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@AlyssaAndKeyDaSimps requested some fluff from me and I was more than happy to oblige!

I wrote this story when I was at camp (on paper blarg) and I think it's pretty cute :)

And uhhhh humans. Will literally not work otherwise. lol.

Editing assistance was by LemonBery !!! Ty my friend :)


Nightmare wasn't sure if he enjoyed having someone sit above and behind him or not. He was humiliated and embarrassed at the fact that he was sitting on the steps to his throne rather than on it.

To add to his discomfiture, it was Dream of all people who was sitting behind him on his throne.

Dream was humming a tune Nightmare didn't recognize as he brushed out Nightmare's long, black hair. His hair reached down to his shoulder blades and was very soft. He had a 2a hair type, which was vastly different from Dream's blonde, short, 3c hair.

Dream loved brushing through Nightmare's hair. He loved getting rid of all of the knots and snarls that would plague his hair throughout the day. He would brush it out himself in the morning and in the night, to make sure it always looked perfect and striking every moment of the day.

Dream liked to brush it out as well, and when Nightmare was busy doing paperwork or other irksome tasks, he would come into whatever room Nightmare was in and would brush it out. Dream always started from the bottom of his hair and slowly made his way to the top.

He would brush it carefully; gently. Once it was soft and stunning, Dream would consider it a job well done. Anything less was entirely unacceptable for Nightmare for he deserved only the best.

Dream loved running his fingers through his hair, as well as putting his face into it, giving Nightmare gentle kisses on the back of his neck.

Dream would always brush Nightmare's hair in spurts in the day, only lasting about 30 minutes at most. Today was different, however. Dream decided that today he didn't want to do that and opted to sitting Nightmare down and do it all in one fell swoop.

It was quiet in the throne room, not a word had been said between them. Nightmare was surprised that Dream hadn't said something sarcastic or mocking towards him yet. Especially considering the position they were in.

Nightmare kept his arms crossed, leaning against his knees; he felt like a child. God how he despised it.

Dream was so quiet, Nightmare couldn't remember a time when Dream was ever quiet. He was humming softly to himself and listening to Nightmare's breathing.

"You're awfully quiet today." Nightmare commented, running his thumb over his nails as Dream undid out a snarl. "No sarcastic quips for me? No curt comments?"

Dream sighed, a reaction Nightmare wasn't expecting. He expected a scoff, a gasp of anger, or maybe even a yank of his hair from Dream, but not a solemn sigh.

Dream set the brush he was using on the right arm of the throne and placed a hand underneath Nightmare's hand, tilting his head back. Nightmare raised an eyebrow at Dream, whose bright golden eyes were staring right back at him.

Dream leaned down and pressed a soft peck to his lips, "Am I not allowed to just love you?"

Nightmare glanced away for a moment before looking back at him, with a brief, soft smile.

"You can love me. I think that's okay."

Nightmare reached up to grab Dream's face, pulling it down to give him a longer, more heartfelt kiss. Dream giggled for a moment as he pulled away and Nightmare let his arms drop.

Dream pushed Nightmare's head off of his lap and got back to work on brushing out Nightmare's hair. He had gotten about halfway done and was now working on the middle section. The middle section was always the fastest to go through since Nightmare always brushed it out in the morning and the night.

Nightmare allowed himself to sit a little looser than before, feeling less humiliated and more secure. Dream was an honest man, if he wanted to be soft and sappy for the day, Nightmare wasn't going to stop him.

Nightmare found the sensation of Dream running his hands and the brush through his hair pleasant, and he had to stop himself from leaning his head back to get Dream to do it more. He would never admit he found the action soothing and serene, of course. But goddamnit did it feel nice.

Dream was almost finished with his hair since he was now going from the top of his head to the tips of his hair.

"Can I put your hair in a braid?" Dream asked, placing his chin on Nightmare's head.

Nightmare shooed Dream off of his head and huffed, "Only if it looks nice."

Dream did a quiet cheer, agreeing to Nightmare's terms, and pulled out a teal hair tie from his jeans pockets.

"I'm going to do a five-strand braid." Dream told him, "It's very regal and you'll look very handsome."

Dream tilted Nightmare's head back, looking straight into his eyes, making sure that was okay.

"That's fine. And I better look regal, divine even! If I don't I'll force molten silver down your throat."

Dream's face shifted into a mixture of shock, apprehension, and aversion.

"Nightmare." His voice shook slightly, still comprehending what Nightmare just said.

Nightmare glanced away, a slight pang of guilt forming in his chest.

"Apologies." He muttered, running his thumb over Dream's cheek. He used his hand to grab onto Dream's, intertwining their fingers.

Dream gave him a passionate kiss, slipping a bit of tongue into it.

"I love you."

Nightmare pecked his lips, giving him a small, lopsided smile, "And I love you."


Boys boys boys :))

I've been more inspired to write lately!!! So hopefully that means more chapters in the future :)

987 Words

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