Headcanons #5

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Fuck yeah here we go

CW - A couple of hcs talk abt sex n stuff so be wary if you don't like that stuff (it's not super explicit dw)


Nightmare likes really extravagant, expensive, and formal dates. He will often take Dream to dances, balls, masquerades, and whatever formal event he has taking place.

Nightmare will often style Dream up with outfits that match his own (much to Dream's dismay).

Dream, on the other hand, prefers either really obscure, out there dates or NO TECHNOLOGY ONLY WILDERNESS.

He likes to take Nightmare to like theme parks and country fairs (which Nightmare HATES but he'll tolerate it for Dream) type things.

He also loves to take Nightmare geocaching, camping, or just plain camping when he feels outdoorsy. Nightmare tolerates this a bit more than the other set of dates Dream likes to take him on.


Nightmare loves dressing Dream up.

Dream, uh, does not.

Nightmare will often steal Dream away for days at a time and essentially use him as a life-size dress up doll.

Dream hates it, but Nightmare loves making him look "so cute and perfect". He loves teasing Dream when he does it as well.


Not a headcanon but both of them would have the exact same star chart and I think that's hilarious.


Even though they are together, Nightmare is still a villain. Nightmare will go out and do his whole "I have to make the Multiverse suffer bwahaha" thing and Dream will come and stop him.

Neither side no longer fights until on the brink of death, but instead incapacitation.

This can be done in a multitude of ways, by making the battle last so long until one side passes out, gets restrained, tickling, etc., etc.

When they also fight, they sound more like a married couple than before.

Dream will also threaten no cuddles, which can usually make Nightmare stop.


Nightmare's nicknames for Dream are as follows:


Dream's nicknames for Nightmare are as follows:

-My King
-My Love in various languages
-NEERRRRRRRD (he says it exactly like that every time)


Dream once gave Nightmare an in-depth list of his kinks, and Nightmare was not prepared at all for what was on it.


Dream hates being spoiled and Nightmare hates spoiling Dream in particular so their relationship works really well in that department.


Nightmare is a wine man while Dream prefers beer.


Nightmare's favorite form of jewelry are rings, while Dream enjoys earrings.

As birthday/Christmas/anniversary/Valentine's Day gifts, Nightmare will often give Dream new earrings or take him to get new piercings, and Dream will get Nightmare a ring or two.

Nightmare also loves it when Dream's kisses his rings (while he wears them, ofc).

Dream accidentally ate one once.


Nightmare is a savory person while Dream prefers spicy food.


(Before commenting on this one, pls know the difference between Dom/Sub and Top/Bottom ty)

Both of them are top-leaning switches.

Every time it's a fight of domination and who wants to give in first.

Sometimes, one of them simply gives in to the other.


Nightmare is actually well versed in the makeup industry and is actually quite good at it. Dream let's him practice doing different styles and types of makeup on him sometimes.


This ones a lil longer than the others ones

You better have enjoyed it >:(


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