Space Voy AU Meeting (Jack+Felix & Mark) (Part 2)

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A lot of swearing and oozing filled the time it took Mark to finally sew up and wrap his arm. He muttered a gratitude toward his survival classes he had been forced to undergo as he disposed the extra gauze back into its container. His adrenaline had faded, leaving his busted leg immobile on the floor and protruding uselessly. Mark checked his lifebit and noted a low level of calories, so he helped himself to a sandwich with the last of the fabricator's resources.

While he was tearing hungrily into the sandwich with famished bites, he thought he felt something and paused mid-chew. Was it his imagination, or-? No, there it was again. What is that? An earthquake? There were vibrations in the ground, but rhythmically amplifying. Within a few seconds they were sending shudders through Mark, oscillating with an increasing level of power. Earthquake, Mark decided quickly. He dropped the sandwich on the most sanitary surface he could and crawled under the dashboard, dragging his broken ass into the shadows and away from the cracked glass. The vibrations seemed faster, deafening now as everything in the ship rattled with each boom. Mark almost slid out from under as he firmly fixed himself in the dark corner, closing his eyes and praying that the natural disaster would swiftly take its course. But then the rhythms stopped. Mark was confused, but then he heard someone speak loudly.

"Oh, shit. How did you see this all the way from the cabin?"

"I dunno, guess there was a lot of smoke." Another tremor, and then a rumbling noise.

"Ugh, smells awful. Wait, Jack, look! It's one of the ships from the tv!"

"Whoa! It looks a lot smaller though. Are ye sure it's not a toy?" The whole ship suddenly creaked and groaned as it pitched to the side. Mark strained against gravity and held on with all his might, breaking out into yet another sweat as he wondered what the hell was going on.

"The window's broken. Damn, that's a lot of damage. Look at the size of the crater that thing made! How reckless can those creatures possibly be!" The tone was deafening with the level of anger intertwined in the stranger's voice. But the other one, "Jack", made a whining noise.

"But lookee there, see? There's blood in the grass just there." Gravity's grip suddenly slacked, and everything seemed suspended for a sliver of a second before its velocity changed. Mark jolted, his head whipping forward to almost hit the desk.

"Some stray feathers too," the other voice remarked. Mark waited until another wave of tremors passed, and then he crawled out of his hidey hole to try and sneak a peak at what was going on. But everything was so dark. He was puzzled by this fact, wondering if there was an eclipse happening when the shadow suddenly moved. Mark peeked out through the shattered windshield, and his eyes flew wide open.

In front of the ship, all he could see was a giant pair of red zebra-striped converse looming before the hull.

Mark covered his mouth and fell over on his back. He couldn't pry his eyes away, but he managed to when a second pair of gigantic shoes took up his field of view through the open doorway.

"Fookin' hell, Felix, look at all this!" The other sounded distraught. "What happened here!?"

"Looks like a baguæra happened," Felix answered. "Those cats are vicious, it's no wonder they're used in crowl fights." Mark could only stare. His jaw was hanging, and his eyes were wider than they'd ever been as the gears in his brain finally clicked into place. Holy shit. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. ARE THESE FUCKING GIANTS??? The ship suddenly tilted again, and before Mark could stop himself he was sliding toward the door, and toward the huge shoe just outside. Panic made him dumbly cling to the edge of the entryway, but the ground never met him. He dangled, and the astronaut looked down and saw the shoes dwarfed by two gigantic streams of black denim. Intentional rips in the fabric revealed ghostly pale skin, and then a sea of pastel red was paralleled with more loose black.

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