Chapter 8

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Everything seemed to be going well with the team now since they had added Sara into the mix. Sara was also now dating Alex and she had also moved in with her. Sara and Oliver had always worked well together which made it seamless for them. Roy had also worked with Sara a little bit, but he was under the influence of Mirakuru most of that time so, they didn't mesh to well, but they seemed to be doing ok now. The others had little to no time working with Sara, but they were getting used to it.

A few weeks after Sara had moved to Earth 38, symbols that looked Kryptonian started to show up all over the place, making Kara nervous because whenever a bad Kryptonian showed up, it normally always caused lots of problems for her city and the world.

Kara decided that she would ask her mother if she knew what the symbols meant. "Mother, this symbol has been showing up all over the city. Do you know what it means?" Kara asked.

"Yes, it is the symbol for Children of Juru. They are a cult like group." The hologram said.

"So, that must mean they are here to get to me somehow." Kara said.

"That would be my thinking." The hologram said.

"Thank you, mother." Kara said and she left the room to tell the others what she had found out.

"It looks like it is a group of Kryptonians that were cult like. We need to find these people and stop them. Everyone will need to stock up on anti-Kryptonian weapons for this." Kara said and everyone nodded as they got their equipment together.

It was another few days before they saw any of the symbols around the city again. Everyone suited up but they were going to let Kara try to take care of this before any of them entered the fight.

Kara found the symbol and realized that it was on the top of Catco. When she landed, she sent her location to the rest of the team and she finally came face to face with the woman who had been trying to send her a message for a while now.

"What do you want?" Kara asked.

"I am here to serve justice. The people who commit crimes must be punished." The Kryptonian said.

"We bring people to justice here. You do things the wrong way. You kill everyone you try to stop." Kara said.

"That is what justice is. It is the only way to stop crime." The woman said.

"Well, that is not how we do things here." Kara said.

With that the Kryptonian charged at Kara and started to hit here. This woman was strong, and she was really starting to hurt Kara. Soon though, Kara's friends showed up to help her out. All of the archers were shooting red sun arrows and kryptonite arrows at the other Kryptonian which caused her to fly away because she was outnumbered for now.

"Thanks for the help. She was a lot stronger than I thought she was going to be." Kara said.

"Yeah, we could tell that you were having some problems with here. All of our weapons seemed to work on her, just maybe not as well as I had hoped." Oliver said.

"We can work on that later. I need to get back to the lair so that I can heal up using the sun lamps." Kara said and everyone else nodded as they all went back to the lair.

Kara knew that she needed to get back to 100 percent as quickly as possible because she didn't know when this woman was going to attack again. Once she was healed, everyone decided that it was time to go home for the night.

The next day Oliver was at work. He had to go up to Sam's office to have a meeting with her. She seemed to be out of it for some reason, so Oliver asked, "Is everything ok Sam? You look like you didn't get much sleep last night."

"I feel like I haven't slept either. But I didn't go anywhere last night, so I don't know why I am so tired." Sam said.

"Any other problems you have been having lately?" Oliver asked.

"I have been having blackouts and I wake up and don't know how I got to where I was." Sam said.

"When was the last time that this happened?" Oliver asked as he was starting to see what might be going on.

"Last night at about 10 I found myself here at work and the last thing I remember before that was that it was 7 and I was at home with Ruby." Sam said.

"I might know what is going on with you. Can I ask you to come down to the basement with me?" Oliver asked.

"If it helps me figure out what is going on, I am up for anything." Sam said.

"Ok, let's go." Oliver said as the two went down to the basement.

Once they got to the basement, Oliver told Sam to go into what looked like a room with a bed in it. Oliver then made a call to the person who knew would be able to help them.

"Lena, I know you are busy with Catco and all, but I could really use your help at L Corp." Oliver said.

"I will be there soon." Lena said.

When Lena arrived, she was surprised to see that Oliver had taken Sam to the basement and had locked her in the room with a force field.

"What is going on here Oliver?" Lena asked.

"Sam told me that she has been having blackouts lately. Her latest one was last night when Supergirl went up against that new Kryptonian. I think she might have a split personality or something and she might be this other Kryptonian." Oliver said.

"Sounds possible, but we need to know for sure before we go any further with this." Lena said and Oliver nodded.

Lena walked up to the force field and started to talk to Sam and ask all sorts of medical questions. Soon after she started to yell at Sam about leaving Ruby at home alone just to see if this would cause a change and sure enough it did. Her personality changed and she was definitely the same woman that the team had fought the night before.

"Well, there is the answer to that questions. She is most definitely the same woman that Supergirl fought last night. We need to find a way to stop this." Lena said and Oliver nodded.

"I know you will find a way. Do you want me down here with you or do you want me to go back upstairs?" Oliver asked.

"Go and do your job. If I need anything, I will let you know." Lena said and Oliver nodded and left.

Right before he could reach the elevator, Lean said, "I was surprised that you brought her down here. I thought you would have taken her to jail or something. What made you do it this way."

"I have experience with things like this in the past. My sister was drugged, and she did things that she can't even remember. So, if I see people in the same type of situation, I will always give them the benefit of the doubt." Oliver said.

"That makes since. Thank you for giving me a chance to work this out. I will let you know what I find out when I can. Hopefully we can fix this before it gets too far out of hand." Lena said and Oliver nodded as he left Lena to work on Sam while he went back to work himself.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait between updates. I was binge watching the 100 and I got wrapped up in that and couldn't pull myself away to write anything. Hope y'all enjoy the chapter and please leave reviews. Thanks for reading.

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