Chapter 29

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Oliver, Thea, Roy, Laurel, and Sara were now entering the meeting for the Children of Liberty and this was definitely going to work to their advantage, because unlike when they are out in the streets, these people were not wearing masks. The cameras that the group were wearing would get picks of everyone so that the team could make up a file on everyone so that they would have everything that they needed once it was time to start taking these people down. This was just a recon mission tonight though. Oliver had a suspicion that this Agent Liberty was not the one who was really behind all of this, so he knew that they needed to find a way to get leverage on this man, so that they could get to the real leader.

"Wow. These people are a bunch of idiots. You should always wear masks at something like this in case someone is here that is against you. Like we are." Laurel said quietly into her earpiece.

"Yeah, tell me about it. It's like they think no one can get to them here." Sara said.

"I wonder if Agent Liberty will wear his mask. It will be easy to identify him if he doesn't." Thea said.

"I hope he isn't that smart, but he probably is, so it might be harder to figure out who he is." Oliver said.

"I see a lot of people that I recognize here. I never would have thought that some of those people would be here." Thea said.

"I know what you mean. I hope we don't get too many surprises tonight." Roy said.

"You know, if I was still the person I was a couple of years ago, I would probably join this group." Laurel said.

"Yeah, we know. I am still surprised that you are with us sometimes." Thea said.

"You know that I am sorry for what I did to all of you when I first came to this earth. I just had gotten so used to being bad that I didn't know there was another way." Laurel said.

"I know you are sorry or I never would have let you come here with us for a new start. Don't make me regret that decision though." Oliver said.

"I am not planning on it. If you weren't with Kara I would probably be hitting on you because you are the doppelganger of the love of my life." Laurel said and Thea couldn't help but chuckle.

"What was that about Speedy?" Oliver asked.

"Whatever earth that we are on, it all seems to be the same. At one point in time Oliver and Laurel are together." Thea said.

"You do make a good point. It does seem to be that way on all the earths we have been to. Even from what Barry said about Earth-X Laurel had a thing for her Ollie as well." Sara said.

"Ok, enough about that. Let's get back to the task at hand and get as many of these faces back to Lena and Winn so that we can know who all of these people are." Oliver said, stopping that train of thought and getting everyone back on the task at hand.

A few minutes later everyone started to quiet down and a man walked out on stage with the suit that Agent Liberty usually wears and it seems that this man was dumber than Oliver thought because he was not wearing his mask.

"This might be easier than I thought. This idiot isn't wearing his mask. I didn't think he would be this dumb." Oliver said.

"I know who that is. His name is Ben Lockwood. He used to be a good person, but he and people close to him kept getting hurt by the three alien attacks that we have had in the past three years. He became bitter after that. He even approached me once about helping his father's company, but it wasn't profitable because Nth metal was better than steel, and his father ran a steel factory." Lena said over the comms.

"What do you think would cause him to do this though?" Thea asked.

"I think I heard that his father died because of the latest alien attack. I think that pushed him over the edge." Lena said.

"That would do it." Laurel said since she knew that losing someone that you love could definitely change your view on things and make you do things that you wouldn't normally do.

"The meeting seems to be about over. Do you guys have everything that you need back at the bunker?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, we have all of the pictures as well as the information on Lockwood. Get back here so we can decide what to do next." Kara said over the comms, knowing that they needed to end this as quickly as possible because they heard that things would be amping up on the Children of Liberty's part.

. . .

"So, what are your thoughts on what we learned from all of this today, Oliver?" Kara asked once the whole team was at the bunker.

"I don't know why, but I don't think that Lockwood is the true leader of this organization. I think he was made the face, so that the real leader can stay in the shadows and not get in trouble if they somehow get taken down." Oliver said.

"That actually sounds like a plan that my brother would have, but that would be impossible since he is in prison now." Lena said.

"Maybe we should keep an eye on things in that prison, just to be sure." Kara said and Winn nodded as he went to the computer and pulled up the footage of the prison so that they could keep an eye on things.

"It is good that we now know most of the members of the group so that we can give the police their information if they need it." Sara said.

"Yeah, we are already ahead of the game with knowing who all is involved. This has been a good night as a whole. Winn, find out everything you can about these people and make a folder on all of them. It will make it easier when or if we ever have to go after them." Kara said and Winn nodded as he got to work.

"Alright. Let's go out on patrol and then we can go home." Oliver said as everyone suited up and left the bunker for their patrol.

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