A Completely Normal Day

Start from the beginning

"You know Bosha. You have no room in saying what is weird looking." He said, standing up and walking around the table.

"What does that mean?" Bosha raised an eyebrow at the boy.

"It means that you look like a weird, completely unimportant background character from Monsters Inc."

Boshas Expression changed from smirking to one of confusion. "I don't know what that means, but I am feeling offended."

Yn got closer into her face. "As you should." He smirked and then stepped back behind the table to Luz.

"Well, it wasn't really funny, Bosha..." Luz muttered looking at the table.

"What are you going to do?" Boshas taunting attitude returned as quickly as it disappeared. "Spit venom at me?"

"You have venom? Quick Luz! Yn! Start melting their faces!" King demanded tugging on Luz' Leg."

"No we sadly can't do something like that." Yn said with a shrug.

"And even if we could, it wouldn't be worth it." Luz crouched down to eye-level with King.

"Yeah, she's right." Yn sighed as He crouched down as well. "Sadly it wouldnt be worth it."

"No! You gotta assert dominance!" King exclaimed. "If you don't do it I will! I'll show you how to do it!"

"Yeah sure. The best you'll get is an aw. You just don't understand teenagers." Yn said as King climbed onto the table.

"You will tremble before me!" The small demon roared once he got onto the table.

"Oh, he's so cute!" Bosha gushed. She grabbed King from the table and pulled out a scroll, taking a picture with her hugging him. "How much? I have to own him." Bosha Said as King tried to free himself from her grasp.

"How much you got on you?" Yn asked, crossing his arms. But that question just earned him a bonk from Luz.

"Ouch..." While he rubbed his head King somehow got free from Bosha and jumped in the table.

"He's not for sale." Luz quickly stated.

"Yeah. And besides you couldn't afford me sister!" King sassily said wagging his finger around. But much to his dismay the group of teens only awed at his outburst.

"That is the incorrect reaction!" King yelled, glaring at the Teens. And even though Yn was amused by King embarassing himself, he slowly got fed up with Bosha and her friends.

That's when Eda poked out her nose from the tent's opening and sniffled around. "I smell an easy mark!" She jumped out of the tent, landing in front of the teens. "Hey Kid! Can I offer you the lastest fashions from the...Human Realm?" She magically dressed herself in horribly clashing human clothes with a lot of ridiculous accessories added to the mix.

"Yeah..No." Bosha said before she and her friends walked away, while laughing at Eda.

"Well..." Eda transformed her outfit back to normal, before crossing her arms with a frown. "I hate her."

"Looks like we have something in common." Yn sighed and put his hands behind his head.

"Yeah, teens can be a sour, but I'm a little sweetie." Luz said holding King. "Look what I've made you!" She pointed up at the glowing sign.

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