Chapter 1

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Green Arrow had just killed Ricardo Diaz on the roof of a building, and he turned around to see that Laurel Lance of Earth 2 was standing behind him. He knew that she had turned sides, but he was still weary of her. She just smiled as she saw that Diaz was dead.

"Not that I am complaining but I was hoping to do that." Laurel said.

"Well, being that you are here I could use a hand. I need you to find one of Diaz's dead men and I will help you bring them up here." Oliver said.

"What do you have planned?" Laurel asked.

"I will tell you once the job is done." Oliver said and Laurel nodded.

They both found a man and they got him up to the roof. Oliver started taking off his Green Arrow suit and all of his weapons. He then took off the other man's clothes and put them on while putting his suit and weapons on the other man.

"So, what is it that you are doing anyways?" Laurel asked.

"I had to make a deal with the FBI in order to take Diaz down. I have to turn myself in now that everything is over. I have made my mind up, and I am not going to prison." Oliver said.

"What are you going to do to prevent that from happening?" Laurel asked.

"I am going to fake my death and go and live on a new earth." Oliver said.

"I guess you will be going to get your blonde friend and take her with you." Laurel said.

"No, that is where you come in. You will say that you saw me die in the fire and that will be the story that you will give the FBI and all of my friends. It is the only way this will work, if everything thinks that I am dead." Oliver said.

"I can do that. Where will you go?" Laurel asked.

"I am thinking about going to Earth 38. I have friends there." Oliver said.

"Well, enjoy your life Oliver. I hope you have a happy life from now on." Laurel said.

"You too Laurel. Now let's get this over with. If you ever need me, go to Team Flash and tell them that I said to come to them so you can get to Earth 38." Oliver said.

"I will and thank you for everything you did to help Quentin and I get out of this situation with Diaz." Laurel said.

"It's not a problem. Now it is time to go. I will blow up the building. You better get out of here. It might look better if you jump into the bay, so it looks like you had to escape instead of walking out of here." Oliver said and Laurel ran to the side of the building and dove into the bay. Not long after, Oliver blew the building up and made sure that Diaz and his replacement were where they would both be burnt.

Oliver went to one of his old safehouses in the city and got another Green Arrow suit along with all of his weapons and a couple of changes of clothes that he had left there in case he needed to use the building for his base. Oliver then turned on his extrapolator and opened a breath to Earth 38.

He was surprised that he was in the middle of an apartment instead of out on the street somewhere. He sees a person turn around on the couch and get up ready for a fight. She finally looked at him really good and saw that it was Oliver.

"Oliver, what are you do here?" Kara asked.

"Well, I had to leave my earth so that I wouldn't spend the rest of my life in prison." Oliver said.

"What do you mean go to prison?" Kara asked.

"I have been investigated by the FBI for the past year because they believed I was the Green Arrow. In order to defeat my latest enemy, I had to make a deal with the FBI for their help. That included prison time because of me being a vigilante." Oliver said.

"But you are a hero. Why would they want to put you in jail?" Kara asked.

"No, I am a vigilante and vigilantism is against the law." Oliver said.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Kara asked.

"I hope to make a new life here. I was hoping that I could stay here until I found a place." Oliver said.

"Of course, you can. I have a guest room that you can use as long as you want. It might actually be good to have someone around here anyways." Kara said.

"Thanks, I will be sure to pay you as soon as I get some kind of job." Oliver said.

"Well, like I said, you are welcome here as long as you like." Kara said.

"How many rooms do you have here?" Oliver asked.

"It is a three-bedroom apartment. Why?" Kara asked.

"Once I let my sister know that I am alive, I have no doubt that she will want to come here as well. We are all that we have left." Oliver said.

"Yeah, it would be nice to have a girl roommate as well." Kara said.

"Thanks for all of this. I am going to see if I can find Thea without being seen myself." Oliver said as he opened a breach and stepped through.

Once he was on the other side. He saw that he was in a forest with a fire going in front of him. He saw a young woman that he knew was Thea who was crying.

"Hey Speedy." Oliver said causing Thea to turn to him and hug him tightly.

"Everyone said you were dead. How is this possible?" Thea asked.

"I had to fake my death so that I didn't go to prison. No one except you and Laurel know that I am alive. I am now living on Earth 38." Oliver said.

"I have finished destroying the pits and Roy left because he has bloodlust from being revived in the pit. I don't have anything left here for me. So, can I go with you?" Thea asked.

"I was going to suggest that anyways. If you want, I can try and talk to Roy and see if he wants to come with us." Oliver said.

"No, I will give him the time he needs to come to terms with this. Then maybe I will try to talk him into coming to Earth 38." Thea said.

"Well, in that case, Let's get going. We will be having to get jobs there so we can help Kara with rent on her apartment." Oliver said as he and Thea walked toward the breach and entered it so they could go to Earth 38.

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