Chapter 51

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The next morning all of the heroes were in the cortex. Barry was ready to go and finish off Cicada, but Oliver knew that they needed to think about everything before just going in and taking the dagger. He knew that something bad would happen if Barry went in the way he was acting now.

"Slow down, Barry. We need to think about this." Oliver said.

"What's there to think about? You, Kara, and Frost will go in and take him down, because he has no way to stop the three of you." Barry said.

"True enough, but something just doesn't feel right to me. I think we need more information before we go in and fight this man." Oliver said.

"Do you agree with this as well?" Barry asked Kara and she nodded. "Ok, let's talk about this then."

"Dawn, when you visit Thawne, is he in a meta cell or anything like that, that would cause him to lose his powers?" Oliver asked Dawn.

"Not that I can tell. Why do you ask?" Dawn asked.

"There has to be something that is keeping him from using his powers. I have a feeling that this is why he sent you back here. He isn't trying to save Barry, he is trying to get Barry and the others to destroy the dagger so that he can use his powers again. I have a feeling the dagger is what is keeping him powerless." Oliver said.

"You mean he has been lying to me this whole time? I can't believe this. I can't believe I trusted that man." Dawn said.

"It's ok Dawn. It has happened to all of us at some point in time." Barry said as he hugged his daughter.

"Ok, so if this is the case, how do we go about stopping Cicada then?" Caitlin asked.

"We separate him from the dagger and then we take him in since he can't do anything without the dagger." Oliver said.

"I understand that, but how?" Barry asked.

"We will let Kara go in and take it away from him and then Frost and I will take care of things from there." Oliver said and the team nodded.

"We have a plan now. Let's go and take care of this." Barry said as all of the heroes changed into their suits and left to go and take care of Cicada.

. . .

Once they tracked down Cicada, Green Arrow, Supergirl, and Frost entered the cabin and to no one's surprise the man was waiting for them. The only problem was that his powers didn't work on any of them. Supergirl went in and attacked and took the dagger from him easily. She seemed to be having trouble getting away from the man though. It was like the dagger was trying to pull its way back to the man.

"I can't get away from him. It is like he and the dagger are connected. It is trying to get back to him." Supergirl said.

"Well, we can't have that happening. I think the only way to do this is to destroy the dagger." Green Arrow said and Supergirl nodded and she used her heat vision on the dagger until it was gone.

Now Cicada was nothing to deal with. Once they had taken down Cicada and taken him to Iron Heights, the team knew that they had to get to the future and stop Thawne from escaping from prison.

"I need to be somewhere that is hidden, the rest of you can come at him head on and keep him distracted." Oliver said and Cisco nodded since he would breach Oliver in and find him somewhere that is hidden.

Once all of the heroes were transported to the future, Barry and Dawn went after Thawne and he ended up following them right to where they wanted them.

"It is good to see you all. I see you even brought Supergirl to help take me down. It won't work though, Barry." Thawne said.

"I guess we'll just have to see about that." Barry said.

The next thing that Thawne knew, he felt a pain in his back and turned to see Green Arrow behind him. "Bad mistake Mr. Queen. You should have killed me while you had the chance." Thawne said as he went to speed at Oliver and nothing happened.

"I am sure you remember the nanites from the last time we fought. You should be powerless for long enough for this to happen." Oliver said as he pulled out a normal arrow and shot it at Thawne and it pierced his heart killing him instantly.

"Well, I guess that is the end of that bastard." Frost said and everyone nodded in agreement.

Everyone was now hugging since that had finally finished off Thawne for good. When Barry got to Dawn he noticed that something wasn't right with her. "Are you ok?" Barry asked.

"No, something feels weird." Dawn said and at that point she started to disintegrate into the air.

"What is going on? What is happening to her?" Caitlin asked as she took control from Frost.

"I don't know. I guess we changed something that is now changing the future." Barry said.

"Well, we need to find a way to stop it." Caitlin said.

"I don't think that is possible. I'm sorry Caitlin, we should have never come here." Barry said as he and Caitlin were both crying because they knew there was nothing they could do for their daughter who was now completely gone.

"Let's get home. We can figure out what happened from there." Oliver said as he walked up to the two of them and they both nodded and soon they were all back in the present.

. . .

Oliver and Kara decided to stay an extra night so that they could be with their friends and help them out. The two of them and Barry walked into the time vault and Barry pulled up Gideon to see if she could help figure out what happened to Dawn, but the first thing that all three of them saw surprised them. The article that had been there for years now said that Crisis was going to happen in 2019 instead of 2024.

"Well, this can't be good." Barry said and then he looked back to see that the other heroes looked just as grimm as he did.

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