Chapter 27

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Kara had continued her training with Oliver and was becoming a great fighter because of it. She also had to take the time to train Sam in how to control her powers and also teach her the same things that Oliver had been teaching her, so that in case Sam lost her powers while out in the field, she would at least be able to fight back. That would be why the two of them were in the bunker working on their skills.

"So, I know that you have a general overview of what you can do with your powers, but I am going to make sure that you know how to use them perfectly, that way if you are ever alone out there, you will be able to take care of yourself and not hurt anyone too badly." Kara said.

"I would really appreciate that. I don't want to hurt someone so badly that they are injured for life." Sam said.

"We will make sure that doesn't happen, but for the time being, unless we really need the help out there, I want you to stay here and train. I don't want you out there before you are ready." Kara said.

"I can get on board with that. Are you also going to teach me how to fight like Oliver has taught you? I would hate to be out there without my powers and get my ass kicked." Sam said.

"Yes. We are going to work on that as well, but first we need to work on your powers since you haven't had them that long." Kara said and Sam nodded in agreement.

"So, what do you have in mind first?" Sam asked.

"I am going to make sure that you know how to control your strength. You can really hurt someone with that." Kara said.

"Yeah, I would hate to hurt someone because I forgot how strong I was." Sam said.

Kara and Sam worked on a lot of different things that would make sure that she could control her strength in her everyday life. Kara taught her through things like petting a dog and also punching a training dummy with only a quarter of her power, which still just about took the head off of the training dummy.

"Ok, so you did good with the dog. The training dummy is a different story. You will need to take even more off of your power. After that we will work on some other things, but we need to make sure your strength is under control first." Kara said.

"I think I am about where I need to be with the power of the punch. I will take a little bit more power off of my punch and see how that goes." Sam said and Kara nodded as she sent Sam to another training dummy that was still intact.

Sam went and took a swing at the training dummy and the head went backwards like it had whiplash but was otherwise intact. She smiled to herself and looked back at Kara who also had a smile on her face.

"Looks like you pick up on things just as quickly as I do. That is your Kryptonian brain at work. We process things quicker than most humans do." Kara said.

"That is good to know. I wish I had that during high school though. It would have made my classes a lot easier." Sam said.

"Yeah, it was nice having that in school. Although it helped that I had already learned most of the stuff that they were teaching in school once I arrived here." Kara said.

"So, Krypton was really that more advanced than Earth? I can't believe that is possible." Sam said.

"Oh, they were much more advanced than Earth is. We had technology on Krypton that will probably be another ten to twenty years before it is developed here." Kara said.

"That's amazing. Maybe your father can help push things along so that it won't take as long for some of these technologies to be developed." Sam said.

"I think that is the plan. He is working where he can help with that kind of thing. He was one of the top scientists on Krypton. The only problem is that my father was more into science than technology. He knows how most of it works, but he was never good at putting those types of things together." Kara said.

"I am sure he will figure it out. So, what's next?" Sam asked.

"Next, we will work on your heat vision. This power has a lot to do with your emotions. Mine usually works when I am mad or scared. After you figure out the emotion that works for you, it will be easy to get into that mindset and use the power whenever you need it." Kara said.

"So, how do you find out what the trigger is?" Sam asked.

"Let's try anger first and see what happens." Kara said.

Sam looked at the wall that they were aiming at and thought about things that made her mad, and that seemed to work as she shot heat vision at the wall. She turned and smiled at Kara who had a proud look on her face as well.

"That was quick. So, for now we are just going to work on these two powers until you have them down and then we will move on to some of your other powers." Kara said.

"Sounds good to me. I will work on this for a while. If I need any help I will let you know." Sam said as she started punching the training dummy and at a little less than a quarter of her strength which seemed to be working well for her.

She then moved on to working on her heat vision some more and was doing well with that too. It looked like she would be moving on to some other powers tomorrow. If Sam kept going at this pace, she would be out in the field before she knew it.

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