end up slipping back into that dream...where she and Izuku fought...where she'll end up going through a rapid flash of memories with him..from the good..to the bad...then to the worse...which she can't get out of...then it thundered...as she looks outside...seeing it rain intensely...have to say...Nature can have really reflect on how she 's feeling right now...
Nejire: "Izuku" she muttered his name out again...turning over to the sheets...thinking he's there with her...to comfort her after a long day of school and studying...patrols and such...but he's not...as another flash of lightning filled the room...the thunder was much louder than before...as she flinched a little from the sound she overheard sobbing...as the door to her dorm opened slightly...
Eri: "mama?" she muttered out...she sits up to see Eri crying..as she scared 
Nejire: "Hey...come here" as she gets out of bed to pick her up...she sees Aizawa there tired...and he gives a thumbs up...wondering if she's going to be alright..and she nods...and he walks off...bringing her back to her bed...she lays down with her...as she clings on to her nightgown 
Eri: "i'm scared" 
Nejire: "Oh shh..what's going on?" 
Eri: "The....the lightning is scary....i don't like it...it...it's so loud" 
Nejire: "oh i'm sorry Eri..i...i can't do anything about it...but listen to the rain..try to focus on that...listen to how soft and relaxing it sounds hmm?" 
Eri: "O...okay" as she tried to listen in...and she seemed to calm down for the moment...of course...
*BANG!!!!* lightning struck the roof and the power went out...seeing the school lights from outside the dorm go dark..and the rooms lights turn off...Eri started panicking 
Eri: "MOMMY!" she clings on..
Nejire: "it's okay..it's okay...i'm here...i'm here..listen to my voice eri..i'm not leaving you okay shh shh shh..." eri then crawls up to lay on her chest...trying to listen to her heartbeat...
Eri: "could...could you...sing me a song?" oh dear 
Nejire: "Oh uh...i really don't know that many" 
Eri: "Papa would often sing to me..when...when i'm scared...after...Overhaul" now remembering her past with him again 
Nejire: "Okay...do...do you know what he would sing to you?" 
Eri nods: "something that goes like...angels will carry him away?...he would sing out" now she understands...she knows his choice of music to well to know what she's talking about...and she was a bit uncomfortable now singing it..but...if it helps her..she will do what she can...
Nejire: "okay...hold on" trying to position herself up...to where she is sloped at an angle...and eri can lay on her easier...now she waits...although the thunder came back...it means the storm is slowly fading...but eri still clings on to her...
Nejire: "~ooh ooh.....farewell, my love we'll be together soon...I'm resting with the angels they'll carry me to you~" as she started rocking back and forth now with her she listens 
Nejire: "Relax, my dear...we'll see each other soon...we'll meet up in the heavens, I'll wait alone for you"and now Eri couldn't help but think back to when she was in her papas arms 
Izuku: "Oh! i hear them say..the angels are calling me..back...home ooh~" as she hangs on to him feeling him brush her hair once more...after another horrible treatment from Overhaul
Izuku: "goodnight my dear be still your weary heart...keep me in your prayers we'll never be apart...take heed sweet love...you'll never be alone...I'm watching from the heavens to keep you safe from harm" 
Flashback ends 

Nejire: "Oh..i hear them say the angels call to me...and when...their trumpets play...the angels will carry me back home" and she hums out the tune to the song...as she rubs her back...she then sings it again
Nejire: "Oh I hear them say, The angels call to me...and when their trumpets play...the angels..Will carry...me...back...home!" and then back to her humming again...as she hears the rain subsiding...and then 
Nejire: "they're calling me back...home" muttering the last words...she then couldn't help but think back to the time Izuku listen to it...as she knows every word by heart..wondering why he listens to such sad songs...but..after all that's happened it makes sense...
Nejire: "shh shh" as she holds eri close..she can hear soft breathing...and then..the lights came back on...to see Eri sleeping soundly in her embrace...she smiles and kisses her head...and covered them both under the blanket...
Nejire: "I promise you...We will save him...no matter what...I know we will" smiling as she then falls asleep as well..with something in hand...hope...for them all

Ochako: "dabi...what's this about?" as the two are in a separate room from the hideout they found...
Dabi: "it seems our 'great' leader is gaining a quirk...and apparently it's his senseis" 
Ochako: "what?" 
Dabi nods: "I don't believe it as well..but it's true...then again what isn't new here 
Ochako: "well...that and there's our 'friend' that's going on insane somewhere...*sigh*...why did i give him the vials" 
Dabi: "in your own way you tried to help him overcome those fucking nanites inside of him...then again at the price of his own sanity...it was his call to use them..but now he thinks the entire league is against him...besides the point i'm trying to talk about here...the time is coming and we will have to soon pick a side...i know we're both on the side and following Tomura and what not...but in the near future..which i'm guessing is soon...we're gonna have to make a choice in what to do...and i hope...that we'll make it out of this" 
Ochako: "right...but...Dabi...what about your revenge on your father?" 
Dabi: "it's still there...but right now other problems have become my main priority...like you for starters..." 
Ochako: "me?" 
Dabi: "you can't fool me...toga" and soon she started to melt 
Toga: "aww phooey" then Shigaraki comes out of the shadows 
Dabi: "of course you would do this" 
Shigaraki: "I had to figure out my enemies...adapt and learn...find out who's your allies and enemies..and decipher which is which...so she's the one that's been giving me a hard time...i think it's time to change that" 
Toga: "I'm sorry dabi" 
Dabi: "You did what you were told...have to say i'm not fond of being tricked...but at least your acting got better" 
Toga: "aww~" 
Shigaraki: "You know something about Midoriya...where is he?" 
Dabi: "please...like if i know that much...we all saw where he went...just made an educated guess...the sewers is where i would've gone if i needed to escape from heroes...don't know about how he'll survive without food and water" 
Shigaraki: "there is a reason why he has the extremophile quirk...it's not just about him resisting fire and ice...or high temperatures...it's to make sure that in any sort of situation he will be resilient...that being able to survive without food for long a very long period of time...and water...he was to supposed to be the ultimate killing machine...then you all turned your back on me...on the league...I would kill you if i had the choice..but...we have little no members now...so your on a very tight leash Dabi...remember..i have many ways to find any secret you may try to hide from me...and i WILL know...do i make myself clear?" 
Dabi grunts: "yes" 
Shigaraki: "good...now for Ochako" as he walks out the door...he demanded to have Ochako come out...but then Spinner went to go check...
Spinner: "she's not here" 
Shigaraki sighs: "of course..it just can't be that fucking simple can it?...oh well..she can rot all she wants...right now there are other things that need to be tended to...Kurogiri...bring in Ujiko" 
Kurogiri: "yes Young Tomura" 

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