Giving Asiel a lunch break, I grab the needle and put a thread through it. Stitching is like my second language. Once I let out a nervous breath, I bite down on a towel and push the needle through my skin. The fiery sensation spreads through my shoulder worse than before as I keep a steady rhythm.

The faster, the better, unless it's sex.

This shit always makes the time drag out like years are passing by. Finally, I get to the last stitch and pull the thread tight, making a knot before cutting it off. A powerful urge to cry and celebrate stirs in my eyes, but I don't have the energy for both.

"Let me wipe it down," Asiel says, nuzzling my ass against the bathroom counter. "Then you can head to bed." He wipes down my shoulder blade, leaving the stitch looking nice and clean.

"Without you?"

"Yes, without me."

A frown mars between my eyebrows. "I don't understand. Did I do something wrong?" My heart jams in my airway. "I don't like this feeling. Tell me what I did wrong."

"What you did wrong?" He laughs, a snarky grin on his face as throws the trash into the garbage. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing, Mika. You can never do anything wrong. You're perfect."

The sound of his tone isn't sincere, coming off more condescending. Anxiety trickles through my bloodstream. Asiel is being a bit passive-aggressive, but I couldn't figure out why.

A frustrated sigh escapes me as I tug my hair down from my ponytail. "Why do I feel like you don't mean that as a compliment? Asiel, I can't read your mind. If you're mad at me, then tell me. Don't stand there and be such an asshole."

"You want to know what I'm so angry about?" He shouts, flinging the trash and missing the garbage.


He steps forward, one hand cradling the back of my head while the other clutches my cheek. "I could've lost you tonight, Mika!" he explodes, and I immediately shut the fuck up. "You don't get any of this because you don't love me. I meant it when I said I was yours. Losing you-- just the thought of losing you-- rips me apart. I can't take it. I won't be able to survive it."

My mouth slacks open in shock, but I'm truly floored- unable to respond. Asiel's eyes are dark, wild, livid with passionate anger. It's nothing like I've ever seen before.

"Mika, I'm nothing without you. You help me turn into who I am today, and I'll crumble like a skyscraper without you. It's stupid to be upset, but watching Luka hurt you,  nearly kill you-- broke me. You can't sacrifice yourself for me. I rather die a million deaths than be the reason you aren't here."

The warmth emitting from his skin has me falling into his touch. "I know love is a touchy subject for you, Mika, but I love you. I'm so in love with you-- I swear my heart beats for you only. You don't need to love me back-- it might be too much to ask of you, but I love you to the point of no return. I have enough love for the both of us. J-Just don't leave me."

He drops his forehead on mine, his hot breath causing goosebumps to erupt on my skin. It's a bittersweet moment as I digest all his words and his assumptions about me. He thinks I couldn't love him back? That's far from the truth. It takes a full-fledged demon to be immune to Asiel's affection.

Asiel breaks away, wiping his eye as he heads to the hallway.

My chest burns-- I can't keep it inside anymore. "Why are you the only one who has the right to fight? I was... scared. So fucking scared, Asiel. It's like I couldn't breathe, if you weren't in my sight." I stomp forward, shoving his chest until he slams against the door. "You promised me! You promised you would be fine! I don't want to lose you, Asiel. I can't do this without you. I can't walk away from us anymore."

Tears bubble up in my eyes, and the first one spills down my cheek.

Apparently, I'm fucking dam ever since I met him.

"All of my life, it's always been me, myself, and I. There wasn't anyone I could trust. My parents, Diablo, the cartel-- they all failed me. But I've always picked myself up, marching forward, but lately-- it's not the same anymore." I lick my lips. The only sound in my ears is the pounding of my heart. "I can't imagine my future without you being in it. Asiel... I love you."

Shock washes over his face before the harsh lines spread across his face. "M-Mika. Don't joke with me. Please. Don't say things you don't mean."

My voice breaks. "I'm not joking, Asiel." I wipe away more tears. "It's taken me a long time, but it's here. I don't fully understand how all this love stuff works, but everything you said-- is the same way I feel. I'll die for you. I was trying to ignore it-- afraid of what this can lead to, but you make me so happy."

The butterflies in my stomach go on an adventure, causing every inch of my body to tingle. "Love was never given to me. So, I'm not exactly sure what's next, but out of all the constellations in the sky-- I'm happy you are my star. If there was supposed to be one person on this earth that would teach me about love-- I'm so fucking glad it's you."

My breath knocks out of me when he slides his fingers into the hair at the back of my head, his other hand delicately cupping my cheek. My core tightens, melting at the sight of those big emerald eyes. I can't believe I said it. The words we both thought I would never say.

"You remember that promise I made on the night of my birthday dinner?" Asiel says, electric wires coursing over the areas he's touching.


His finger drags down my bottom lip, his eyes bouncing from my mouth to my eyes. "It was fucking stupid of me to make a promise I knew I couldn't keep."

"Wh-." Asiel consumes my unfinished sentences when he thrust my face forward, slamming his mouth against mine.

Hehehehehhehehe... I've been waiting to upload this chapter for like EVERRRR!! ☺️☺️Mika and Asiel finally 💋💋 like wow, round of applause!!!

*bows* thank you thank you!

I'm actually surprised that no one mentioned how they haven't kissed 😂I thought it would be a big deal but maybe just to me. I'm a sucker for kissing scenes😝.

I think this was one of the first chapters I thought of when I wrote Mika, and I couldn't wait to write it and once I got to it— my mind went blank like I didn't know how I wanted it to go, but I hope you guys loved it and made your heart swoon when Mika declared her love for Asiel!!

Character development right? This is only a snippet since you just see them kiss 🥹🥹you guys want the next chapter?

Also who's pov you want the next chapter in Asiel's or Mika's 👀?

I think this is one of my favorite chapters. I love a lot of the later chapters too— I can't wait to read your comments I'm literally so excited to share this moment with you!!

Love ya💜❤️💜❤️

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