Chapter 4: The Entangled Threads

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Zhan didn't know what happened. This last few days after rescuing Mr. Wang's grandmother, he found himself going in and out of the hospital just to visit the kind old lady. He keeps on remembering  his Aunt Cheng and his deceased Grandmother Xiao because of her. His friends and most especially his Shijie urged him to never forbid himself from visiting the old woman. They say they supported his decision and if doing so will make him happy? They won't oppose and instead support him.

During his visits, he kept in mind to bring foods for the old omega and it was embarrassing to admit but he didn't neglect to treat Mr. Wang a meal, all the time. He really loved it, when the alpha finished his meals everytime without even leaving any crumbs behind. It made him happy but he restrained himself from overacting, not in front of the alpha.

Surprisingly he found himself being at ease whenever Mr. Wang was around. He didn't bother to join in the conversation between his grandmother and him but he knew he was listening to them. He hasn't verbally thanked him for preparing his meals but those warm eyes and simple gestures like nodded his head, those made Zhan happy. His cooking skills were being acknowledged and that's what matters to him.

Mr. Wang was a man of few words. Always had that indifferent face, cold demeanor and even expression. He never saw him smile once but he knew that the alpha wasn't dangerous. He wasn't just fond of talking and smiling. But whenever he talked to his grandmother, his tone became gentle, so as his eyes. He was different from those alphas out there. Additionally, he happened to know that Mr. Wang was a picky eater. In the past he always consumed not even a half of the proportion on his meals, but now? Seemed like the problem was being solve. But suddenly, a thought popped and it made his mood sour and even frowned. Maybe the alpha doesn't want him to lost a face, so he was leave no other choice but to eat everything and didn't dared to leave anything behind. Maybe it was because of gratitude, that's why he did it.

The old woman laughed when she saw the young omega frowning. Even with such expression, Zhan always managed to pull this adorable image. She always wanted an omega grandson or granddaughter but there was no avail, they were all alphas. So she was so overjoyed having Zhan by her side, to spend time with and talk to him.

She knew her grandson Yibo was interested to Zhan but it saddened her to know that Zhan was pregnant and maybe he even had a partner already. Zhan and her grandson, they will surely make a great couple, but she won't insist her demands. She wasn't so cruel to make young couple apart because of her greed and she knew Yibo wouldn't do such a thing.

"Why do you keep frowning A-zhan? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Zhan was brought back into reality once again, after hearing Grandma Wang's voice. He silently reprimanded his self . He kept on thinking about Mr. Wang and it wasn't appropriate to do, so he diverted his attention back on the old lady.

Shaking his head, he answered. "I'm fine, Grandma Wang." Then flashed a gentle smile that made the old woman smile too.

"Is it really alright for you to visit me everyday? Maybe your partner doesn't want you to-

But the old woman halted and stopped talking when she saw Zhan's reaction. The young man was taken aback by her words and she saw it, fear registered and flashed within his eyes then instantly vanished. But the trembling of his hands cannot escape from her sight. She instantly knew that something wasn't right and immediately regretted that she asked and spoke without even giving it a deeper thought nor considered the other person's condition.

Zhan dismissed his thoughts about that horrifying events, that took place during that night and smiled. "It's okay, Grandma. No one will get mad and I enjoyed being with you. So don't worry about it and focus on your recovery, alright?"

The Alpha's Beloved (BL) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora