Chapter 3

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Oliver and Thea had decided that it was probably best that they didn't work openly with the DEO so that if the Government wanted to know their identity, they would not be required to give it. Kara agreed with this as well and she decided that she was going to stop working openly with the DEO as well. Kara had also introduced Oliver and Thea to James, and they were helping out with his training.

So, right now they were a team of four and they would use Winn as their tech support at night. Winn would also make more trick arrows for Oliver and Thea to use, since the ones they had right now would not help them very much with aliens and people with powers. Some of the different arrows that were made were bola arrows that had power dampeners in it, red sun arrows in case some other Kryptonians showed up one day. Kara also allowed for Kryptonite arrows to be made as well, as long as they were never used against her or her cousin.

Winn also worked on a new suit for Kara that would make it so that Kryptonite would not affect her. J'onn also gave them some Martian technology that allowed them all to think about their suits and it would appear on them along with their weapons (A lot like Alex's suit in the show now). This made it so that they didn't have to go to their lair and change into their suits when they were needed.

Oliver and Thea had yet to go up against and alien or meta human since they had been on earth 38, but that was about to change. Kara was at Catco when her super hearing picked up on people screaming. She left the building and made her way to where the people were running. She didn't know what she was dealing with yet until she saw a woman walking out of a bank with bags and she assumed that money was in the bags, Kara walked up to the woman but when she got to her the woman did something to her and the next thing Kara knows, she is seeing her worst fears which had to do with Krypton exploding and her mother putting her in her pod before leaving the planet.

She was brought out of the dream by Oliver and Thea showing up and talking to her. "Supergirl, you need to snap out of it and tell us what just happened." Green Arrow said.

"I don't know exactly. It looks like this woman can bring out your worst fears and use them against you." Supergirl said.

"Ok, so we finally get to go up against someone who has powers. We haven't done that since Darhk." Artemis said. (They changed Thea's name since in my opinion Speedy was too obvious.)

"Yeah, and I haven't really missed it either." Green Arrow said.

"You will get used to it. That is mostly what you face her on my earth." Supergirl said.

"Well, let's get to the lair so that we can come up with a plan to stop this woman. You don't have to do this alone anymore Supergirl." Green Arrow said.

"I am glad for that to be the case. It was always me going out there with the help of the DEO, but it was really still just me going out there. Alex helps, but most of the time it is me doing most of the work. Now I have the two of you and Guardian." Supergirl said.

"And you will always have us. Now let's go and come up with a plan to stop this woman before she causes anymore trouble." Artemis said.

When they got back to the lair, which was an old DEO safehouse that J'onn had decided to let them use, they made their way to the computer and found the footage for the bank robbery and tried to see if they could figure out this woman used her powers.

"It looks like she just concentrates on her target and they get whammied." Thea said.

"I have never felt anything like that before and I don't want to feel it again. So, let's come up with a good plan here. At least the two of you will probably get to use some of your new toys." Kara said.

They came up with a plan and now they just had to wait for the woman to attack again. Kara's super hearing picked up screaming again and she took off with both Oliver and Thea in her arms. They arrived at the bank and Supergirl and Green Arrow went into the front door while Artemis and Guardian (who had come straight from Catco), went in the back door. The plan was working so far, because Psych as they were calling her was not even aware of Artemis and Guarding even coming in from the back. As Psych paid attention to Green Arrow and Supergirl, Artemis nocked and arrow and fired it at Psych. It was a bola arrow with the power dampener, and it worked to perfection. Psych no longer had her powers, and this let Supergirl call the DEO and tell them that they had a meta waiting to be picked up at the National City Bank.

Being that they could just change out of their suits by just concentrating they went back to the apartment and decided that they were going to go to the alien bar that Kara and her friends always frequented. Oliver made a deal with Kara, that he would let loose for one night if she did the same. Kara agreed and she got some of the alien alcohol that worked on her and by the end of the night he was pretty much having to carry her home. He was drunk but he was still able to hold his alcohol very well surprisingly.

Once they got home. Thea went to her own bedroom while Oliver took Kara to hers and put her on the bed under the sheets and kissed her on the forehead before saying, "Goodnight Supergirl" and leaving the room to go to his own.

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