Chapter 35: "Everything is Under President Wang's Control Part 2."

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"You want me to pretend to be Zhixin's ally? You want me to collect evidences against him? Are you two kidding me? Why would I do such a thing?"

Nonglian defended and wanted to refuse their offer. Yuyuan looked at him in disbelief, smirking and even feeling a little bit disgusted.

"Yes and it's for you to accept our offer or not. I won't force you." -Yibo bluntly said. He didn't even blink when he said those words, looking straight at Nonglian.

Nonglian gritted his teeth and turned to look at Yuyuan. The omega looked at him serious. The hatred in his eyes were visible making him more annoyed.

The omega snorted and avoided his gaze away from him. Nonglian silently cursed. Yuyuan ran away after giving birth to their son. That made him furious, he didn't know how the man escaped from the villa. His men searched everywhere but they didn't found him. It was too late for him to realize that Yuyuan might came back to Zhan, to seek some help. 

Yibo stood up. What irritates Nonglian even more, before Yibo leave, Yuyuan and Yibo shared a glance. There seemed a tacit understanding between the two of them, then Yibo leave.

But before Nonglian could approach Yuyuan, the omega motioned for him to stop at his current position. The omega didn't want him to stay close nor touch him. Nonglian regretted it. He wasn't planning to marry Yuyuan. His initial plan was to take the child's custody and then chased the omega away from their household.

But the moment that Yuyuan escaped, he found his self longing for the omega's presence. He knew how Yuyuan reacted as a spoiled and evil hearted man in the past but those moments that they became closer, staying under the same roof together. There were sides that the omega unintentional showed to him. He likes sweet things and gardening. Yuyuan act like an evil person toward Zhan but beyond those mean and deceitful eyes, lies sadness. Maybe it was his defend mechanism to act tough and hurt orher person so that he could protect himself.

His trail of thoughts were caught off when he heard Yuyuan's voice.

"I am not threatening you nor will make a deal that if you will help us, me and our son will return to your side. I truly wanted to give you a second chance, Nonglian. For I know that no one will accept me for who I am, except you."

Yuyuan were being truthful to his words. Nonglian was stunned to hear his statement and what even surprised him was the reality, something that Yuyuan had revealed to him.

The omega showed his nape to him, seeing that supposed to be a rose mark turned into vines with thorns, traveling from his nape and was threatening to reach his chest. Nonglian lost his ability to talk for a while. He was staring at Yuyuan's nape  and then he gritted his teeth. How could Yuyuan be so stupid. He already his plans, he was going to use the child to force him to marry him and had his ways with his family's wealth and then all of a sudden, he decided to be a good mother and then took their son and runaway? Nonglian could only curse and swallowed his anger back.

His heart aches when he saw the omega staring at him with those glossy red eyes. It seemed like his tears will fall any moment by now. It became worst when Yuyuan finally cried and he choke a sob. He thought that Yuyuan's pale complexion was just a disguise for him to fall for their trap but it was real. Yuyuan was suffering from a rejection mark.

The omega tried to wipe his cheeks dry but huge crystal clear tears continued to fall, streaming from his eyes down to his cheeks. He shook his head and then complained to him.

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