Chapter 36 - Danger

Start from the beginning


Heta's eyes landed on her assistant as soon as she recognized the license plate. It was Aiyanna's.

"I'm sending people to where you are. Please, wait on the line until we get there and take care of..."

Heta's ears stopped working as she walked behind her assistant and looked at the information he had collected from the witness, on the computer.

Car accident.

Seeing those two words associated to her daughter's informations, Heta quickly grabbed her car keys before running out of the police station. When reaching her car, she hopped on the driver's seat and turned the ignition on. She soon realized that she had been followed by her colleague and now friend, Charlie, who sat on the passenger's seat with her coat in his hands.

"I wouldn't like you to catch a cold." Charlie said.

Although he had rarely seen Aiyanna, Heta could see how Charlie was empathizing with her, since he had a daughter too. To prepare Bella's arrival in Forks, Charlie had asked Heta advices on how to live and take care of a teenager, since it had been long since he had lived with his daughter. So naturally, when Bella suddenly went back to Arizona, he had told Heta everything. He didn't need to say much for Heta to see how affected he was by his daughter's sudden departure.

The location of the car accident wasn't far from the police station...and from Heta's house. In fact, it was the route Aiyanna had to take to come back from school.

Once seeing a man on the phone, trying to look inside the car, Heta parked hers on the side of the road.

"Wait here." Charlie told Heta as he saw her eyes quivering at the sight of the upside down car.

Charlie came out first. He greeted the witness who told him everything he knew while Charlie squatted down to look inside the car. As she saw Charlie's confuse expression, Heta couldn't help but come out of the car as well.

Heta felt the weakest at this moment. She could feel it as her heart was beating faster the more she walked. She felt the most vulnerable as her whole being was invaded with the fear of losing her daughter.

However, as soon as she faced the car, she became as confused as Charlie and the witness as there was nobody inside. She recognized Aiyanna's belongings, but what she cared about the most wasn't there. Did someone risk taking her out of there without assistance ? Or did Aiyanna manage to get out ? But judging by how there were no authorities other than them or any ambulance near, there was no chance that Aiyanna got on her own. If she had, she would've called someone. Anyone.

There was blood on the airbag, broken pieces of glass inside and around the car.

"Heta." Charlie called her. "Look."

Charlie pointed at the dented hood. Something or someone had collided with the car. But if it had been someone, the car wouldn't have been dented that badly, except if it had fallen from the sky. Not only that, but the second victim would have been found near the accident as well.

Except if...

"I'm going to try calling the hospital." Charlie said.

When he looked up at Heta, he realized that he was only talking to himself as Heta wasn't listening. She was deep in her thoughts, looking at the situation with mother's eyes instead of detective ones.

To Heta, it wasn't impossible that this car accident was related to the vampires Aiyanna had warned her about. What if whatever the car had collided with was a vampire ? What if Aiyanna had been kidnapped by one of them ? What if...

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