Twenty-Four Hours

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Jo places her hand gently over mine on the knife handle before we push down, sinking into the cake. I do my damndest to try and see what colour the sponge is, Mercy's very cleverly kept the icing white and I know it'll be the sponge that decides our future. Although I'm still convinced I know.

The knife continues to descend into the cake until we hit the cake stand at the bottom. Jo exhales heavily from holding her breath. Nerves have oozed from her since she came around here with me but as we pull the knife from the cake, it gives absolutely nothing away and my nerves join hers, rocketing in anticipation.

Hand in hand, we lift the knife back to the top and move it around towards me to create a sizeable slice. Just as we did moments ago, we push the knife back into the cake all the way down until the slice is cut and all that's left to do is lift the slice out. Looking down at Jo, knowing she's just as nervous and eager as me, I slide the knife underneath the slice and pause, looking back to Jo again. This is it. The moment we've waited for. The moment that determines our future and the future of our family.

"Ready?" She nods yes and slowly, we slide the cake out, my finger holding it at the top as we pull it back so it's just me and Jo who can see the slow reveal of the colour of the cake. And when I see it... it's a complete blast from the past. The exact same emotions I felt during Sara's second scan. We didn't have anything like this but what I'm feeling is exactly the same as when the nurse told us we were expecting Mila. I've no words. Other than, I was right...

"It's a girl!" I don't hide the pride or excitement in my words. Cheers and claps fill the room as we display the pink sponge to everyone. Another daughter. Another little princess. A sister for Mila. And in all honesty, what I wanted...

Everyone begins to embrace each other but the only person who I need physical contact from now is standing right next to me. Quickly sorting the slice and dropping it carelessly onto the closest plate with the knife, I wrap my arms around Jo, revelling in her and that our baby is another girl that I'll be adding to my tribe. I feel so full and so proud that we'll be welcoming a daughter in around twenty weeks' time. This little girl, just like Mila will already be so loved from two corners of the world.

Placing my hand on the small of her back, I pull her onto her top toes and lean down to place my lips on hers. We have another girl. Mila may not be Jo's biologically but she is in every other way that matters. But despite my reeling mind about our baby girl, the other important thing creeps to the front and I can't stop the smirk that curls onto my lips against Jo's. I was right... And I can go forth with my plans...

"I win... Twenty-four hours," I've no idea what crosses Jo's mind as I declare my winning the bet. I sense panic, excitement, curiosity all rolled into one. And she should have those emotions. I was praying I'd win. She's mine to do with what I will for twenty-four hours. No saying no to anything. All mine...

The next person who needs our attention is the big sister. Turning to face Mercy, Mila's head turns to me and Jo and she scurries over to both of us. I lift her into my arms, feeling Jo wrap her arms around me and Mila.

"I have a little sister," her voice is quiet but she certainly doesn't hide the excitement.

"You do, princess. Are you happy?" Pulling away, a wide smile covers her face as she begins to nod yes. I'm over the moon. No words can describe just how happy I am about this. Of course, the bet adds to it but to have another daughter is something so, so special.

Congratulations flood to me and Jo from everyone here. Our nearest and dearest are all basking in the happiness we're experiencing right now. As Mia hugs Jo tightly, the guys slowly saunter over to me. Looking at me knowingly.

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