Chapter 36

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It had been another couple of weeks now and Melissa's training was coming along well. It was time for her to decide if she was going to be protecting another city or country, or if she wanted to stay in National City with all of her new friends. She was leaning towards another city, but making the trip back to National City as often as she could. She could see that the team already had enough team members and there was no need for another member to join.

Melissa and Kara were now done with their training for the day so they went to the command center in the bunker so that they could talk to the rest of the team. "I just want everyone to know, I think Melissa is ready and I am about to let her go on patrol by herself. If that goes well, I will let her free so that she can go and make a life for herself, wherever that might be." Kara said.

"Thank you Kara. I am so glad that I got to train with you. I learned much more from you then I ever did with Lex and those Kasnian Military guys." Melissa said.

"Well, that makes sense because they have no training in what it would take to train you. The only person who can do that is a person who already has those powers to work with, which I do." Kara said and Melissa nodded in understanding.

So, you will be leaving us soon?" Lena asked.

"Yeah, I think this team has enough members for now. I will always come back if any of you need anything. I also plan on visiting all the time. Maybe I can pick a city that is nearby. That way I can come back here as often as possible. If it is close enough, I might be able to live here and protect that city at the same time." Melissa said.

"Don't get ahead of yourself right now. First, you need to find a city that needs a hero. Don't tie yourself down here when you might be needed there more than here." Oliver said.

"I understand. I just like it here with you guys. You are all my friends after all." Melissa said.

"And that will never change." Thea said and all the other team members nodded in agreement.

. . .

That night while everyone was out on patrol, Melissa was working by herself for the first time. She didn't know that Kara was tailing her from a distance to see how she was really doing and that this would decide if she was ready to go out on her own or not.

Everything seemed to be going well for now. She had stopped a couple of muggings and a couple of fights between aliens and humans who were still acting up after all of the Children of Liberty stuff that had happened lately. Hopefully that would end soon though.

Kara tuned in her super hearing and could hear something about a bank robbery that was happening close by. She looked at Melissa to see if she had heard it as well, and it looked like she had. Melissa took off to the bank and Kara decided to stay in the background and see how Melissa did with the thieves before she decided on whether or not to go in as well.

Kara x-rayed the building and saw that there were five people who were robbing the bank. She watched to see how Melissa did. Melissa flew to the bank lobby first to take out the men that were holding the hostages. She tied them all up and then went back to the vault where there were three more men. When the men saw her they began to fire their guns at her, which did nothing since she was a copy of the original Girl of Steel, although people couldn't see that since she was using an image inducer, since people would notice if Supergirl were in two different places at the same time.

The thieves found that their weapons were not working on this woman, but that didn't stop them from continuing to fire at her. Soon, Melissa flew forward and took out the thieves and tied them up just like she did with the men out front. Once she was done tying them up, she drug them out into the lobby with the others and then went outside to explain everything to the police.

"There are five guys in there. They are all tied up and won't cause you any problems." Melissa said to what looked to be the man in charge.

"Thanks for your help, but who are you?" the police officer asked.

"My name is Superwoman, and I am a friend of Supergirl's." Melissa said as she just came up with the first name that came to mind.

"Well, thank you. Will you be around with Supergirl's team?" the man asked.

"I will be around every once in a while. I have my own city to save though." Melissa said.

"Ok, well like I said, thanks for your help." the man said and Melissa nodded and took off into the sky.

. . .

When the team got back to the bunker that night, they all talked about what they had done that night and they were all impressed with what Melissa was telling them about her bank robbery take down.

"I am proud of you. It sounds like you did everything right." Kara said to Melissa who smiled back at her.

"Don't act like you weren't there Kara. You might not have been close, but I could still feel that someone was watching me." Melissa said.

"I was hoping that you would notice. We all have to be able to feel if someone is following or watching us. That is part of your training as well, and you passed that." Kara said.

"Thank you. For the compliment though. So, do you think I am ready to go out on my own now?" Melissa asked.

"Yeah, I do. We will start looking for a place for you to protect tomorrow. For now, let's go and celebrate your passing of all of your training." Kara said and the other nodded as they all decided to head to the alien bar for a while so that they could let off some steam and also celebrate.

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