Chapter 6: Legal Separation

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The scent of sterilize room  and the unusual odor of newly washed bed, mixed with citrusy scent of oranges, infiltrated Zhan's nose. Opening his eyes he was welcome by a white ceiling, as he stared at his side, he saw Yibo talking to a doctor.

"It's better to take care of your wife, Mr. Wang. If this happens again, I am afraid that the patient's life and the baby will be in danger. " - the doctor said, fixing his glasses with a concerned expression.

Yibo nodded his head, then the doctor bid his farewell. Zhan wanted to complain. He wasn't Yibo's spouse. He doesn't want to create a misunderstanding and put the alpha at an uncomfortable situation. Yet, his throat felt dry. He feels like he hasn't drink even a single drop of water for days. He tried to sit up straight and leaned at the heardboard, fixing his posture.

A glass of water appeared in front of him. Looking up, he saw Yibo looking directly at him with a serious expression on his face. He bowed his head and took a gulp, then finally thanked the alpha in a hoarse voice.

Memories of what happened before he was rushed in the hospital, came into his mind. He bled and was admitted here in the hospital. Maybe, it was because of psychological issues and even stress, that's why it happened.

He was grateful that Yibo was with them when that happens. He was the one to react and thought of what to do. Doing everything with rationality, for the others especially Xuan Lu started panicking. He carried him for the second time around.

He bit his lips and glanced back at the alpha. His hair was disheveled, his usually neat and tiddy appearance changed. He wore wrinkle white polo shirt andhis necktie was loose. He doesn't have his coat on and he had dark circles beneath his eyes. Moreover, his complexion became even paler, which added to this cold aura that he had. Yibo still looked handsome but this time, tiredness was really evident in his face. Zhan cannnot help but feel guilty all of a sudden. He had a feeling that he was one of the reason why the alpha looked like this. So he bowed his head, feeling a little bit ashamed.

"I'm sorry." -Zhan mumbled in a small voice.

Yibo sighed and sat beside him, but still hasn't forgotten to not get close with him and left a few inches in between them.

"Don't be. Just take care of yourself and be more careful next time."

Hearing Yibo's words, Zhan nodded his head and looked up again. The alpha expression soften and looked more relax and at ease. His eyes trailed and follow the alpha's next move. He reached out for the oranges at the side tabe. He managed to grab one and tben started peeling it off. His lips curved upward. The alpha had started doing such an act, meticulously. It was amusing to witness Yibo doing simple task like this, seriously.

After finishing, Yibo handed it to him and simply said.


Zhan didn't refuse and took the fruit from Yibo's hold with a silly smile plastered on his lips. Yibo saw it but said nothing and let the omega be. He was just grateful, that Zhan is fine, right now. In additional, his grandmother was already discharged three days before Zhan was rushed in the hospital. 

After that, his Uncle caused a huge uproar in his company. He bombarded him with questions and complaints. Demanding Yibo to answer him, why did he change his  decision and give an important project in building a hotel in Beijing to someone else, when in fact it was the alpha's decision to give the solely authorization to him yet during the last minute, before he will present his proposal, Yibo's secretary came to him and told him that he won't be the one to manage that project anymore.

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