Chapter 16

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As all the heroes arrived at the Fortress of the World Killers, they saw that there was only one of them left. Obviously, Reign had killed the other two. Reign was about to jump into at pit that would lead to the earth's core and allow her to change everything so that it would be like Krypton. Kara, Zor-El, Alura, Sam, Julia, and Grace all attacked Reign before she could get into the pit. Lena had made the Three new team members suits so that they would not be hurt by the weapons that the team used like the rest of the Kryptonians. While they all had a hold of Reign, Oliver shot a red sun bola arrow at her to wrap her up. Thea did the same and the Roy did the same as well.

This seemed to be holding the World Killer at bay but then she was able to break free. Oliver didn't want to have to do this, but he knew that it was probably the only shot that they had. Oliver shot another bola arrow at Reign and wrapped her up again. Next, he pulled out a new arrow that he had Winn and Lena working on. It was a Kryptonite arrow that was different from the old ones. It had five times the power of the regular Kryptonite arrow, which would be sure to take the World Killer down for a little while at least. Oliver looked around to see that Thea and Roy had theirs drawn as well.

All three of the archers released their arrows at the same time and when they hit the World Killer, she screamed out in pain and passed out because of the power of the Kryptonite pulsing through her veins. She was essentially hit with 15 times the power of a regular Kryptonite arrow.

"Let's get her out of her before she is able to heal. We don't need her waking up until she is on Argo." Kara said and she and her parents picked up Reign and took her back to the bunker where the transmat portal was.

"Are we sure this is a good idea sending her to Argo? What if she still has her powers?" Thea asked once the other heroes arrived at the bunker.

"She won't have her powers there. There is no yellow sun there. You see how your arrows work against her. She is weakened by them. With her being under the dome and plus the fact that the yellow sun can not get through that. She will be rendered powerless." Zor-El said.

"Are you sure about that father? I don't want the rest of our people to die because you are wrong." Kara said.

"I have a contingency plan. I made some cuff that we will put on her and it is made of the Kryptonite that the archers just took her down with. She will be weak with that on, plus the fact that there is no yellow sun. That should work." Zor-El said.

"It seems like you thought all of this out very well Zor-El. I am glad that our people won't be able to be hurt by this woman once we put her on Argo. Maybe with time she will learn how to live there with the people, and she will be able to have a normal life." Alura said.

"That would be nice if she could do that. We will still have to destroy the portal though. We can't allow her to get back here, because she will be too powerful. The Kryptonite only weakens her temporarily here. With no yellow sun like on Argo, she will be normal like everyone else. She might be a bit stronger, but other than that, she will be normal." Zor-El said.

"So, who is going to go with her? We have to let your people know what is going on and why we are leaving Reign there." Oliver said.

"Zor-El and I will go. We might need Kara with us as well, but we will talk to the council and tell them what is going on and assure them that she will not be dangerous." Alura said.

"I am willing to go with you if you think it will help. Might need some of my arrows if something does happen to go wrong." Oliver said.

"I think I will go as well. Can't have to much help, you know." Thea said.

"I think that is a good idea. Two archers will help out in case my idea doesn't work they way that I am hoping that it will." Zor-El said.

"Ok, so are we ready to go?" Alura asked and all the others nodded to her saying that they were ready.

"The rest of you take care of the city while we are gone. We shouldn't be longer than a day though." Kara said.

"We will do what we can while you are gone. Once you get back, we will discuss what Grace, Julia, and I are going to do in the future." Sam said.

"I am hoping that you will stay on, but I understand if this is not the life that you want to live. It takes a lot of time away from your life, so I can't force it on you." Kara said.

"I know which way I am leaning, but I think we need to discuss somethings before I decide one way or another." Sam said.

"I understand. There will be plenty of time to talk about this when we return." Kara said as she and the others walked toward the portal and turned it on.

"Good luck." Sara said as they all walked through, and they were now on Argo.

"It really does feel different here. I feel less powerful." Zor-El said.

"I know. It is weird feeling like this being that I am used to having powers now." Alura said.

"I am just glad that I have yellow sun emitters in my suit so that I don't have to feel that way. Anyways, let's get a meeting with the council so that we can get back home. Maybe one day in the future we can spend some more time here, but right now we need to get back home because I just feel like something might happen if we are gone for too long." Kara said.

"I know what you mean. It is how I always felt about Star City. If I was gone, I thought that something would happen that the others couldn't take care of. I guess they are showing me wrong now aren't they." Oliver said.

"Yeah. Well anyways, let's get to that meeting with the council so that we can get back home before the two of you jinx us." Thea said as they all nodded in agreement and Alura went to call for a council meeting.

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