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I wake up with a jerk. I wipe the sweat off my forehead as I looked around Mia's room. I woke with a bad dream.

I decided to walk down to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I thought that Mia wouldn't mind since we are best friends to get a drink on my own. I mean with a sleepover and her parents out of town.

I open the cabinet and start to pull a cup down. I turned around to get water when I saw a shadowy figure standing there looking at me. I was frozen in place not knowing who it was. All I could do was look at it with a pale face.


I woke in a dopy daze.

"Well, finally. You're up." Everything was blurry and bright.

A dark figure emerged once I pushed myself to see. Still blurry. Come on Cand TRY! I pressed my palms to my eyelids. I needed to see what was going on.I have no memory of what happened last night except the dizzy feeling I had been drugged. Finnaly my vision was coming back to me. My hand suddenly jerked up to my head as a huge headache came over me. Now I can see my kidnappers face.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered under my breath. I winced and leaned over so I could hurl.

"I'm sorry, what was that beautiful?" I looked up to Jared's face in disgust.

I knew he was a creeper but I didn't think he'd go and do something like this! This can not be happening! What are my parents going to think. I can't call Kent he left yesterday and his college doesn't get good cell service.

It was now clear to me we were in a bathroom. There was a small glass noise window in the corner that I had no chance of fitting through if he decided to leave. It must be early morning considering it's still dark. The walls were a light settle blue.

I am not letting this go on any farther.

"I'm leaving." I said simple and calm without suspicion or farther motivation.

I pulled my jello like almost limp body up and stumbled out of the tight thick black comforter that smelt like
pine trees, speermimt gum, and death. Jared's distinct smell.

I should have realized I was trapped before I got up. As my finertips just barley grazed the door handle there was a loud click at the bottom of my spine. The cold barrel of the gun pressed hard against my lower back.

"You won't shoot me!" I sneered out.

Damn my smartelic mouth! Patronizing him wasn't going to get me out of here any sooner. I turned around to face him. Wrong move! He pinned my hands over my head. I was smashed against the door. His breath was cold on my neck. All I could think of was how the hell am I getting out of here.

"You and me are going to be her for a while cupcake!" He shined his wolf like teeth at me.

Wicked shivers sprawled down my spine with another foxworthy grin.

He continues. "Until I can be sure I won't have to kill you baby." He clicked his tounge and winked.

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