Chapter 2

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A/N: I know that Arrow just finished season 6 in this fic. Supergirl is going to have a bit of a different timeframe. Supergirl will be post season 2. Also, the Flash hasn't had the big wedding yet either, meaning that Oliver and Felicity were not married yet either.

When Oliver and Thea came through the portal, they were in Kara's apartment and she was there waiting for them. Kara was actually happy that there would be another girl in her apartment for a while that was not her sister.

"Hey Kara. It is good to see you again. How have things been going around here?" Thea asked.

"Well, I just finished fighting Krypton's sister planet Daxum. I had to set off a device that sent lead into the atmosphere because they are allergic to it. Bad part is, my boyfriend was from Daxum, so I had to send him away as well." Kara said.

"That sucks. Well, I guess we are all in the same boat then. My boyfriend left me, Ollie had to leave Felicity because everyone thinks he is dead, and you had to send your boyfriend away. I guess it is as they say, "misery loves company." Thea said.

"Well at least we can keep each other company." Oliver said.

"So, are you two going to try to be vigilantes here as well?" Kara asked.

"It is how I have lived my life for the past eleven years. I guess I might as well." Oliver said.

"I have taken time off from it and I have come to learn that I actually miss it so I guess I will as well." Thea said.

"That sounds good. I could use the help. I do have J'onn and Alex, but the more help I can get the better." Kara said.

"We also need to find jobs. I don't know what we can really do. All we have ever done is run a club and run the government of the city. I don't think you can be mayor because no one knows you and we don't have the money to buy a club." Thea said.

"Well, you could always work for Alex at the DEO. Be government sanctioned vigilantes." Kara said.

"As long as we don't have to reveal our identities that might work." Oliver said.

"Well, J'onn and Alex will have to know, but no one else." Kara said.

"I guess that could work, but if the Government tries to figure out who we are we will quit." Thea said.

"That is understandable. So, I would say that tomorrow we need to talk to my friend Winn who works at the DEO, and he can make you some IDs for this earth." Kara said.

"Yeah, we will need those. So, what time is it here anyways?" Thea asked since she had been out of touch with civilization for a while.

"It is just about dinner time. I was going to order Chinese takeout if that is good with you two?" Kara asked.

"That's fine. I got used to Chinese when I was in Hong Kong." Oliver said.

"I got used to it when I lived with Laurel, since let's be honest, she could cook for anything." Thea said.

"You are right about that. I remember that one time she tried to cook, and I was sick for three days." Oliver said.

"I have met most of your friends. I don't think I ever met Laurel though." Kara said and she noticed the sad looks on Oliver and Thea's faces.

"That's because she died about six months before we met you." Thea said.

"Oh Rao, I am so sorry. I didn't know." Kara said.

"It's ok. We are actually used to losing people close to us. I hate it but with our lives we know that it is a possibility." Oliver said.

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. So, I am going to order the food." Kara said.

While Kara was gone, Thea looked at Oliver and said, "I think this might be good for us Ollie. Kara is so happy and loving. It might make us into better people. We have a darkness in us that she might can help us get rid of."

"You might be right Thea. I guess we will find out." Oliver said as Kara returned.

The group continued to talk until the food arrived and once, they were done eating they sat down and watch television for a little while before they went to sleep for the night.

When they woke up the next morning Kara called Alex and told her that she would be bringing some superhero friends by the DEO so that Winn could make them some ID's. Alex wasn't happy about this but Kara vouched for the visitors so she would let them in if J'onn agreed. J'onn agreed that they would meet them at the entrance of the DEO, and he would read their minds to make sure they weren't trying to pull anything on them.

"Hey Kara, so who are your friends?" Alex asked.

"These are my friends Oliver and Thea. They are from Earth 1 and are heroes. I fought with them in December when I helped them with the Dominators." Kara said.

"Ok, well if you don't mind, I would like to read your mind, to make sure you are who you say you are. I am a Martian and that is one of my powers." J'onn said.

"Sure, do what you have to." Oliver said as J'onn walked up to him and read his mind.

"He is a hero from his earth that got exposed and that is why he is here." J'onn said.

He then walked over to Thea and read her mind as well. He could see that she was a hero as well. "This one is a hero as well. She came here because her brother is the only family she had left." J'onn said.

Everyone was let into the building and they all went upstairs to meet with Winn so that Oliver and Thea could get ID's and backgrounds so that they could live a life on this earth and not have people question them. After they were done, Kara took them to the mall since Oliver and Thea didn't have many clothes with them. Once they had bought a few sets of clothes they went back to the apartment and just relaxed for the rest of the day, which was something that none of them had been able to do in a while.

A/N: I hope everyone is enjoying this fic so far. Let me know what you think about it by leaving some reviews. Thanks for reading.

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