Chapter 11

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Everyone got an alert from Winn and that meant that he had found at least one of the two other World Killers. The team met in the lair to see what Winn had found out.

"I found Julia Freeman. She lives on the outskirts of the city and has never had a problem with the law." Winn said.

"Maybe she is like Sam, and she hasn't exhibited any signs of being a Kryptonian yet." Kara said.

"That is possible, but we still need to be careful with this." Oliver said.

"Agreed. So, let's go and find Julia and bring her in so that we can help her." Kara said and the team suited up and went to Julia's home.

Kara knocked on the door to Julia's house and waited for an answer. Not long after Julia answered the door and was very surprised at who was standing there.

"Wow. Supergirl and Green Arrow are here to visit me. What do I owe this pleasure?" Julia asked.

"I am sorry to do this, but we need you to come with us so that we can run some test on you. There has been a chemical released in the area and we need to make sure you weren't affected." Supergirl said.

"Of course. Thank you for warning me. I will be right with you. Just need to grab a few things." Julia said and Supergirl nodded.

When Julia was ready, Supergirl picked her up and flew her to the lair and put her in a containment area like Sam was in at L Corp. Everyone thought that it would be best not to have all three World Killers at the same location. Supergirl then explained to Julia that she was only locked up so that she was quarantined until they knew if she was affected by the chemical.

Winn soon got another warning about the last World Killer. Unfortunately, this one was out there effecting people with her powers. This meant that the team was going to have to be careful not to get effected as well.

When the team got to the location, they saw that it was a clinic that was full of people who were affected in the same way. They just needed to find this Grace Parker and get her away from patients.

They finally found Grace and were able to surround her and everyone, but Kara pulled out kryptonite to use to slow Grace down if Kara was not able to slow her down.

"Grace, this is not you. You are a doctor. It is your job to help people, not to hurt them." Supergirl said.

"But it is so much fun to hurt people, especially with these new powers that I have." Grace said.

"Well, you need to stop this, or you won't like what happens next." Supergirl said.

"You are the only one here who can stop me, so I am not worried." Grace said.

That was when Green Arrow shot an arrow at Grace, and she caught it, but it exploded, and the red sunlight started to weaken her. That is when Arsenal shot a bola arrow that was made from red sunlight cables that held Grace in place.

No one notice that somehow White Canary and Guardian had been scratched. Obviously, the Kryptonian had caught them as they entered the building, and they didn't see her because of her speed.

They took Grace to the DEO to a containment area and locked her up. Soon Sara and James started to get sick like all the people who were at the clinic. They didn't know what was going on because they didn't know that they had been near the doctor to get effected.

"We need to find a way to save them, or they will end up dead like all of those people at the clinic." Alex said.

"We will get some blood from Grace and see if there is a cure in it." Winn said as he and Alex left to get the blood.

After testing the blood, they knew that the cure was in the blood, so they started working on a cure to save their friends and all the people who were still alive that were affected around the city. It didn't take long for them to work out a cure and distribute it to everyone who needed it. Once that was done, it was now time to focus on curing the World Killers.

"Ok, I am going to talk to my mother again and see if she knows anything that can help us with the World Killers. It seemed like she did the last time I talked to her." Kara said and everyone nodded.

"Mother, is there a way to cure the World Killers?" Kara asked.

"There is no way to kill them, but there is a way to split them. What I mean by this is, there will be a good and bad part of them. The good part will be like you and the bad part will be like Reign. You will have to stop the bad parts somehow. That will be up to you of course." Alura said.

"Ok, how do I do this?" Kara asked.

"You need some of the black rock known as harun-el. It was part of our planet." Alura said.

"I will have my friends scan for it. Thank you, mother." Kara said as she turned off the hologram and went to tell her team what she had found out.

"Ok, so there is a way to split the bad from the good therefore making it, so we won't have to kill Sam, Julia, and Grace." Kara said.

"Well, that is good. So, what do we need to look for?" Oliver asked.

"Winn, I need you to search for a black rock that has the same chemical signature as kryptonite because it is from Krypton. Check earth and in space as well. Let me know when you find it." Kara said as she left and went to rest for a while.

Oliver caught up with her and asked, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, it has just been a busy day. How about we head home and when Winn finds something we will head back here." Kara said and Oliver nodded as Kara picked him up and flew them home so that they could rest for a little while.

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