³¹ Cheveux roses

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"That explains us sleeping together then," she forced herself to speak. "That makes more sense rather than you willingly sleeping beside a blood-sucking being."  Who would anyways? Ivory thought to herself.

Tom wanted to tell her that he would do it willingly.



Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Maeve was being  suspicious.

Since potions class had started, Ivory noticed her seatmate being evasive about her whereabouts yesterday. She would ask if Matthew and her enjoyed their time away from them back at Hogsmeade and the brunette would just shrug it off and discuss another topic. Matthew was the same in Transfigurations and this led to Ivory's curiosity growing.

"Knock it off with all the questions Ivy," Matthew huffed as Professor McGonagall reminded them to turn in their homework at her office tomorrow. 

She quickly waved her quills and scrolls into her bookback and followed him out of the classroom. "Why won't you just tell me?" she asked exasperatedly, "The longer you refuse to answer, the more my curiosity grows." 

Her cousin only shot her a glare and tried to walk faster in hopes of shaking the girl off of his side. But Ivory grabbed his robes and clung into him, managing to walk alongside the irritated boy.

"Tell me or I'll be forced to write to your mother," she threatened, making him stop in his tracks.

"Blackmailing me now, are we?" he sighed, looking at the frowning girl.

"Well, it's not like you've given me much choices Louis," she answers, calling the boy by her nickname for him.

"Fine," he concedes as they continued to walk towards a quiet corridor. "I will tell you but you must promise not to tell anyone."  Ivory gave it a thought and nodded, urging the boy to tell her.

"Maeve and I, we went out to apparate."

A smack echoed throughout the halls as Ivory slapped Matthew's head with the palm of her hand. The boy hissed at the painful contact and rubbed at where she hit him.

"Bête!" Ivory nagged, calling the boy dumb in their native language. "Why would you do that? That's dangerous Louis! Didn't your small pathetic head realize that at least?" Her eyes went wide and brows furrowed as she nagged at the boy. "Sure you are capable of this stupidity but I expected more from Maeve."

"It was my idea, I urged Maeve to come with me," Matthew defended the brunette girl, to save her from the reprimanding of his cousin.

He went on to tell her that the two wanted to experience the muggle world, so they explored the streets of London, going to strange places—well, strange for them anyways. After another round of nagging for incompetent and dangerous use of magic, Ivory went off to her next class.

Matthew walked away with a drag in his step.



Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

History of Magic was a boring class for many, Ivory included.

As professor Binns talked about the Salem witch trials, Walburga tried to talk to her about what she should wear for the Christmas dinner her parents will be having. Ivory couldn't care to bother so she just ignored the girl and continued to write notes.

But she suddenly couldn't read.

It was a spell. Someone had casted Illegibilus on her and she turned around to see whoever that was. A platinum-haired boy caught her attention with the smirk he has plastered on his face, mischievous blue eyes looking at her from the left of the room.

With a scowl, she flicked her wand in Abraxas' direction and with a glow, his hair colour started changing from stark white to a vibrant pink.

"Nice hair, Malfoy," she quipped, which made the other students look in his direction.

Laughs emitted in the room as they laughed at hus new hair color, a matching blush crept up his face as he glared in Ivory's direction. After professor Binns told both of them of, they both removed the spells they gave each other. She was just happy the professor didn't give her detention.

The class ended with a lecture on pranks from Professor Binns.

"Lavigne." Ivory heard Abraxas call her. She didn't have a chance to look back as he was already dragging her by the arm.

Always the grabbing, Ivory grumbled to herself.

"What is it Malfoy? If you want an apology then you're not having it." She yanked her arm back, making the boy roll his eyes at her.

"I'm not seeking an apology, Ivory. What I want is to know where you went with Tom yesterday," He replied in a hushed tone.

"Curious to know where your boyfriend went off to?" This was her turn to roll her eyes, her words sardonic. As Abraxas shifted his eyes away from her and licked his lips, she found the answer. "He didn't want you to snoop, I'm gathering."

"No," he shook his head, "Forget I asked," Abraxas said as he started walking away from her. But when his figure turned the corner, he turned to speak to her one more time before disappearing further, "And don't joke like that again." 

A small curve started forming on her lips as she started to walk towards the opposite direction. "He didn't want anyone to know that he slept with me then," she hummed to herself, a smirk now resting on her expression.

She had no idea that that wasn't the only thing Tom wanted hidden.

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