Chapter 9

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Later that night when Oliver got home Kara could tell that something was wrong. She had never seen him like this, and she needed to know what was going on.

"Hey, what's wrong? I can tell something is wrong." Kara said.

"I found something out that is disturbing. I found out who Reign is." Oliver said.

"Well, that is a good thing. That will help us find a way to stop her." Kara said.

"It's not that simple Kara. It is like she is trapped in this person's body and comes out when she blacks out." Oliver said.

"Ok, so tell me who it is, and I can go and talk to them and I can talk them into coming in so we can find a solution." Kara said.

"Already done. Lena is working on it now." Oliver said.

"Well, that is good. So, who is this person?" Kara asked.

"It's Sam, Kara." Oliver said.

"No, that's not possible. Sam is a good person." Kara said.

"Yes, she is. Like I said, she told me that she had been having blackouts and they coincided with when Reign was active." Oliver said.

"That doesn't mean it was her though." Kara said.

"I had the same thought at first, so I tested a theory and got her angry and her personality changed, and she was like Reign. I wish there was another explanation for this." Oliver said.

"Well, at least she is getting help now. I want to go and visit her and Lena. Where are they?" Kara asked.

"They are in the basement of L Corp. I will come with you. We might need to take Ruby in for a while." Oliver said.

"I will do whatever needs to be done to help Sam. So, if she needs us to take care of Ruby for a while, we can do that." Kara said and Oliver nodded.

Kara changed into her suit and so did Oliver and Kara flew them to L Corp so that they could see is Lena was having any progress. Once they got to the building and went to the basement they entered and saw that Sam was behind a forcefield and she was using heat vision on it to try and get out.

"Looks like we came at a good time. Need any help?" Oliver asked.

"I don't know what to do right now. It is like they are two different people. If there was some way to get rid of the other personality out of Sam's body or split the bodies somehow, we wouldn't need to worry about this anymore and you can just go after the bad one." Lena said.

"I will go and talk to the hologram of my mother and see what she knows. We might be able to find a solution from her." Kara said.

She flew to the lair and turned on the hologram and asked her mother, "Mother, is there a way to separate two personalities into two bodies so that we can separate the good from the bad part of a person?"

"There might be a way to do this. First you will need to find the others. If this is what I think it is and they are the followers of the Juru then there will be multiple people who are here with these issues. Find them and then we will see if there is something, we can do to help them." Alura said.

"Ok, thanks for the help mother. I will be back when I find these other people. Do you happen to know how many there will be?" Kara asked.

"No, but if I had to guess, there would be three. You have one so there will be at least two more." Alura said.

"Thanks. I will see you soon." Kara said as she flew to L Corp and told Oliver and Lena what she had learned.

"Let's go and talk to Winn and see if he can find anything on these other Kryptonians." Oliver said and Kara flew them out and they went back to the lair to find Winn.

"Winn, I need you to patch into Lena's network. She is going to send you a body type that you need to search for." Kara said and Winn did just that.

"Winn, this is Reign body signature. There might be two or more still out there. Use this to find those people." Lena said.

"On it." Winn said as he got to work.

They waited for a little while and finally two people were one the screen in front of them. The first on was Julia Freeman and the second was Dr. Grace Parker.

"Find out what you can about these women. We need to get them in come up with a plan to split them if we can." Kara said and Winn nodded as he looked for everything that he could find on the women.

"Once you are done Winn, send the information to us and then we will approach them tomorrow as our civilian selves." Oliver said and Winn nodded as he got back to work.

"Ok, let's go on a quick patrol and then we can go home and tell Thea and Roy what is going on." Kara said.

The city was quite because people were scared of what they saw when Reign attacked Supergirl. This will be good if it lasted for a while because it would give them a change to work on curing these three women and not have to worry about anything else.

Kara and Oliver went home and saw that Thea and Roy were back home. Kara then left again in her civilian clothes so that she could pick up Ruby, because she knew that Sam would feel better if Ruby was with people that she knew. It took her about fifteen minutes to get to Sam's house.

"Hey Kara. What are you doing here?" Ruby asked.

"I am here to pick you up. Your mom had to go out of town unexpectedly, so you will be staying with me for the next week." Kara said.

"Ok, let me go and get somethings and I will be ready to go." Ruby said and Kara nodded.

Soon, they were on their way back to Kara's and when they arrived Oliver, Thea, and Roy had set up some games so that they could have a game night for Ruby so that she didn't feel out of place.

Kara set Ruby up in the guestroom and then they went to play some of the games that were out for them to play. Kara knew that they had to find these women and finish this quickly or Ruby would start to get suspicious of what was going on.

Once they had all played a few of the games that were out they all decided to go to bed, and they knew that the next couple of days would be busy ones for them because they would be working hard to get Sam back to Ruby and these other women back to their families as well.

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