Chapter 1: Driven Away

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"You insolent bastard!"

In fear that something will happen to his unborn child, Zhan embraced his self protecting his flat tummy. Though it was only two months, Zhan feared that something will hapen to the small bean in his womb. He was trembling and tears won't stop falling. His eyes were already swollen, the corners were red from too much crying. The Xiao's patriach was looking at him with disgust, so as his stepmother.

He wanted to explain, that he was raped and it wasn't within his will to have sex with an alpha and got pregnant afterwards but in the end he had chosen to keep his mouth shut. Realization hit him, two days earlier, someone spread the rumors that he was dating a senior within his university, an alpha to be exact and some even said that they saw him went to the club and secretly meet that alpha. So what else could they think? They will automatically conclude that he went out to have sex with his lover. But Zhan didn't, neither did he have an alpha boyfriend. His stepbrother told him to meet at the back for he was scared that something might happen to him, due to this he went after them then this happened. He was attacked, molested and raped by someone. 

Chu Yuyuan, his stepbrother was looking at him with this triumphant smile plastered on his face. His fists turned to balls and glared at the man. But his stepbrother seek for his mother's help.

"Why are you glaring at my son?!"- the Madam snapped and raised her voice at him, then she burst. "Yuyuan helped you. He tried to persuade you not to go out and meet with you lover. He told you to cut ties with that man. Yet you gave yourself to that man! You became a disgrace to this family! And now you had the audacity to treat my son like this? Glaring at him as if you're planning to do something bad at him?! You!"

Mrs. Xiao took a few steps backwards,  almost losing her balance. Her face grimace and clutched her chest and glared at him. His eyes widened in horror. He cannot believe that this is happening to him right now. He turned to look at Yuyuan aggrieved expression, his eyes immediately turned red like any moment by now tears will fall. He watched at his stepbrother performance, looking so aggrieved, so pitiful. He was faking it, but with other people's perspective, especially his Dad, he's  not. They firmly believed at his lies, with those fabricated stories.

"Please Zhan-shixiong, stop acting like this and admit your mistakes. Dad might forgive you if you will, so please stop denying it."

His jaw dropped because of what he heard and saw. Yuyuan's expression. He was crying, while hugging his mother, with those round eyes and red nose, along with tears running down his cheeks. No one would believe him even though he was telling the truth.

He turned to face his father with one last hope, he might change his mind and believe him, or somehow give him a chance and a right time to explain.  But he was face by a slap.

"Your brother did all he can to protect and even persuaded you to cut ties with that man but you! You became a slut and open your legs for that Alpha! You really became my disappointment Zhan! You omegas were only good for reproduction, to be breed and nothing else. Get the hell out of my sight before I'll change my mind and might murder you instead."

His father motion for him to leave. Holding his swollen cheek, his hand reached out to hold even just the hem of his father's shirt. "Dad, that alpha is not my boyfriend. I was  raped Dad. It wasn't within my will to-

"Silence!" -His Dad yelled at him, staring at him with those mad red eyes. Tears were also threatening to fall from the old man's  eyes.  "You made me even mad at your kind Zhan. You omegas cannot conceal your nasty sides, luring and seducing any alphas, spreading your legs at any man you desired. You disgust me! "

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