Chapter 26

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Things had been quiet lately when it came to the Children of Liberty, which was both a good and a bad thing. The good thing about it was that no aliens were getting hurt by these people. The bad thing was that most of the time when things were this quiet, it meant that the people were planning something big. It was just a matter of time before the team found out whether there were some big plans being put into motion by the Children of Liberty.

"I really don't like this. Things have been too quiet lately. I am afraid that the Children of Liberty are planning something big, and it will be hard to stop them." Oliver said.

"Well, with all of the help that we have on the team these days, we will stop them. It might take more time, but we will stop then either way." Kara said.

"I know we will. I have just seen something like this before on Earth 1, and it was bad until we found a way to end it." Oliver said.

"Everything will be fine. So, I have the day off today. What should we do?" Kara asked.

"I have no plans right now. I might go to the bunker and train for a while so that I can keep in top shape." Oliver said.

"You know, Lena and Winn made a room there so that I could go in and I would not have my powers. I would like you to teach me some of your fighting skills. I know I already have some training, but it could help to have a little more in case some day I lose my powers and need to take someone down." Kara said.

"I can teach you some things. Like you said, it is best to learn everything you can in case you need it one day." Oliver said.

"So, do we ride your motorcycle to the bunker or do you want me to fly us there?" Kara asked.

"I am feeling a bike ride. You can fly if you like." Oliver said.

"Nope, today is about being together. So, either we both fly or we both ride your bike." Kara said.

"Well, I guess that means that we are riding my bike then." Oliver said as he went to get dressed so that they were both ready to leave now.

. . .

When they got to the bunker they saw that Thea, Roy, and Emiko were already there doing some training of their own. They were working on their archery skills, which meant that Oliver would have some time to work with Kara on some things.

"Looks like the archery range is being used, so how about you teach me some new moves." Kara said.

"Yeah, let's go and do this. The sooner we turn you into a fighter the better. That way you can take care of yourself even if you do still have your powers." Oliver said.

"That would be nice." Kara said.

The two went to the room that was built to take Kara's powers away and they got to work. Kara was a quick learner because she was already able to stop some of Oliver's moves that he was throwing at her. It would still take a while, though Oliver knew that from what he was watching, that Kara would be able to be a good fighter in no time.

"You are picking this up really quick. You will be able to fight on par with James soon, but I know by the time we are done, you will be up there with the fighters that came from Earth 1." Oliver said.

"Maybe one day I will be on par with you." Kara said with a smile.

"That is going to be a while. You have to pass Sara first though." Oliver said.

"Yeah, I would say that she is probably the most skilled woman fighter that we have." Kara said.

"That is because she was trained by the League of Assassins, as was I." Oliver said.

"Maybe I should see if I can find them on this earth so that they can train me." Kara said.

"You don't want to do that. Once you are a part of the League, you can't leave unless you are dead, or you get released. The latter is the least likely to happen." Oliver said.

"How did you get out?" Kara asked.

"I killed Ras Al Ghul, their leader." Oliver said.

"What about Sara?" Kara asked.

"She was released because her girlfriend, who was Ras' daughter, came and tried to force her back in. She kidnapped Sara's mother and we saved her mother, but in order for her not to go after the Lance's again, Sara took a poison so that she would die. Nyssa released her because she didn't want to see the love of her life dead." Oliver said.

"Damn I guess there are no easy ways out of the League then." Kara said.

"The only person I know who was ever released without a fight is Malcolm Merlyn, and I believe he is the reason why it is so hard to be released until this day." Oliver said.

"What happened to him?" Kara asked.

"He tried to level a part of Star City. I stopped part of his plan, but he still got what he wanted for the most part." Oliver answered.

"I feel like I am missing something here." Kara said.

"Malcolm is Thea's father. He is dead now, but he was always a thorn in our sides. He is part of the reason that Earth 1 Laurel is dead. He killed his own son, who was my best friend in his undertaking. I let him live as long as he did because he was Thea's father. If it wasn't for that, I would have ended him a long time ago." Oliver explained.

"Sounds like everyone is better off without him." Kara said.

"You have no idea. How about we get back to your training. You are picking everything up fast. I say within the next few months you will be on par with a lot of our time when it comes to fighting." Oliver said as the two of them got back to their training.

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