Serendipitous Rescue (Mark & Jack) (Part 3)

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He was scaring them.

"I'm... I'm gonna put you down now, okay?" Mark used his spare hand to pat the air, hoping that the gesture would translate. He kept his arm curled to support his accidental passenger as he slowly sat back down, and then he leaned forward. The engineer winced as his body ached, but he kept his movements calm and slow before finally letting his arm rest down against the floor. The girl warily slid off his forearm, teetering onto solid ground once more.

"There we go..." Mark sat back up, offering a soft smile when he realized she had turned to look back up at him. "No more free rides, okay?" She blinked before timidly returning the smile, but then one of the others rushed in to grab her arm and pull her back out of reach. Mark watched them go, then let his gaze sweep across the others.

"Do you know Jack? Jack," he asked the nervous healers. "He's a uh, scout or something? Brown hair, blue eyes? He sounds Irish, but- well I guess you wouldn't know that cause none of you are from Earth, but..." The engineer trailed off once more as he gave the odd-looking room another glance. "Where am I, anyway?"

"In your tongue, the name would sound something like 'Minimesia'." Mark turned to look over his shoulder. A new stranger dressed differently had come in from the proportionally small door, arms crossed and expression stoic— although one eyebrow was currently raised. "You do realize that not everyone speaks english, right?"

"I... I-I do, but..." Mark opened and closed his mouth, struggling for words. "But Jack could."

The minimus sighed and walked further into the room, murmuring something to those huddled nearby him before he walked up to the engineer— quite boldly, actually, standing directly under the light and within grabbing distance. "That's because he was assigned to."

"Oh." Mark frowned. "But- were you assigned to learn how to speak english too? You were talking to him on the radio, weren't you? And where is Jack? Is he okay?" Tyler raised his brow once more.

"You're not worried about your safety? We're stronger than we look."

"Well... I'm confused, and worried," the engineer admitted, rubbing his sore wrists. "But mostly because I woke up chained to the floor like I did something wrong— but I don't even know what, or why!"

"Protocol; it was meant to ensure our healers' safety, but... You're the biggest organism we've ever brought to our home planet."

"Oh... S-sorry." Tyler regarded their gargantuan patient for a moment longer, then turned to the first doctor Mark had seen and slipped back into that incomprehendible language. The doctor's eyes widened as she snapped something back, but Tyler grunted and waved his hand with finality, despite the protests continuing with a rise of volume and urgency. Mark swallowed nervously and let his eyes wander as they argued— and of all the people for his gaze to land on, he somehow spotted the pink-eyed woman he'd caught from falling earlier.

The brunette was talking quietly to the one who had pulled her back to safety; one of the others next to her then gave a nudge and made her look up. When the minimus noticed Mark's gaze, she went both still and quiet, then gave the same little smile that had been on her face before. Mark smiled back and carefully gave a little wave, making sure to limit his movements now that he was more aware of the happenings around him. The one who'd nudged the brunette leaned over to whisper something in her ear, and a blush quickly made her cheeks rosy as she broke eye contact to harmlessly slap her friend on the shoulder, making them giggle.

"Mark." At his name, Mark snapped back to attention and looked down to see Tyler beckoning him. "Come with me," the minimus ordered before beginning to walk away. Mark hesitated, then slowly got up to cautiously step after him. His mind still felt foggy, and his steps a little sluggish, but he made sure to not accidentally step on anyone as he followed Tyler to the same wall that the door stood.

G/T YouTubers (One Shots and More)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang