Chapter 21

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The next morning the team met up at the bunker and the heroes from Earth one were surprised by who they saw there with Oliver and Kara. "Not that it isn't good to see you Laurel, but what are you doing here?" Sara asked.

"The bad guy that Oliver's old team is facing right now outed me as a friend to Diaz and now the police is after me. I had to come here to escape. But I also came here to get all your help. The old team is holding these people all off for now, but that won't last. The Ninth Circle is too powerful." Laurel said.

"So, I guess this means that we are going back to Earth one to help then?" Roy asked.

"Yes, it does. We can't leave Dig and the others to do this alone." Oliver said and all the heroes in the room nodded.

"So, what do you need from Winn and I?" Lena asked.

"I am sure that Felicity could use your expertise in the bunker while we are there. All of us will be going." Oliver said and everyone nodded.

"What do we do if the police comes after you if they see you?" Thea asked.

"My plan is to stick to the shadows so that no one even knows that I am there until it is time to take down the Ninth Circle. I know that sometimes things don't go to plan but that is what my thoughts are for now. It would be good for the rest of you to do that as well, so that the Ninth Circle doesn't know about us until it is too late, and it will make it easier to take them down." Oliver said.

"That makes a lot of sense. Catch them by surprise that way they have no way of stopping us." Kara said.

"That's right. So, get what you need, we will be going to Earth one soon." Oliver said and everyone else nodded.

Once everyone was ready, they waited for Kara to use her extrapolator to open a portal to Earth one. They exited into the bunker where all the heroes that were part of Oliver's old team had their weapons raised and were ready to fight. When they saw who cam through first, they lowered their weapons.

"Dig and Felicity said that you were alive, but we didn't really believe them until now. It is good to see you Oliver, but what are you doing here?" Dinah asked.

"I am here to help you take down my sister and the Ninth Circle." Oliver said.

"No offense, but how are you going to go out there and fight without getting arrested, Hoss?" Rene asked.

"Well, I am not going out there until it is time to fight. I am here to surprise them, so I will be sticking to the shadows for the most part, but we will have help." Oliver said and that was when the rest of the team entered the bunker from the portal.

When Laurel finally came through the portal, Diggle said, "I was wondering how Oliver found out about this, but I guess I know the answer to that now."

"Yeah, I got Cisco to send me to Earth 38 so that I could get Oliver and the others. Sorry I couldn't help you more, but I am pretty much in the same position Oliver is right now." Laurel said.

"No reason to apologize. I understand. So, who all did you bring?" Diggle asked.

"Well, we have Kara, Alex, J'onn, James, Winn, Lena, Sam, Sara, Thea, Roy, Laurel, and me. I think this should be enough to throw the Ninth Circle off. What do you think?" Oliver asked.

"I think you are right. That should give us a leg up on the Ninth Circle." Said Felicity, who finally left the computer and joined everyone else.

"Felicity, Winn and Lena will be working with you. They are our tech and comms people." Kara said.

"Good to meet you. Come with me and I will show you around." Felicity said, and Winn and Lena followed her.

"No offense Oliver, but how are y'all going to fight when you don't have suits or weapons?" Curtis asked.

"Oh, he is going to love this." Thea said as all the heroes looked at their rings and then thought about their suits and weapons and they appeared on their bodies and surprised the hell out of the heroes from Earth one.

"You have got to get us some of those. It would make it so much easier than having to come here every time something happens in the city." Diggle said.

"We can do that for you, but it will take a while. We need to make one for Laurel first since she will be staying with us." Lena said as she walked back over to the group.

"Thanks. I appreciate that." Laurel said, as she went to change into her suit as well. (The one from Season 8 of Arrow.)

"No problem." Lena said.

"So, what do we know about the Ninth Circle? Do you know where their base of operations is? That would help us take them down pretty easily." Oliver said.

"I know where Emiko used to stay. She played me for a long time. When she first got here, she pretended to be the Green Arrow and she gained my trust, then she turned on me." Rene said.

"Well, go and check that place out and make sure she is not there now. Also, check and make sure there is nothing there that will lead us to where they are hiding now." Oliver said and Rene nodded as he and Dinah left to check the place out.

"So, what do we do now?" Kara asked.

"Kara, I want you and Sam to fly above the city and see if you see or hear anything that has to do with the Ninth Circle. Don't make yourselves known or our surprise is gone." Oliver said and the two Kryptonians nodded and took off into the sky.

"They will find something for us to use. When they get back, we will be able to make a plan on how to take down the Ninth Circle." Sara said as she and the rest of the heroes sat down and waited for Dinah, Rene, Kara, and Sam to return.

An hour later, the four were back and it looked like Rene and Dinah had found nothing, so everyone turned to Kara and Sam to see what they had found out.

"It looks like they are hiding in a warehouse on the age of the city near the bay. If we do this right, it should be no problem taking them down." Kara said.

"Good, so did you see anything that we need to take into consideration before we come up with a plan of attack?" Oliver asked.

"It looked like they had lookouts on the roof and people stationed at every door." Sam said.

"Did you see anything that would give us problems inside?" Sara asked.

"Other than a lot of people with weapons, no." Kara said.

"Ok, now we come up with a plan of attack and finish this." Oliver said and the other heroes nodded as they listened to what Oliver had planned.

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