Chapter 6

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The past week had been really weird for Kara. First, they find a spaceship that is under the ground, so she gets J'onn to transport her and Oliver down to the ship. Once they were inside, they found Mon-El was on the ship and he was trying to find a way to get the ship to work so that the rest of the passengers could stay in stasis. Another pod opened in the ship and it was a woman who they soon found out was Mon-El's wife from the future. Kara thought that this would bother her more than it did, so she attributed that to her being with Oliver now.

Oliver got to know Mon-El and he found out that he was a good guy. Oliver decided to ask Mon-El a question. "Hey, now that you are here, I was going to ask you a question. I have to be in hiding on Earth 1 when we go to Barry's wedding. Do you mind if I use your appearance for the wedding?" Oliver asked.

"I think that would be a good idea since they all probably think Kara is still with me anyways." Mon-El said.

"Thanks." Oliver said.

"No problem." Mon-El said.

Now everyone was getting ready to head to Earth 1 for Barry's wedding. Kara was able to get two more invites for the wedding that were for Thea and Alex. Oliver and Thea used the Martian Tech to turn into the person they were going to be the whole time that they were on Earth 1. Oliver was going to be Mon-El and Thea was going to be Nyssa.

Once they arrived, they checked into a hotel and then went to meet up with their friends. Barry met the four of them and told them what would be going on for the next couple of days. Kara, Alex, and Nyssa/Thea would be going out with the women to the spa. Mon-El/Oliver would be going with Barry to look at suits. This would be the perfect time for Oliver to talk to Barry.

Barry and Oliver stopped by STAR Labs for a few minutes and Mon-El/Oliver asked if he could talk to Barry in private. Barry took him to the time vault were there were no cameras and listening devices.

"So, what's up man?" Barry asked.

Oliver let his disguise disappear and said, "Hello Barry."

"Hold up. Is it really you Oliver?" Barry asked.

"Yes, it is really me. Did you think I would miss your wedding?" Oliver asked.

"Well, being that you are supposed to be dead, yes I did." Barry said.

"So, you have been on Earth 38 this whole time?" Barry asked.

"Yep. So, how is everything going around here?" Oliver asked.

"Everything is going ok. So, are you ever going to come back?" Barry asked.

"No, the Feds will be on me as soon as I show my face." Oliver said.

"I can understand that. So, are you and Kara just playing as a couple to make the Mon-El thing believable?" Barry asked.

"Surprisingly, no we are not. We are really dating." Oliver said.

"That's great. Let's just hope that Felicity doesn't find out." Barry said.

"That I can agree with. So, how about we go and pick out that suit for you?" Oliver asked and Barry nodded as they went to the store with Oliver changing back to Mon-El before he left the room.

The girls were having fun at the spa, getting massages, manicures, and pedicures. Once they were done, they all went to change and get ready for the rehearsal dinner.

Mon-El/Oliver met up with Kara, Alex and Nyssa/Thea and then they all got changed and made their way to the rehearsal dinner. Once they were there, they enjoyed themselves. Mon-El/Oliver tried to stay away from his old team as much as possible. He didn't want them to figure him out. Joe got up and gave a speech since he was acting as Barry's father since Barry's parents were both dead.

A New Life on a New EarthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora