Chapter 12

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It took a few days, but Winn was finally able to find what they were now calling black kryptonite in space, so that meant that Kara would need to a spaceship to get there. She was able to talk to J'onn and borrow his. That would be why Kara, Oliver, and Thea were all on J'onn's ship heading for what looked like a small planet as they got close to it.

They landed the ship on the outskirts of the city and decided to walk into the city to see what they could find. Before they left the ship though, Kara set the security that J'onn showed her how to use so that only Oliver, Thea or she could fly it without being electrocuted. The closer they got to the city, the more Kara thought that it looked familiar.

"I don't know why but this place looks very familiar to me." Kara said.

"Well, let's get into the city and get some clothes that will help us blend in better." Oliver said.

They got into the city, and they saw a store that sold clothes and went in and stole three robes that everyone looked like they were wearing. When they left the store, they looked around a bit more and that is when Kara saw something that she knew could be right. It was a set of columns that had her house's shield on it.

"This can't be right. That is the symbol for my family's crest. If this is what I think it is, I think we might be in Argo City." Kara said.

"What is Argo City?" Thea asked.

"It was the city that I lived in while I was on Krypton, but there is no way that is possible because I saw the planet explode." Kara said.

"Well, it looks like someone found a way to save the city. If this is really your home city Kara, I am very happy for you." Oliver said and Thea nodded in agreement.

Soon some people came out an surrounded them. The three lifted their hand in the air to show that they surrendered until Kara heard a voice, she never thought she would hear again.

"Stand down. We know these people mean us no harm. We have been watching them for a while now." The woman said.

Kara turned in the direction of the woman and her mouth dropped open in disbelief. "Mom, is that you?" Kara asked.

"Kara?" Alura asked.

"Yeah mom, it's me. I can't believe you are alive." Kara said as she went to her mother and gave her a hug.

"Your father was able to find a way to shield the city. I wish we could have kept you here with us, but we needed to make sure that you and Kal survived. Did he make it?" Alura asked.

"Yeah, he made it to earth twenty-four years before me. He was all grown up before I got there. I still looked thirteen because I had been stuck in the Phantom Zone." Kara said.

"So, who are your friends?" Alura asked.

"Oh. This is my boyfriend Oliver and his sister Thea. We are all heroes on my earth, although technically they are from a different earth." Kara said.

"So, the multiverse theory is correct then?" A man asked.

Kara turned around to see her father stand there. "Dad, I can't believe you are alive as well, but the multiverse theory is most definitely real. I have traveled between different universes as well." Kara said as she hugged her father.

"So, what brought you all the way here?" Zor-El asked.

"We are having problems with some of the bad guys on earth. They are known as World Killers and originate from Krypton. The problem is that they have two sides to them. They have this nice side that is in control most of the time for now, but the bad part will take over and they don't remember any of it. We are trying to help them." Kara said.

"So, what is it that you need?" Alura asked.

"We need a small piece of the black rock that is stored here." Oliver said.

"We should probably run this by the council first, to make sure that they are ok with this." Zor-El said.

"Zor-El, I don't think that is necessary. We can spare a piece of the rock to help them." Alura said.

"I guess you are right. Come with us." Zor-El said as he and Alura guided them to where the rock was kept.

They made sure that no one saw them chipping off a piece of the rock and then Kara put it in the pocket of her robe. When they were done, they all exited the room and went to Kara's old house, which was pretty much the same she remembered it.

"Is there anyway we can get you to stay for the night so that we can catch up with you some more?" Alura asked.

"I think we can do that, but I was actually hoping that the two of you would come with us so that you can see earth. It is a very beautiful planet." Kara said.

"I think we can arrange that. We will have to let the council know that we might be gone for a while though." Zor-El said.

"I will go and let them know that we will be gone indefinitely. Who knows, we might get there and like it and decide not to return." Alura said as she went to call a meeting of the council.

Later that night after dinner, Zor-El and Alura were packing up all their things so that they would be ready to leave in the morning. Once they were done packing, everyone went to sleep so that they would be able to leave early in the morning.

The next morning the five of them went and got into J'onn's ship, which they thought might be too small for all of them, but thanks to the Martian technology, it was able to change into a bigger ship that fit all of them. They took off and were soon headed back to earth. They knew that all their friends would be getting quite the surprise when they arrived back home with two extra people in to. A good while later, the ship had finally made it back to earth and the two new people gathered all their things with the help of Kara, Oliver, and Thea and then they were soon headed to Kara's apartment to unload everything before they went to meet up with the team and give them all the news.

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