Fables (Jack and Ethan+Mat)

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"No way!" Mat shook his head. "Nuh uh, there are no such things as giants! It's just a dumb story to keep rowdy teenagers from being nosy!"

"It is too true!" Ethan's eyes were wide as he started shaking. "Felix please, don't make us go in there!" He begged. "The forest is forbidden- which is why it's called the Forbidden Forest!?"

"Sorry bro." The blue eyed blonde had a twinkle of mischief in his eyes as he grinned. "But that's the dare, it's either that or you have to kiss Mark." Mark smirked.

"Well, I'm not all that bad," he said with a flirtatious wiggle of his eyebrows. Nate chuckled and nudged Mat.

"Come on Mat, it'll be fine! Just go in and prove that you're right and the legends are nothing more than stories, they've only been around for a year or two anyway." Amy hugged Mark's arm, her eyes wide.

"What does the legend say?" She asked quietly. She was new to the town, so she didn't know the folklore. Stephanie answered eagerly.

"Well," she began, "The story goes like this; once a man named Robin was out hunting in those very woods. He found bear tracks and decided to hunt it down, but just as he entered a clearing..." She paused for a dramatic effect, but then Nate swooped in.

"And SNATCH!" He shouted. "The bear was snatched off the ground and eaten alive in front of Robin's very eyes!" Mat rolled his eyes.

"And he said the beast looked like a giant human," Ethan added with a shudder. "According to the story, it has huge fangs, green glowing eyes and pointed ears."

"Like an elf's!" Stephanie chimed.

"Don't forget the green hair!"

"And the ripped clothes!" Felix smiled smugly.

"And don't forget the part where it's a man-eating monster about a hundred feet tall!" He snarked. Amy gasped and buried her face in Mark's shoulder.

"How terrifying! What if it comes here?!" Mark comforted her with a gentle pat on the back.

"No one's ever really seen it," he reassured. "No one ever really believed it either, but it is a good way of teaching kids to stay out of the wilderness."

"And that's exactly why you two are going to the Forbidden Forest!" Felix jabbed his finger at Mat and Ethan. Ethan shuddered.

"Do I have to!?" He bleated.

"You'll be ok Ethan," Tyler supported, "I'm sure it'll go ok." Mat leap to his feet.

"Well challenge accepted!" He exclaimed. "Give me a pair of gangster sunglasses and grab a bag of popcorn, 'cause we are going in that forest and proving that the legend is nothing more than that! Come on Ethan!" He marched to the door with determination, but Ethan looked desperately at his friends.


"This is so dumb," Ethan mumbled. "Why do we have to do this now, at nighttime? It's dark and I'm cold!" Mat sighed.

"It'll be fine," he whispered. They were standing in front of a tall sturdy fence that stood between the town and the wild. "Come on, let's look for a way out." Mat walked along the fence looking for a good way to get through. Could they climb over it, or maybe find some broken wires and squeeze through?

"Mat!" Mat turned and looked to see Ethan looking at a dip in the ground. It ran under the fence, but it was too shallow for anything but a dog to get through.

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