"Hang in there Sung. We'll be out of here in no time." Taeil said to him before throwing another dagger.


Taeyong, Mark and Johnny made it to where the rest of them were.

"Where's Jungwoo?!" Taeyong said to Jaehyun.
Jaehyun pointed to a rock.
"Jaemin and Ten are with him right now. But we need to get him out of here."

"The rest?" Mark asked.
"Fighting for their lives."

Johnny and Mark started to look for them.
"I'll go to Jungwoo. We need to leave now." Taeyong said to Jaehyun before running to the rock.

"Oh my — I almost fucking killed you hyung—"
Jaemin said as he put his gun down.
"How is he?" Taeyong asked as he crouched down to see what happened.

"I don't know... he's been shot in the shoulder and leg.." Ten said to him. "And this is technically his first mission out on the field so I don't think he's holding up so well.."
"Alright... Ten, I need you to help me bring him out. Jaemin, I need you to keep watch and some what protect us as we bring Jungwoo out." Taeyong said as he lifted him up, ten helping him.

Jaemin nodded his head.
"Yes sir."

"Whoever is alive, which I'm hoping is all of you. Retreat now. And I mean NOW. We have all the injured people. Whoever you're fighting, hurry up and kill them and just run." Taeyong said through the ear piece.
"Everyone give me a sign that you're alive..."

"Glad to know that you are." Sungchan said.
"I'm still here..." Jeno said.
"I just made it to the van with Yuta Hyung." Xiaojun said.
"I almost died but that's for another time—"
Yuta said.
"Me and Haechan are with Jisung, Hana and Taeil... we managed to get here without anymore casualties.." Hendery said.
"Im right behind you." Mark said.
"Same here." Jaehyun said.
"Me too~" Johnny said.
"Is that everyone?" Kun asked.
"Don't forget me. I'm still alive." Lucas said.

"Alright then... let's all go to the vans. Alive please."
"Yes sir!" They all screamed.


Taeyong and everyone that was with him all ran to the vans.
"Go go let's go!" He said. "All the injured people go with Winwin and the medics!"

Everyone got into the vans before they all drove off.
Some of the un injured ones peeked out the window and shot some phoenixes that tried to shoot their tires.

There were 3 vans in total, one of them with all the injured people including Haechan and Hana.

He was sat down at the back as Hana was lying down, her head on his lap.
He watched as her chest rose up and down softly.

Shotaro had given Haechan a blanket to put over her body since she had no top on.
He was also very worried.
I mean who wouldn't be?
That's his older sister.

When Shotaro saw the state she was in, he wanted to burst into their base and kill whoever did this to her.
Needless to say, another member had already done that job for him.

Haechan had one hand on her head and another on her own hand.
He was stroking her hair softly.
He missed her presence dearly.


Everyone had gone to their own base besides the really hurt ones. They all went to 127's base to be treated by Taeil and the rest of them.
Hana being one of them of course.

"Haechan Hyung just sit still. You also need to be examined—"
"Go help her first! I'm not important right now." He said as he pushed Yangyangs hand away from him.

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