Chapter 49

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It had been a week since the team had announced their identities to the world and everything seemed to be going ok with that so far. Of course, they all knew that someone would get the smart idea to come after them in their civilian life, but they hated what would happen to the criminal if they did. All of them had each other's back and if one of them got hurt, the rest of the team would not rest until the guilty party was found and taken care of.

Kara was now at work in her new position and there was a knock on her door. She looked up to see that Cat was standing there.

"Come in Mrs. Grant. What can I do for you?" Kara asked.

"I was just coming to check on you and see how things were going for your first week at your new job." Cat said.

"Everything is fine. It is a lot of work, but it does help that I have superspeed. It allows me to finish everything just as quickly as anyone else would. Especially if I have a busy day as Supergirl." Kara said.

"I guess that would come in handy. Anyways, what about your life since you became a public hero?" Cat asked.

"It has been great so far. I can be myself and not have to hide who I am from everyone. That can get really tiring after a while." Kara said.

"I am sure it does. What about the rest of the team?" Cat asked.

"They seem to be ok with it as well. I think they like the idea of being able to be free and not have to hide anything as well." Kara said.

"That's good. Well, I will let you get back to your work. Let me know if you need any help on the days that get real busy in your other life." Cat said.

"I will. Thanks Mrs. Grant." Kara said and Cat left her office letting Kara get back to work.

. . .

That night the team had already been out on patrol and had come back to the bunker so that they could go home. Once everyone had changed and they were all gathered in the command center, Kara asked, "How has everything been going for you now that you are all public heroes?"

"Everything has been good so far. I have had tons of people coming up and thanking me. I didn't know what to expect at first, but I have to say, as of right now things are better than I thought they would be." Thea said.

"Yeah, I would have to say the same. Everything has been positive for me so far." Alex said.

"Good. Anyone had anything negative yet?" Oliver asked.

"I did have someone walk up to me the other day and say that we are all the reasons for all of these attacks on the city over the years. I know that is not the truth, but I can also look at it objectively and see where the guy was coming from." James said.

"Yeah, I guess I can see what they were saying. It does seem like the big issues that we face weren't really here before we started protecting the city, but at the same time those events were going to happen anyway. It was just a matter of time before Non tried to use his device to control everyone in the world." Kara said and the other nodded in agreement.

"That is true. So, how is married life?" Sara asked.

"It is great. I never thought I would be this happy in my life." Kara said and Oliver nodded as well.

"Yeah. Everything has been good with married life. I am happy. Kara is happy. What else could we ask for?" Oliver asked.

"Good point. So, is there anything else that we need to do tonight?" Laurel asked.

"Nope. Feel free to go home when you are ready." Kara said and most of the heroes left to go home for the night.

Oliver and Kara stayed back for a while to work on their training and they were also surprised that Thea and Roy stayed as well. "I thought you two would have gone home like the others." Oliver said.

"I could use some training. I won't say that I have been slacking off lately, but I will say that I haven't been as willing to work on things like I used to be." Thea said.

"Well, in that case, I am glad that you are trying to get back on top of things. What about you Roy?" Oliver asked.

"I go where Thea goes." Roy said with a shrug and they all had a laugh at that.

"Keep that in mind for the rest of your life Roy. If you keep your woman happy, you will be happy." Kara said.

"Is that how it works with you and Oliver?" Thea asked.

"You know the answer to that, Speedy. You used to always talk about it when we were younger, how I would do anything Laurel asked me to do. So, what do you think I do now?" Oliver asked.

"So, I guess you are saying that Kara has you wrapped around her finger." Thea said.

"I wouldn't go that far." Oliver said and Thea had a smile on her face since Kara was behind Oliver nodding her head, confirming what Thea already knew.

The four of them went and worked out for a while. The archers also did some target practice and while Kara worked on her fighting skills and also her cape skills that she had learned from Mon-El. Once they were done they all went and took showers and then changed into their civilian clothes.

As they walked out of the changing area, they met back in the command center and looked at the computers to make sure that nothing was going on that needed their help before they went home and there was nothing. "Well, everything looks good out there for now. Let's head home and get some rest." Kara said and the other nodded and they went home for the night.

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