Chapter 24

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Everything seemed to be somewhat quiet right now in National City. The only problem that the team was having was a group known as the Children of Liberty. However, they didn't seem to be causing too much trouble as of right now, so this was enabling the team to get used to their two new members by sparring with them and also going out in the field to stop petty crime.

"It seems like Emiko is coming along when it comes to working together with the team. Laurel is having a bit of a harder time working with everyone else." Kara said to Oliver.

"I know. I think it has something to do with the fact that Emiko has been working with a team of sorts for years, where Laurel was just out causing havoc that was helping the cause of other people, but as a whole she was working by herself. Just give her some time. She will come around if she is anything like Earth 1 Laurel." Oliver said.

"I hope so, because that scream of hers will come in useful against some of the bad guys that we will face." Kara said.

"Yes it will. Dinah's sure did come in handy at times when I was on Earth 1, and I think we should start calling it the Canary Cry, since that is what it is." Oliver said.

"I agree. So, what do you want to do tonight?" Kara asked.

"How about we stick around the apartment tonight and just relax. I know that things will probably open up with the bad guys very soon, so we better take advantage of resting as much as we can." Oliver said.

"I agree. How about we invite our siblings over and we will make it a family night?" Kara asked.

"I like it. I will make the calls since I don't have much to do at L Corp today, and you seem to have a busy day ahead of you at Catco." Oliver said.

"I do have a busy day. I have to write a story on how the President's new Alien Bill is affecting the city. I think it is a good thing, but I know that there are alot of people who do not because they don't want Aliens here." Kara said.

"I am sure once you get all of your research done and have different perspectives it will be a great story. Just remember that you need to be as unbiased as possible or people might figure out that you are an alien as well, and if they do that, they might be able to figure out that you are Supergirl." Oliver said.

"I will do my best. I will see you tonight. I need to get to work." Kara said as she flew out the window.

"I wish I could get somewhere that quick. Oh well, I have thirty minutes before I need to leave. Better finish getting ready." Oliver said as he got finished dressing and then left to go to work as well.

. . .

Later that afternoon, Oliver was cleaning up the apartment when Kara flew in and blurred around and Oliver looked again and everything was clean. "I wish I could do that. It would be nice to have all the time in the world to just relax for a while, like we do now. So, Alex, Sara, Alura, Zor-el, Thea, Roy, and Emiko will be here in an hour. They all seemed interested in having a family night."

"Well, that is good. So, what is the plan? Are you cooking or are we doing take-out?" Kara asked.

"I was thinking about take-out, that way we can all relax and not have to worry about cooking." Oliver said.

"I like the way you think. So, what are you thinking? Chinese?" Kara asked with a hopeful smile.

"That among other things. I say everyone should order what they want, no matter where it is from." Oliver said.

"That works for me. So, where is Emiko anyways? I thought she would be here by now." Kara said.

"She is busy at work, still getting her feet under here." Oliver said.

"That makes sense." Kara said as there was a knock at the door.

Oliver went to answer the door and Roy and Thea were waiting for him and Alex and Sara were walking around the corner. "Come on in guys. Once everyone gets here we will decide what we want to eat." Oliver said as his sister and her boyfriend walked in followed by Sara and Alex.

"This place is clean. Let me guess, Kara just sped around here to clean like fifteen minutes ago?" Alex asked.

"You know me so well." Kara said with a smile.

"Well, I have known you since you were thirteen." Alex said.

Not long after, Alura, Zor-El, and Emiko arrived. Now they were able to order their food and relax while they had fun with the company that they were in. They decided to play a couple of games while everyone was there. Everyone did pretty well except for Alura and Zor-El, who were trying to get the hang of what was going on in the games that they played.

"This is harder than some of the games we used to play with you Kara." Alura said.

"It's ok mom. It took all of us a while to figure the games out as well." Kara said.

"Yeah, I remember when I was teaching Kara how to play some games when she first arrived on Earth. She wasn't very patient and I think she burnt quite a few of them with her heat vision." Alex said.

"I wasn't that bad." Kara said.

"Oh, you don't think so? I remember one year for my birthday mom got me board games that I already had because you destroyed them." Alex said.

"Ok, you are right. I was not very patient when it came to the games, but I did finally learn them." Kara said.

"That is true. So, how about we get back to the game before it gets too late." Alex said and the rest of the people there nodded as they got back to playing the game and having fun for the rest of the night.

A New Life on a New EarthOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz