• Chapter Sixteen

Start from the beginning

"I understand a hunnid percent and I ain't mad at that.." Amir nods his head. "I gotta' lot of love for the person you used to be back then—.."

"I'm still HER Scar! Why do you keep talking as if all the love between us is in the past?" She pleads with him. "Tell me that she understands you like I do, that she loves you like I do.. people like her don't come from where we come from. You don't belong in her world baby.."

Amir loved Kauner, yes but the love he had for Sasha was different. They came from the same place and they grew up together. She knew him back when he was skipping school and slangin' dime bags for the infamous Memphis hustler Lou.

"What'chu want me to say? Huh?"

"Tell me that you choose me, that you'll love me and come home to me. Amir I love you so much, let me show you." Sasha fell to her knees in front of Amir, prying her body in between his legs so that she was brushing up against his crotch. "Let me prove it to you."

Amir didn't know how to react, his first instinct should've been to push her off of him but he had never seen her like this before. The outspoken, shit-talking girl he met when he was seven was begging for his heart and that little boy in him wouldn't let allow him to turn his back on her.

Shortly after Sasha's mom and stepdad moved next door to Amir's grandparents house, she confessed to him what type of games her stepdad would force her to play whenever her mom would go to work. That's when he started letting her sneak in through his window and sleep on his bedroom floor. He swore that he would always protect her from whoever or whatever.



"Ma'am I'm going to need you to calm down." The detective tells Milan as Kyran and Kauner both attempted to comfort her.

"Don't tell me to calm down! This is my fucking shop!"

Minutes ago, Milan's shop was up in flames in the middle of Midtown. Most of the fire had been contained but they were still working to get it completely under control.

They were still at Kauner's parents' house when she got the call from her security company. She didn't even have time to deal with the confirmation of her pregnancy with Shi's baby.

"One of the first officers on the scene has an eyewitness who says he saw two female assailants fleeing the property a few minutes before it burst into flames. They were driving a white Mercedes Benz c300."

After talking with the detective about the assailants, Milan and Ky piled up in Kauner's G-wagon and she drove them all back to Milan's loft where they decided to stay the night. Even though Kauner was going through it already, she knew how important it was for her to be a good friend at the moment. Plus she didn't really want to be alone.

He didn't show it, but Kyran was having a hard time too. His clothing business was thriving but his personal life was the one thing that never seemed to align with his expectations.

Per usual, he was having thanksgiving dinner with Kauner's family because thanksgiving with his family consisted of him sitting at center of the fifteen foot dining table while his parents sat at either end. In complete silence.

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